Who is stronger - a wolf or alabai? Features and interesting facts

A man is afraid of meeting a wolf, and not in vain. This animal has dexterity and excellent intelligence, as well as the ability to attack so that the victim dies quickly. Over the long years of evolution, wolves have developed their own attack system that can handle even the most powerful animals. So, in different parts of the world, these predators attack and defeat various animals, even larger than themselves. Wolves often attack herds of pets. To save animals, various breeds of dogs were bred to protect the grazing herd. Among them are Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Despite its impressive size, the question remains open, and who is stronger - the wolf or alabai?

Who is stronger than a wolf or alabay

Wolf hunt

Wolves are considered skillful hunters. They know the victim’s weaknesses, know how to identify them and always attack in packs, but lone wolves are rare. An example of the ability to get prey in any way is the moose hunt. Wolves understand that a direct attack can adversely affect their health, as moose have sharp horns and very heavy hooves, which can cause fatal injury. Instead of a straightforward action, the wolves take the victim to starvation. A flock pursues prey, and such a corral can last several days. As a result, weakened moose become easy prey.

If the pack has nothing to eat, then hungry animals can launch an attack without a corral. Predators flock at deer and easily bite their throats. The same thing happens with wild boars and other animals, including bears. And what can we say about Alabai - not a single dog can stand against a pack of wolves. After all, wolves are wild animals, they train, hunt, and know how to assess the situation all their lives.

And who is stronger - a wolf or alabai, if there is a one-on-one battle? One by one, wolves rarely go hunting, but if it so happens that the wolf is alone, then it is better not to get caught. Loners are very strong, usually larger than their counterparts. Huge sizes are associated with the fact that such animals consume more food that they themselves produce, without the help of other predators. The growth of wolves can reach a meter or more at the withers, and weight - 80 or more kilograms. Such dimensions, combined with sharp teeth and strong paws, extensive hunting experience, make the wolf the most dangerous forest killer.

Alabai dog


One of the oldest dog breeds is considered Alabay, or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, a Turkmen wolfhound , which has excellent guard and shepherd qualities. According to some sources, it was taken out for 4000 years.

Once upon a time, Alabai were used to protect housing, accompanied people on the way, used to hunt. They were trained to work in a pack and drive their prey. Due to the versatility of these shepherds can be called universal. Now dogs have not lost their functionality, although more and more there are those that are simply kept “for beauty”.

The height of the dog at the withers reaches 70 cm, and weight - 40-60 kg. The breed is characterized by a thick skin that protects against mechanical and natural damage. The dogs look bulky, clumsy, but in fact they are pretty dexterous, mobile.

Will the dog win the battle against the wolf

Wolf power

When wondering who is stronger - a wolf or alabai, few people specify with what kind of predator it is worth comparing the breed.

There are a lot of wolves. There are those that reach a maximum weight of 10 kilograms. Alabai will definitely defeat such small animals. But the polar subspecies of the wolves, they can not overcome. These are very large and strong animals. And maybe nature did the right thing to take them away from people: the area of ​​the polar wolves - the Arctic, the tundra, except for territories covered with ice. Wolves inhabit a vast polar area, adapt to eat any food. These animals are able to not see sunlight for months, withstand severe frosts. Polar representatives are up to 93 cm high at the withers and weigh up to 85 kg. To survive in such conditions, the predator needs a lot of large prey, which is why they prey on reindeer and musk ox. In search of food, animals can bypass up to 2 thousand square meters. km

Who is stronger than a wolf or a dog

Impact strength

So who is stronger - a wolf or alabay, what is the impact power of these animals?

The success of a wolf in hunting is not only the ability to hunt, assess the situation, dexterity, but also the power of his jaws. During the strike, the predator cuts the victim’s teeth, and does not vomit or bite it, like dogs. Because of this, do not underestimate the predator. After all, the injuries inflicted by him bleed profusely, making the enemy weak. And if you ask who is stronger - a wolf or a dog, then it is worth remembering how a predator kills its prey. Often, it is enough for him to bite the victim only once, so that death occurs. Similarly, not a single animal bites, even closely related dogs. Alabai during a bite tremble at the withers, trying to clench the victim's jaw. And if there is a fight of the wolf against the Alabai, then at the first opportunity the predator will bite and step aside, waiting for the weakening of the dog. If necessary, he will attack again, although usually wolves cut the vital vessels the first time, causing severe bleeding.

Jaw force

Wolves have a strong jaw, sharp teeth, which are built in a special way. When attacked, the strength of a bite of a wolf reaches 450 kg / sq. see. For comparison: the strength of a white shark bite is 600 kg / sq. see. In dogs, this figure is not more than 130 kg / sq. see. Even bears have a lower rate of bite strength than wolves - 200–250 kg / sq. see. Based only on these indicators, it is clear who is stronger - a wolf or a dog.

Alabai against the wolf who is stronger

Alabai and the wolf

Knowing all the features of animals, you can think: if in the battle an Alabai meets a wolf, who will win? Victory will depend on many factors.

  1. Where did Alabai come from, and how was it brought up. If the dog is "sofa", then it can not cope not only with the wolf, even with the cur. But if the dog was raised for fighting or accustomed to hunting, and even more so to work in a pack, then there is a chance of victory.
  2. What kind of wolf will be fighting. Will a dog win a battle against a wolf born and raised in captivity? Probably yes. Typically, such wolves do not have the skills of hunters, although their instincts are preserved and can wake up at any time. Another important indicator will be the appearance of the wolf. If an Alabai meets an Arabian wolf, whose weight is only about ten kilograms, then there’s nothing to talk about here - the dog will win. But against the usual gray predator, the shepherd may not survive. A meeting with the polar representative will be fatal for the dog.
  3. Where will the meeting be. Meeting a wolf on its territory is death for any dog. These animals are well aware of their site, all its features. In such a place, they are kings of hunting and can easily kill anyone who sets foot on their territory. The probability of winning a battle in a dog’s settlement is higher. This is primarily due to the fact that hungry and weakened animals in search of food are most often suitable for human housing. Well-fed, strong predators rarely leave their lair.
Will the dog win the battle against the wolf

Shepherd vs predator: reality

Many people ask if Alabai will fight against the wolf - who will be stronger? It is worth listening to life stories. In many villages, residents have repeatedly seen how wolves attack dogs, including tearing Alabai. Hunters more than once opened dead wolves, and inside they found bear hair.

Shepherds say that the Alabai can protect the herd, but only if the wolf sees a person or not very hungry. In other situations, predators tear dogs and graze grazing animals.

At different times, wolves attacked people. Most often they kill children, women. It’s rare that a beast goes to men, perhaps because it understands who is defenseless and weak, and who can fight back or cause serious injuries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8871/

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