Than inexpensively sheathe a garage from the inside: an overview of materials and installation technology

Many car owners do not know how to cheaply sheathe a garage from the inside. For people who spend all their free time near the vehicle, the decoration of the room is of particular importance.

If the materials are selected correctly, then they help maintain cleanliness in the garage, make it more convenient and comfortable, and also contribute to the careful storage of the car and all tools.

Do I need a casing?

Many are interested in whether it is necessary to do the lining of a metal garage from the inside, like any other buildings of this type for storing vehicles. If we consider the exterior work, they will make the building outwardly more beautiful. And the frame structure will also be protected from the effects of environmental factors. But inside the garage, nothing is threatening, at first glance.

In fact, interior decoration is also necessary, since the walls of the building will be protected from this side (from mechanical damage, moisture, dirt and other things).

The second aspect is aesthetics. In a comfortable environment it is much more pleasant to work. And in the garage, vehicle owners usually spend a lot of time.

Also, finishing is needed in case of building insulation. The material will protect such layers so that they do not lose their properties.

Material requirements

Choosing how to cheaply sheathe the garage from the inside, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of such a technical structure. Cladding material must meet the following requirements:

  1. Strength. It is necessary to choose a coating that is resistant to loads of various types.
  2. Resistance to aggressive chemicals. A lot of combustible materials, acids and more are stored in the garage. They pollute the walls and floor.
  3. Fire resistance. Most vehicles are flammable. Do not allow the spread of fire in the garage.
  4. Immunity to sudden changes in temperature. It is especially important if you plan to install a heating system.
  5. Easy to care. In such a room there is always dirt, so the walls and floor should not absorb it. In addition, you need to choose such material for cladding the garage from the inside so that it is easy to clean.
  6. Ease of updating. Ideally, materials that can be easily updated or further protected with paint and varnish are recommended.

When choosing materials, you must take into account such requirements.

PVC panels

Than it is inexpensive to sheathe a garage from the inside, few know. However, there are many budget finishes. For example, PVC sheet.

PVC panels

The advantages of the material include:

  • low cost;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of need for painting or other additional processing;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • little weight;
  • low cost of repair (you can replace one panel without removing all the others).

The disadvantages include low strength. If you hit the panel, then defects will appear. In addition, the sheets are susceptible to sudden changes in temperature. Such material is suitable for garages that are not heated.

But when asked how to insulate the garage from the inside with your own hands, you can use slab mineral wool. To do this, you need a frame. By the way, PVC panels are also installed either on it or directly on the wall.

Calculating the number of panels is easy. It is necessary to calculate the entire length, and then divide by the width of 1 sheet. It is recommended to purchase 2-3 products more in case of deformations during transportation or during operation.

To fix the PVC panels to glue, the latter is applied to the wall and to 1 side of the sheet. The wireframe method is more labor intensive. The surface must be washed and dried. Then make markings to set the first bar and draw vertical lines for the profiles.

First, the side rails are installed, and a rope is hung between them. Thanks to this, the lines will be more even. At the corners, the internal profiles are mounted, and at the bottom - the starting one. After that, set the bar.

Wooden lining

Lining is usually made of coniferous wood. For the garage, you need to choose options that are saturated with a special anti-fire compound. Also, the lining should be treated with antiseptic agents.

Wooden lining

The advantages of the material are as follows:

  1. Cheapness. This option is available to almost everyone.
  2. A wide range of products, natural shades and texture.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The material is safe for humans.
  4. Strength. It withstands loads and is durable.
  5. Resistance to frost.
  6. Easy installation. There are special protrusions and recesses on the parts that facilitate the process.

As for the disadvantages of wooden lining, they are as follows:

  • has increased hygroscopicity;
  • there is a risk of mold, attack by insect pests;
  • may ignite, but the risk is reduced after flame retardant treatment;
  • it is difficult to clean the skin from stains (to eliminate such a problem, it is recommended to varnish the surface).

