Provisions in Article 21 of the Russian Federation

The laws and the Constitution of the Russian Federation are created in order to protect and protect the citizens of their country. That is what Article 21 states.

All articles are created so that human rights are not violated and infringed. So, article 21 is aimed at specific goals:

  1. The dignity of each person is protected by the state, and no one has the right to infringe on his rights.
  2. Protection of the population from violence, torture and other rude relations with citizens. Forced coercion to medical and scientific experimentation is also prohibited by law.
Colorful books

Sections of the article

As a rule, the article is divided into parts in which all legal norms are described in detail, for example:

  1. According to the first part of Article 21 of the law of the Russian Federation, a person is under the constant protection and protection of the state.
  2. Part 2 - No one should be subjected to violence and humiliation.

All of these provisions are based on article 21 on human rights. It also states that a person born in the country is a free person, and no one has the right to subject a person to violence or humiliation. Each citizen of the country has his rights, duties and freedom of choice. Referring to all the provisions referred to in Article 21 of the Russian Federation, a person has the right to respect and freedom. All these requirements must be taken into account for each citizen, regardless of his social status and rank.

When creating laws on the protection of citizens, the state must take into account all the rules and not violate personal space, not interfere in personal life. In addition, norms must be created that allow a person to follow their traditions and religious customs without violating the law.

Article 21 guarantees the citizens of the country that even after death, his rights will not be violated, and state authorities will not encroach on them.

Law and punishment

Legislation and law

Every citizen of the country must be safe, even if he has broken the law. Article 21 protects even those people who have committed a crime and convicted under the law. A person who breaks the law should not be subjected to physical torture and humiliation. All persons deprived of their liberty remain protected even in places of detention, this provision is a guarantee that a citizen is protected from torture and ill-treatment. All this is registered in the KRF.

Article 21 of the Federal Law

In addition to the Constitution, there is federal legislation. On the basis of Article 21 of the Federal Law, the deadlines for the execution of judicial bodies are regulated. The article includes several sections:

  1. Clause No. 1 states that acts issued by a court of law may enter into proceedings within three years from the date of entry into legal force.
  2. Clause No. 2 indicates that all overdue documentation of arbitration courts may be provided after three months.
  3. Clause No. 3 indicates a period of two months for presentation of a court decision.
  4. Clause No. 4. Normative acts with the requirement to recover delinquencies in payments may be submitted for implementation in three years.
  5. Point No. 5. All applications for the resolution of a labor dispute shall be submitted within three months.
  6. Item No. 6. Debt collection documentation must be provided within six months from the date of its return.
  7. Paragraph 7. Judicial statements on violations of citizens may enter into legal force within three years after creation.

If you follow the law, then all judicial acts and documents must be submitted within three months, but there are other terms. That is why you need to know all the nuances and study the exact timing of the application before applying to the judiciary.

Concepts of Enforcement Proceedings

Court and laws

The Law on Enforcement Proceedings was officially adopted on September 14, 2007. It is valid to this day, but it is worth considering the changes that were made in July 2017. There are several principles on which enforcement proceedings are based:

  1. Legality.
  2. Relevance.
  3. Respect.
  4. Immunity.

Consumer rights Protection

Article 21 of the Law β€œOn the Protection of Consumer Rights” indicates that upon the purchase of low-quality goods it can be replaced within seven days. If such a situation arises, and the seller does not have exactly the product that the consumer wants to replace, then the replacement can be carried out within a month with the consent of the consumer. If the seller needs more than seven days to replace low-quality goods, at the buyer's request he must provide alternative goods for a long period. At the time of replacement of the product, the warranty period is re-calculated from the date of purchase. In the Far North, the exchange can be carried out on time for the next delivery of goods. An afflicted buyer must be provided with a new product that has not been previously used and is under warranty.

Man at the table

The buyer may demand from the seller to compensate him for moral damage and return the money for the goods without exchange. All this should happen by agreement, without prejudice to both sides.


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