What documents to change when changing a residence permit? List of documents and terms of replacement

In Russia, by law, a person can register and be discharged from housing at any time. Few people wonder what the corresponding operation leads to. What documents to change when changing a residence permit? Do I need to report anywhere on the changes made? And if so, in what time frames is it recommended to keep within this or that case? We will try to understand all this in the article. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. The main thing is to act promptly and follow certain instructions.

Put a stamp on the change of residence

Where to report?

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are laws that force citizens to report their place of residence. Therefore, changing the registration without notifications will not work. This is quite normal.

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? First you need to figure out which services and bodies you must report on the adjustments made.

Among those distinguish:

  • migration services;
  • banks with accounts;
  • Federal Tax Service;
  • Insurance companies;
  • clinics in which a person is observed;
  • Traffic police;
  • military registration and enlistment offices;
  • cadastral chambers and Rosreestra;
  • pension funds.

Accordingly, if you do not report a change in residence, a person may have serious problems. We will not focus on them. It is enough to remember that a change of residence registration entails serious paperwork.

Passport entry

Next, we examine all the possible documents that must be replaced when adjusting the place of residence. There are not as many as it seems. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to prepare for the upcoming manipulations in advance.

What to do when changing a residence permit? To begin with, a citizen will have to go to the passport office and put a stamp in the established form on the passport. Today, when a person is re-registered in housing, the “seal” is affixed immediately. This eliminates unnecessary visits to migration services.

Application for registration

SNILS and its data

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? Passport and birth certificate are usually not reissued. Do I need to change SNILS? Not. Only this will not free a person from notifying the FIU about the changes that have occurred.

To cope with the task, it is important to prepare:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate from a new place of residence.

All these extracts must be brought to the local FIU department, after which the data in the pension system is replaced. SNILS and its number remain unchanged. Moreover, if a person reissues an insurance certificate, the unique combination of the document remains the same. It is assigned to a person once for life.

We appeal to the Federal Tax Service

Is a TIN replacement required when moving? Fortunately, the certificate of tax registration is not subject to mandatory replacement. Anyway, when moving. Nevertheless, it will still be necessary to notify the FTS of their migration. Otherwise, a person will find many problems. Some citizens prefer to immediately change their TIN evidence. This is especially true for legal entities and entrepreneurs.

Replacing the TIN is pretty quick. The certificate of the established form will indicate new information about the citizen. Moreover, the number in the Federal Tax Service system will remain unchanged. It, like the combination on SNILS, is assigned to a person once for life.

TIN and registration change

To replace the TIN certificate, the following components are needed:

  • identification;
  • check on payment of the duty (300 rubles);
  • extracts from the new place of registration;
  • old certificate TIN.

It’s better not to just re-issue the TIN. Usually this operation is required if a person changes personal data or in case of loss / theft of documentation.

Military and their duties

Accounting at the military registration and enlistment office when changing a residence permit will still be maintained. By law, liable citizens must always report their movement around the country.

Accordingly, after adjusting the place of registration, you will have to report it to the local military registration and enlistment office. Such papers are useful to a citizen:

  • old military ID;
  • statement indicating new registration information;
  • identity id.

There is no need to pay a transaction fee. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office will independently make the necessary changes to their base in a few days. So, when changing a place of residence, a military counting of the population occurs.

Important: a person will be amended either in the old "warrior", or will be given an updated copy of it.

If there is real estate

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a specific list of securities subject to reissue after a citizen relocates. Only in practice, if you do not change some of the information, you can get a lot of problems.

Substitution of title deed

Property owners will have to notify Rosreestr of their move. In this case, it is advisable to exchange certificates of ownership of the property - they indicate the contact details of the applicant, registration is no exception.

To achieve the desired goal, you need to take with you to the Rosreestr or the cadastral chamber:

  • old USRN statement;
  • a check indicating payment of a fee in the amount of 350 rubles;
  • identification.

Additionally, they can request certificates from the place of residence. Usually they are not required - all information about the applicant’s registration will be indicated in the civil passport.

Technical Data Sheet

Most of the problems when moving will get modern drivers. Is a replacement TCP required for a change of residence? Yes, and there is no way to get rid of this operation.

A citizen must apply to the traffic police or MREO taking into account the place of residence with a corresponding request. A little later, we will consider the replacement of the TCP in more detail. The thing is that this is not the only help that will have to be updated. Together with it, re-issuance of other papers on a car is automatically required.

Certificate of Registration

For example, STS. This is the main document that allows a person to legally control a particular machine. Without a certificate of registration with the traffic police, you can drive only 10 days after the transfer of ownership of movable property.