Many do not understand how to sheathe a garage from the inside with a clapboard. But the technology is simple. As with PVC panels, they first mount the frame, and then install the parts on it.

Before installing the lining, it is necessary to treat the walls with antifungal agents so that mold does not appear.

Ceramic tile

If you are interested in how to cheaply sheathe the garage from the inside, then ceramic tile is perfect.

Ceramic tile

It has the following advantages:

  1. Strength. It withstands high loads.
  2. Physical parameters Resistance to moisture and frost, fire resistance.
  3. Ease of care. It is enough to wipe a ceramic tile with a rag. You can even use tools with abrasive particles.
  4. A wide range of products. It is best to choose clinker or porcelain for the floor and walls. The tile should be non-slip, matte.
  5. Nice appearance. The surface will look neat and beautiful.

But there are also disadvantages:

  1. Enough weight. Best installed on concrete or brick walls.
  2. The cost of the material and its installation. This is not the cheapest (compared to others) option.

When using cement mortar, it will take more time. But you can use special glue.

Putting on a perfectly plastered surface. To ensure that the distance between the parts is the same, crosses are placed on each corner of the element. Many people prefer to finish the walls with tiles only up to 150 cm high, and plaster and paint everything else.


Car owners are often interested in whether it is possible to sheathe a garage from the inside with drywall. For such purposes, you need to use a material that is highly resistant to fire and moisture. The product will have a red marking, the inscription "GKLVO", and the sheets themselves are usually grayish-green.


The benefits of drywall include:

  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to fix tiles, relief plaster on top.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • not suitable for small garages, as due to the frame they are reduced even more;
  • low strength (but if there is a lining, the problem will disappear).

Drywall sheets must be fixed to the walls with special glue or on a metal frame. The latter option is used when the walls are very skewed, as well as if it is planned to do insulation.


If you need inexpensive material for cladding the garage inside, then plastering is suitable. This option is simple, fast and economical. Walls become strong, durable and fireproof.

Stucco garage

Plaster is best suited for concrete, brick and aerated concrete surfaces. As a basis, it is recommended to choose a cement-sand composition.

When the plaster dries, it must be painted. Facade options are best suited, as they have repulsive properties with respect to dirt and moisture, and immunity to chemicals. The surface is easy to clean.

The only downside is that the application of plaster requires appropriate skills. Otherwise, all defects on the wall will be immediately visible, and at the first sharp changes in temperature, cracks and peeling will appear.

OSB sheets

Oriented particle boards are excellent for arranging insulated walls. Such sheets are made from a mixture of wood and special additives. It is best to use products labeled OSP-3 or 4.

OSB sheets

The material has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature, moisture, fungus.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • material may ignite;
  • harmful substances evaporate within 2-3 months from the date of sheet creation.

After installation, the panels must be primed, and then their coloring is only allowed. Instead, you can attach ceramic tile to the glue, thereby increasing fire safety and making sheets less dirty.


Another option for facing the garage inside is corrugated board. It is a steel fusion profiled type, which is coated with a polymer and paint composition.

Steel sheets

The advantages of corrugated board include:

  • will last a long time;
  • does not burn;
  • quickly mounted.

As for the cons, that is, the likelihood of rust. You need to install on a wooden crate - the same as with the lining.

Floor, ceiling and door finishes

The roof for the garage is usually flat. So that water after precipitation does not get into the room, waterproofing is required. The most common finish is plastering and painting. Usually a PVC panel is used. This is a convenient, practical and cheap option. In addition, it allows you to make insulation.

The garage floor may be as follows:

  • concrete painted;
  • tiled;
  • bulk of concrete;
  • wooden.

All of these options are simple, practical, and inexpensive.

Many are interested in how to sheathe the door in the garage from the inside. The most common thermal insulation options are polystyrene foam, penoizol, mineral wool, polystyrene foam. And on top they already cover with any of the above material, which is used for wall cladding.


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