Cucumber Masha: agricultural technology and reviews of gardeners

Almost every gardener grows green crocodiles in his area. This is not surprising, cucumber is a tasty and healthy vegetable that ripens before everyone else, in June you can enjoy fragrant and crispy fruits. Today we will tell you about the cucumber Masha. Perhaps this year you will want to try to sow it on your site. The very fast ripening of fruits is pleasing, because at the very beginning of summer there is still so little to eat.

Masha cucumber

Grade description

To begin with, this is a hybrid, which means that the chance to get a crop is very high. Cucumber Masha is an ultra-early and very high-yielding variety that delights summer residents with crispy fragrant fruits. How else is he wonderful? Cucumber Masha belongs to the gherkins and is distinguished by excellent taste. The fruits are saturated green, very beautiful. If you are selling vegetables from your site, then their excellent presentation will contribute to the rapid implementation.

Cucumber Masha is good in any form. It can be eaten fresh and added to salads, it is great for salting. Pickled gherkins are very tasty, they are small, tender and crispy. You should know that these cucumbers are not only tasty, but also healthy. At 95% they are composed of water, it is impossible to recover from them. But they also contain fiber, sugar, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and some vitamins.

cucumbers masha reviews


Surely you were interested in cucumbers Masha. Growing them is not difficult. Depending on the region, choose a seedling method or sowing in open ground. The farther south you live, the more suitable will be the method of sowing immediately in the garden. In the middle lane, you can prepare a greenhouse and, letting it warm up well, sow the seeds under a film. In the northern regions, seedling cultivation is preferred. Although the unique early maturity of the variety will help you take the crop even with late planting.

Seeds for growing seedlings are prepared in mid-April. They need to be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sown in prepared soil. Cucumbers do not like picking, so it is better to plant them immediately in separate pots. When the shoots turn 20-25 days, and the soil warms up to + 15-20 degrees during the day and +8 at night, you can plant plants in the ground.

Since the variety is very precocious, it is possible to grow cucumbers for an early harvest in seedlings and planted under the film, and with the onset of stable warm weather, sow the second batch in open ground. Then by the time the first bed ceases to produce crops, the second will enter the fruiting period.

cucumber seeds masha


Constant attention is required cucumbers Masha. The reviews of gardeners suggest that you will save yourself from some worries if you install a grid on the garden bed along which they will trail. Otherwise, they will need to be tied. As soon as the seedlings take root or appear above the ground, they need to be properly spudded and fed.

Cucumbers are demanding for watering. Do not forget to timely loosen the soil and remove weeds. Another task of the gardener will be the formation of a bush, periodic pinching of shoots.

Masha cucumbers Price


It occurs approximately 30 days after planting. The variety blooms willingly and very plentifully. The plant is self-pollinated, so it is suitable even for closed greenhouses. With sufficient nutrition and good conditions (light, heat), each node forms 6-7 fruits. This is a very good yield.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to water and feed the plant on time. Otherwise, there may be a lot of empty flowers. But usually there are no such problems, this is confirmed by gardeners who already cultivated Masha cucumbers. Reviews indicate that this is a powerful plant that gives not too much foliage. It is very convenient and does not interfere with harvesting.

Masha growing cucumbers


Ripening occurs 38-44 days after planting. If seedlings were grown, then 20 days after transplanting into the soil, it will already give the first cucumbers. Mass ripening usually occurs after 45-50 days. Cucumbers should be collected very often, as overripe fruits lose their taste. In addition, remaining on the bush, they interfere with the growth and development of new fruits.

Addiction to disease

The seeds of cucumbers Masha are treated with fungicide. This provides resistance to various diseases. In particular, this is cladosporiosis, the cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, and many others. Gardeners know how hard it is to deal with these ailments. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Not always processing with chemicals can save the plant, which means that you will have to repeat the sowing again.

cucumbers masha salting

Gardeners reviews

Among the gardeners of our country, Masha cucumbers are extremely popular. Their price is more than affordable, for a package in which there are ten seeds, you will give 18 rubles. There are large packs of 1000 seeds, they will cost 2300 rubles. Reviews call this variety the best of all that exist on the market. All emphasize its amazing productivity and excellent taste, absolutely without bitterness. Another nice addition is disease resistance. Gardeners say that before the appearance of this variety, they often encountered an unpleasant phenomenon. An adult plant in front of his eyes lowers the leaves and dries up, never having time to give a crop. Masha, year after year, pleases with an excellent harvest without any worries. It is not necessary to use chemistry and worry that it will enter the body if a child eats an unwashed fetus from a treated garden bed.

All the best!


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