Proper sharpening chains for chainsaws: some subtleties

In order for the chainsaw to reliably serve and work at any time of the year, you need to carefully monitor not only its engine, but also the chain, which is also an indispensable component of this cutting tool. The performance, speed and quality of work as a whole depends on how correctly it will be sharpened. If the teeth of this device will not cut the material well, the load on the engine will increase, while the rotation speed of the saw will decrease. In order to prevent all this and maintain this device in good condition, you need to know how the correct sharpening of the chainsaw chain will be made. We’ll talk about this today.

chainsaw sharpening

How to identify a malfunction?

First, find out when it is necessary to sharpen the teeth. The main symptoms that the chain requires sharpening is the reduced speed and rotation of the saw, as well as a different kind of chip. With the last symptom, you can see the characteristic dust on it, while the sawdust will look like needles. In addition, the unauthorized movement of the saw may be the main symptom. During work, she begins to wag and even becomes uncontrollable. If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, you definitely need sharpening the chainsaw chain. An electric power tool, of course, can restore teeth very quickly, but if you use this device only for personal purposes, it makes no sense to buy such a workbench, because buying it will be unprofitable. Therefore, below we will consider how chains are sharpened for chainsaws using a conventional file.

sharpening chainsaw chains

Choose file diameter

First decide what size the chain is, and based on the readings, calculate which file diameter is best for you. For example, for a 1.3 mm circuit, a device with a width of 4 mm should be appropriate. For the cutting side of 1.6 millimeters, select a 5.2 mm gear. Also use a flat file to remove the cutting tooth stops.

correct sharpening chainsaw chains


And now a few words about how to sharpen chains for chainsaws correctly.

  • First, when working with a file, observe the processing angle, which will determine the sharpness of the device at the output. This value should be about 30 about . In order not to use additional devices, for such cases on each of the teeth there is a notch indicating the maximum angle at which the chains are sharpened for chainsaws.
  • Secondly, pay attention to where the chain will be placed during processing. To clamp it tightly, use a clamp or a vise. Only after the chain is well fixed on this device, you will be sure of the order of their actions and the quality of work performed.
  • Thirdly, sharpening chains for chainsaws does not always require processing of the limiter with a file. It does not so often fail, and therefore does not need regular sharpening. If the height of the cutting part does not correspond to the norm, and the saw begins to move from side to side, only then process this section.


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