Code of Judicial Ethics. Key Points

The real fruit of the judicial reform was the development of a document regulating the moral and professional activities of judges. The Code of Judicial Ethics, after lengthy discussions by judges and judicial bodies, was signed on October 21, 1993, and the Law on the Status of Judges became the fundamental document. The document contains a set of rules and regulations of a moral and professional nature governing the activities of representatives of a given position both during working hours and in the off-duty period. In addition, the Code of Judicial Ethics applies to retired judges who retain

code of judicial ethics
his rank and membership in this society.

General Provisions

- The Code of Judicial Ethics provides for professional activities that are guided by the provisions of the Constitution and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation, and at the same time contribute to the establishment of public opinion on fair, impartial and independent justice.

- Work in this position and fulfillment of established responsibilities should become the dominant factors over all other interests.

- A judge does not have the right to belittle the authority of justice and harm the prestige of his professional activity for the sake of the interests of others or personal convictions.

- He should in every possible way avoid situations degrading his personal dignity, which can damage his reputation, while casting doubt on objective and independent qualities in carrying out judicial activities.

Code of Ethics for Professional and Extracurricular Activities

- All decisions must be impartial and not subject to

code of ethics
influence from other persons.

- The priority professional qualities of judges should be tolerance, tact, respectful and polite relations with all citizens who assume communication by the nature of their work.

- Mandatory professional secrecy regarding information obtained in the performance of duties. This means that the judge does not have the right to make public statements regarding cases currently in court proceedings.

- To provide all kinds of assistance to the media covering the activities of the judiciary. At the same time, do not go beyond the professional framework permitted by law.

- This position allows you to engage in any activity, including public, if the Law on the Status of Judges allows it, and if it does not damage the authority of the judicial authority.

- The judge’s code of honor does not allow membership in any political parties, let alone support them morally and financially. Political views should not be made public.

- In every possible way to avoid defamatory personal relations that cause damage to professional and personal reputation.

judge's code of honor


The Code of Judicial Ethics provides for liability for misconduct in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, while respecting judicial integrity. All violations must be reviewed by a panel of judges.


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