Learning how to make baubles from floss

Many young girls today love to wear this unusual accessory. This speaks not only of the good taste of their owner, but also of skill. Unlike jewelry from the store, the girl herself chooses a combination of colors and patterns that emphasize her personality. Weaving baubles is not difficult, but this requires perseverance and patience.

What is required for work

how to make baubles from floss

Before you learn how to whip baubles from a mouline thread, you need to prepare everything you need for work:

  • threads (floss) 120 cm long, different colors;
  • a needle;
  • safety pin ;
  • scissors.

Getting to work

Fold six floss threads together (three colors, two each) and tie a knot at the very tip. Pierce it with a pin and fix it on a dense pad or other surface convenient for you. Braid a few centimeters with a pigtail - it will become the basis for the bauble.

Main weaving

To understand how to make baubles from a mouline thread , we conventionally denote the colors of the threads from left to right: red, blue, black. First, take the leftmost red thread and tie the second red one with it so that a knot appears. After that, the threads will change places. On the same thread you need to make another knot, and then continue to tie them on each subsequent thread from left to right. Having reached the right edge, you will see that both red threads will be there. The same thing will be repeated with blue, and then black threads. At this point, the beginning of the pattern should already appear. Continue to weave further, but do not confuse the threads and their order - red, blue, black. Complete the weaving with the same pigtail as at the beginning of the work. As you can see, weaving baubles from floss threads is not difficult, but it certainly requires attention.

how to whip baubles from a mouline thread

How to fasten a bauble on a hand

We assume that we figured out the question of how to make baubles from a mouline thread. Now is the time to think about how to attach it to your hand. At first glance, the easiest way to tie pigtails is a knot. But in this case, after a couple of days, the knot will need to be cut, since it will drag on and it will be impossible to untie it. Therefore, it is much more convenient to buy a finished lock and secure it at the ends of the product.

weaving baubles from floss threads

How to make baubles from a mouline thread with patterns

We introduced you to the simplest way to weave this original accessory. But you need to hone your skills. After all, baubles are woven with various patterns, names. This is a higher level of skill that you will definitely achieve. Today, there are many complex patterns and patterns with special methods of weaving, a variety of patterns. We laid the foundation for your passion, the further development of mastery is in your hands.

Today you learned how to make baubles of floss. We hope that the tips you receive will help you do this in an original and stylish way. Remember that a bauble is a special gift. After all, it is made by hand, which means that the original bracelet stores the good energy of your hands. There is a tradition - putting on a given bauble, tie the ends with three knots, and, tying the last, make a wish - it will come true.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8877/

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