Internet Slang: WTF - What Does It Mean?

Web communication is simplified day by day. If a few years ago LOL, BRB, IMHO (or the same thing, written in Russian letters) flashed mainly in online games and chat rooms, now they have spread everywhere. And even it became somehow strange, almost uncomfortable to ask the interlocutor what he wants to say. And in the case of WTF, what this reduction means is better to know in advance.

The most common use of WTF

Of course, WTF is an abbreviation. She has not one decryption, as well as the scope. However, most often on the Internet you can find a very specific option. The word is composed of the first letters of the words of the phrase, which in the original is not entirely censored.

In these cases, WTF stands for “What the fuck?”.

Cat in the car

Even without being a connoisseur of the English language, it is easy to guess that the expression is not particularly cultural. But this does not mean at all that in correspondence you were grossly cursed. In most cases, the passions are still not the same, and literal translation can not be addressed.

In the closest to the original, but censored version, the Russian translation will sound like "What the fuck?". Abbreviated analogue: Shozanakh and ChZN.

In a softened version: "What the hell is that?"

And if quite artistic, then: “What the hell?”

Expression means misunderstanding, surprise, some indignation, and possibly even resentment. So if such a set of letters arrives in the message, it is likely that you have caused something to bewilder the interlocutor, most likely negatively colored.

Displeased man

What does WTF mean in other cases

Games usually speak of inconsistency, unreasonableness and illogicality of the actions of players, and possibly indignation with the use of dishonest techniques.

You can also find a purely gaming combat option: "Want to fight". Translated depending on the context, as the statement "Thirst for battle" or the question "Do you want to fight?". In fact - a quick challenge to the battle.

In the sports field, the word WTF is translated as short for World Taekwondo Federation - World Taekwondo Federation.

If you look at the dictionary of English acronyms (an acronym is a type of abbreviation, a word that is pronounced together), there are more than a hundred transcripts in response to a request that it is WTF. Expressions for the most part are quite vital and allowable for use in the presence of children, for example:

“Wait till Friday” - “Wait until Friday.”

“Walk to Freedom” - “The Path to Freedom” (from army jargon).

The abbreviated name of Wednesday-Thursday-Friday is Wednesday-Thursday-Friday.

Many questions

Also, the results of the search for expression values ​​will be the answers that WTF is:

  • album title of one of the American rappers;
  • gardening club in the book of Agatha Christie about Hercule Poirot;
  • an abbreviation of Fermat’s Great Theorem in mathematics;
  • a set of mini-games for the PlayStation Portable handheld game console (the playstation decoding will be - Work Time Fun - “Fun Work Time”, which speaks of a plot built on fun-beaten employment for stupid work and its subsequent change to another);
  • files with settings for one of the most famous computer games - World of Warcraft;
  • domain zone;
  • the method of logging (fixing in the event log) in the Android system - What a terrible failure (What a terrible failure);
  • program for creating multiboot USB-drives (Win ToFlash).

WTF program: what it is and how it works

Linux has a program called WTF. It is designed to automatically decrypt acronyms.

For the introduced abbreviation, all possible interpretation options found in accessible objects of the file system will be selected and presented in a list. There are also additional programs, for example, to speed up the process or display the resulting decryption in alphabetical order.

WTF stands for Acronym

Having become widespread on the Web, this abbreviation, which means misunderstanding, has not only taken root and continues to be actively used for its intended purpose, it has become in some (very frequent) cases express bewilderment on a specific occasion - when the interlocutor uses an unfamiliar abbreviation.

In order to indicate their lack of understanding of what the sent letter combination means, WTF is written in response to the word that could not be deciphered.

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Sometimes this expresses a special indication of one interlocutor that there are too many abbreviations in the texts of the other with or without, and sometimes, it speaks of a pervasive tendency to speak and think more simply.

Thus, human communication is becoming more and more like machine language. Abbreviations in written speech penetrate into colloquial, sometimes simplifying it so much that it is not clear whether the meaning is conveyed and the accompanying emotions are correctly perceived. An abbreviation is a convenient and functional phenomenon in any language in the case when the constant use of letter sets instead of full-fledged phrases does not make the speakers of this language forget how to speak it correctly.


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