Changing the STS when changing residence in Russia is another inevitable process. Moreover, it provides additional costs for the driver. Fortunately, the operation is carried out along with the adjustment of the vehicle data sheet.

How to change documents for a car?

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? Separately, we consider the procedure for reissuing STS and TCP. Such papers are exchanged at the traffic police or MREO at the place of registration of the driver.


To cope with the task with minimal hassle, a citizen will have to prepare:

  • application for replacement of STS and TCP;
  • checks confirming the fact of making money for the upcoming service;
  • Title
  • certificate of registration of a car with old information;
  • car insurance policy;
  • any document proving the identity of a person.

In this case, the change of STS when changing the registration can be carried out through a representative. Then the trustee will additionally have to attach:

  • power of attorney for registration actions with the vehicle;
  • personal civil passport.

Moreover, the mentioned operations are not free. You will have to pay for them. How much exactly?

The cost of TCP and STS in 2018

The answer depends entirely on what kind of actions will be carried out with the documents on the machine. You can focus on the following state duties:

  • STS replacement - 500 rubles;
  • adjustment of the technical passport - 350 rubles;
  • issuance of a new certificate of registration in the form of a plastic card - 1,500 rubles;
  • registration of a new TCP - 800 rubles.

These fees are current. If a person replaces the documentation for a car through public services, he will be able to count on a significant discount. It is only 30% of the payment amount. A similar offer is valid throughout 2018. So far, nothing is known about the extension of this program of encouraging the population when working with public services.

Auto Rights

Do they change their rights when changing a residence permit? Not. The thing is that a change of residence is not a reason for reissuing a "driver card". Nevertheless, the traffic police will have to go anyway.

Do rights change when changing a residence permit

What for? To exchange TCP and STS. Without these papers, a person will not be able to get behind the wheel of a particular machine, under no circumstances. If the applicant needs to change his personal data in his rights, he will have to bring in certificates from his new place of residence. The document will be updated with the parallel entry of new information about the registration of the driver.

Weapon Documents

The next option is not too common. Usually it takes place among hunters. It is about re-registering weapons.

A change of residence is the reason for the next visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a corresponding notice. If this is not done, a citizen can be held accountable.

A distinctive feature of the re-registration of weapons is the limited time for appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After a person has moved, no more than 14 days should elapse before notification of law enforcement agencies. After that, the weapon holder will be considered an intruder.

How to properly notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the move? A person needs to prepare:

  • weapons certificate;
  • passport or other document capable of verifying the identity of the applicant;
  • weapons that are subject to re-registration;
  • application for new information in the documentation.

This will be enough. If a person does not use a civil passport as an identifier, they will additionally have to attach a statement from the new place of registration to the prepared statements.

Car insurance

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? Before contacting the traffic police for a new registration certificate and certificate of registration in the established form, you will have to think about adjusting car insurance.

As a rule, it is enough for citizens to come to the insurance company with a passport or other proof of a change of residence. Employees of the relevant organization will re-issue the policy and make changes to their database.

Important: more and more data are being adjusted in OSAGO through the official websites of insurance companies. This greatly facilitates the life of the modern average person.

Where to go to make life easier?

Did you change your registration? Through public services, citizens of the Russian Federation can:

  • Renew passport.
  • Register in the traffic police to replace the TCP, STS.
  • Reissue a driver’s license.
  • Recover civil documents.
  • Make a record in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Tax Service.

This is an incomplete list of options available through public services. Change of registration on this portal is also possible. The main thing is to have a completed and verified profile on the site.

How else can you alleviate the tasks associated with a change of residence? Almost all of the above papers can be exchanged through the MFC. So, if you prepare in advance certificate packages for a particular case, it will be possible to notify several state bodies about a change in the place of registration in one visit.

Is it necessary to change SNILS when changing a residence permit

Timing of Changes

What documents to change when changing a residence permit? The answer to such a question should no longer be difficult. The thing is that not all civil documents are subject to re-issuance when changing their place of residence. Often, it is enough to simply notify the above authorities and organizations by writing the appropriate application and attaching certificates of registration in the apartment or house.

How quickly will a person be given this or that documentation with new information? Typically, changes in the TCP when changing the registration, as well as re-issuance of STS is carried out in 1 day. The same applies to contacting the organizations listed earlier directly.

If a person notifies authorities about moving through intermediaries (MFC, State services), you will have to be patient. Documents will be reissued from 6 to 15 days. Moreover, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for any additional costs for maintenance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E889/

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