A striking insect is a water strider. The bug that conquered the three elements

A huge number of amazing creatures live in the world. Some live in the sky, others on earth, and still others prefer water. However, there are those who skillfully combine all three elements at the same time. For example, an insect water stride. And it is precisely about her that will be discussed in our article.

water stripe insect

Insect water strider: why was the little bug so named?

"Water strider" is the name of a bug familiar to Russian-speaking countries. Our ancestors came up with this name, looking at how an insect glides on the water. They had the impression that with their movements it seemed to measure water. Moreover, this name is so attached to the bug that even today it is still called. Although in English his name sounds like a water strider, which means "running on water."

General view information

It should be noted that this is a very common insect. Water strider lives almost everywhere, with the possible exception of the cold lands of the Arctic and Antarctic. Scientists consider these creatures to be part of the family of half-winged insects, a suborder of bugs. To date, more than 700 types of water meters are known, which differ not only in appearance and size, but also in their usual way of life.

water strider insect photo

Appearance and distinctive features

So what does a water strider look like? The insect, whose photo is more like a floating wand, has a rather long, elongated body. Depending on the subspecies, its size can vary from 1-2 cm to 4-5 mm. At the same time, the insect living in the open spaces is considered the most tiny.

The main feature of any water strider is its long legs. Often their size exceeds the body of the bug itself. Such proportions are due to the fact that the paws are the key to the survival of the species. After all, it is they that allow the insect to quickly glide along the water surface. In total, the water strider has six limbs. She also has wings, but she rarely uses them.

Most representatives of this species are painted in dull colors. The most common are brown and black. By the way, such a color is not accidental - nature specially awarded them an insect. A water meter is almost always located in open space, because dark tones, perfectly merging with water, are its only chance to protect itself from constantly hungry birds and amphibians.

The ability to run on the waves

Water strider is an insect, the description of which always comes down to a story about its amazing ability to withstand water elements. So how does she manage not to sink? The thing is that the paws of the bug are covered with a special substance, in its structure resembling fat. This creates a kind of barrier that prevents the limbs from plunging into water.

In addition, the insect can correctly distribute weight: the load does not lie on one point, but is evenly transferred to all six limbs. As for the high speed of movement, it is achieved through fast, pulsed strokes. It is they who create behind the water meter turbulences that push it forward.

It is noteworthy that the bug can swim both on specularly flat surfaces, and among waves. It is this skill that allows water meters to settle in various types of water bodies, which significantly increases their survival, and, consequently, the population.

water strider insect description


Do not think that this is a peaceful insect, a water strider is a real predator. She boldly attacks any small creature who was unlucky to be on the surface of the water. Such impudence is justified, since other insects are not able to repulse it, being in an element alien to them.

The principle of hunting in water striders is very simple. As soon as the prey falls into the water, they swiftly swim towards it and cling to the body with hook-like forelegs. Then the predator pierces the shell of the victim with the help of a sharp proboscis located on the head. After the water measure it remains only to suck out the liquid from the body of the unfortunate creature.

Features of the behavior of water striders

Many mistakenly assume that this is an exclusively aquatic insect. A water strider does spend most of his life in a pond, but this does not mean that she is not able to conquer other elements. For example, she has wings to make small flights. She uses them in the event that her native pond begins to dry out and she needs to find a new shelter.

Also, these bugs can crawl on the ground. They do this very ineptly, as thin legs constantly get stuck in small cracks and faults. However, despite this, dry land is vital for them. The thing is that water striders cannot winter in the water, and therefore they are looking for a warm house in the ground or on a tree. Thus, this type of bedbugs is really unique, because he managed to conquer three elements at once.

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Natural enemies

The main enemies of water strikes are birds and amphibians. The former catch insects in calm sunny weather, while the latter skillfully track them at the edge of the coast. Naturally, they cannot do much harm to the population, but isolated individuals will obviously have to put up with a sad fate.

But this bug has another enemy - a water tick. This parasite often affects the back of the insect, bringing it to complete exhaustion. Often such a symbiosis leads to the death of a water strider. And besides, it becomes a dangerous source of infection that can transmit the parasite to other individuals of its kind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8862/

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