Fallout 4: power armor. Frame and armor mods

In the world of Fallout 4, an important place is occupied by the character’s equipment, since it should not only absorb enemy damage, but also bear the negative impact of weather conditions. Next will be considered options for mods power armor Fallout 4.

Power armor

Power armor in Fallout 4 has acquired a new look. In the previous installment of the series, the player had to upgrade the Heavy Armor skill to put on this type of armor. Here, the character does not need to have the proper skill to please himself with the presence of such ammunition.

So, for the first time, a player gets into operation power armor while rescuing a group of civilians who are fighting off the Raiders and the Death Claw. The internal arrangement of the armor is more than understandable: on the dashboard there are sensors of the level of health, the state of various parts of the armor, the charge of the nuclear battery, and OD.

Repair of such armor is done on a special machine, through the workshop, using various materials to repair parts. The advantages of power armor are as follows:

  • the character is not afraid of jumping from any height;
  • the armor is divided into several parts, and if one of them is damaged, then you can replace it with a working one;
  • absorption of radiation during a ghoul attack or bad weather.

Mod on the frame of power armor Fallout 4

Mod on the frame of power armor Fallout 4

The power armor frame is what no such armor can do without. The whole set is assembled on the basis of the frame: helmet, right hand, left hand, torso, right foot, left foot.

Mododels presented to our attention an interesting mod in which the standard frame is replaced with a carbon one. The initial color of the power armor frame is white, it looks a little unnatural, as if plastic. This mod corrects the situation - the frame becomes black, which adds a lot of style to it and looks more natural. All mod files are transferred to the game folder.

Power armor mod Fallout 4

Power armor mod Fallout 4

User statistics show that most of the mods downloaded for the game accounted for retexture of power armor. This modification allows you to paint power armor in the colors of various groups:

  • Institute.
  • Subway.
  • Minutemen.
  • Shelter.
  • Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Outcasts.
  • Army.
  • Rangers Riley.
  • LION'pride.
  • Walt Tech.

With the "Power Armor X-02" mod, you can color your armor in any colors of the faction representatives.

The installation order of files for all mods is the same. First you need to download the archive and unzip it. After that, all files are transferred to the Data folder, which is located in the game files. To simplify the task, many use the file manager.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8883/

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