Moss Agate: Spiritual and Healing Properties

The most beautiful representative of chalcedony is moss agate. It got its name thanks to a drawing that looks like plant branches.


Agate is a translucent mineral that has grown together with iron oxide, hornblende and oxide crystals. All these components most often have the form of a tree of brown or green color. The decorative qualities of stones depend on the placement, clarity and color of the picture. Also, the mineral may contain impurities and cracks.

Appearance options

There are several versions of the origin of moss agate.

According to one legend, the beautiful chalcedony was first found in Yemen on the Red Sea near the city of Moha. That is why it got its name “moss-stone” or, as it is now called, moss agate.

moss agate
However, scientists tend to stick to other, more realistic versions. They suggest that agate is named after the Achates river in Italy, or its name comes from the Greek word agates (joyful, healthy).

The documentary description of the gem first appeared in the oldest treatise "On the stones." It was noted that the mineral has high artistic and decorative qualities. It is highly polished and easily inserted into jewelry.

Moss agate jewelry was often found in the oldest burials in Africa, England, and Russia. The mineral came to Europe thanks to the crusades. In the literature, the ancient name of the mineral is sometimes found - agate stone.

Beautiful vessels, snuff-boxes, souvenirs and caskets were carved from large moss agates. Many of these products are now stored in museums in different countries. For medicinal purposes, it is best to insert chalcedony in jewelry made of silver and copper.

Moss Agate. Where to find this miraculous stone?

Moss agate deposits are located in Brazil, Armenia, Scotland, Eastern Siberia, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Australia, the USA and the Far East.

You can buy jewelry with this stone in a jewelry store or make a jewelry to order.

Types of Agate

In total, more than 150 different types of agate have been found in nature. All of them differ in decorativeness, shape, color, pattern, amount of impurities and chemical properties.

photo of moss agate
Moss stone is distinguished by drawing. It can be rectilinear-banded, concentrically-banded and combined. The first are least likely to occur. The moss mineral has five primary colors: blue, green, yellow, brown, and red. It may also have shades of these colors (blue, turquoise, pink and others).

All these minerals are incredibly beautiful and magically look in jewelry. You can see a photo of moss agate in the article.

Let's look at some types of minerals:

  • Sapphire agate (blue).
  • Woody or woody.
  • Star-shaped is a light brown and white coral replaced by chalcedony with a pattern.
  • Tortoise (gray-green or swamp).

According to popular beliefs, a transparent mineral - moss agate, the properties of which have been studied for a long time, is a healing and even magic stone.

The healing properties of moss agate

  1. Back in the tenth century, Georgians believed that if you grind a healing gem in water and bathe a wounded body in it, then all the ulcers will quickly heal. In this way, it was possible to bite poisonous animals (snakes, scorpions).
  2. So that the stone can cope with ailments, you need to learn how to wear it correctly. For example, with a long illness of the respiratory tract, the mineral is worn around the neck in the form of a bead or pendant. Tree-shaped patterns are very similar to the bronchial system of the lungs and vascular canals. Therefore, people have found similarities between moss agate and the body. If a person suffers from blockage of blood vessels, heart disease, hysteria, insomnia, constant fears, then agate rings, earrings and brooches will help calm the blood and nerves.
    moss agate magical properties
  3. Moss agate relieves convulsions, stores infections and intestinal diseases, normalizes acidity in the stomach, and relieves intoxication. The stone can simply be allowed to hold the patient or put in his mouth during thirst. Some doctors believe that the mineral can protect against radiation.
  4. Agate improves brain activity, frees emotions, allows you to find the meaning of life, gain a sense of freedom and happiness.
  5. In India, it is recommended to be worn by children. It cures of fear and provides an opportunity to start walking early.

Moss Agate. Magical properties

Thanks to its natural color and tree-like pattern, the mineral interacts with all the elements of nature. Helps nature to reborn, and plants to bloom.

moss agate properties
Even in ancient Italy, agate was a stone of fertility. People laid out the mineral in the gardens to get a rich harvest. And agate balls protected plants from freezing rain and frost.

Athletes took the mineral to the competition because they believed that it would help achieve victory and pacify anger.

The Egyptians wore moss agate amulets to protect themselves from earthquakes, lightning strikes and droughts.

Gems were inserted into the eyes of statues and charms, so that they protect residents from sorcerers, the evil eye and damage.

moss agate stone
Witches and sorcerers used agate goblets and bowls for magic to drink decoctions from them.

It was believed that the stone moss agate helps lovers to remain faithful and loving.

Chalcedony mineral has always been considered a source of harmony. The ancients believed that if agate is in the house, then it makes the owner a smart, eloquent, pleasant conversationalist. And also protects the home from the harmful effects, envious and villains, taking on all the negativity. If the owners left the house, they took the stone with them. And when they arrived home, they necessarily cleared him and thanked him for his protection.

Defender Stones

  1. Blue agate - brings peace, peace and love to the life of those who wear it. It suits creative people well, helps to find muse and succeed.
  2. Taupe - promotes career growth and attracts money.
  3. Brown Agate - helps travelers and extreme people. Saves in emergency situations.
  4. White agate is a protector of children. Protects from evil eye and disease.
  5. Yellow - it is recommended to have people who are engaged in trade. Or wear before an important purchase.
    moss agate where to find
  6. Light yellow mineral - increases strength and energy, keeps from negative.
  7. Pink agate - the owner of the stone is always accompanied by luck. He often wins gambling and lottery.
  8. Depending on color and shade, moss agate can have a strong effect on some chakras. The most natural color - the green inside the moss agate - naturally preserves the heart chakra. Carries the bright energy of Yin. It is best suited to the “earthly” signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), since Earth is its element. And the patron planets are Mercury and Venus.


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