Ticks in cats: symptoms and treatment at home

Ticks in cats are extremely common. Often the owners mistakenly believe that only stray animals suffer from parasites on the hair and skin. Pets can also get invasion, despite careful care. Even if the cat does not go for walks, this does not exclude the possibility of infection. A person can bring parasites into the house on clothes or shoes. If you start the disease, then the invasion can lead to complications. Due to constant scratching, the skin becomes infected, and bacteria attach to the parasites. Therefore, each pet owner needs to know about the symptoms and treatment of ticks in cats.

What are ticks

These parasites are of the Arthropod type. Subcutaneous ticks in cats are extremely small; they can only be examined with a microscope. Their habitat is soil, plants, plumage of birds and animal hair. These arthropods are adapted exclusively to the parasitic lifestyle. They feed on particles of skin, fat, blood and lymph of cats and dogs. Ticks live under the skin and in the hair follicles. There they lay their eggs.

Most often, parasites are localized in the head and neck, as well as on the legs and around the eyes. These places have a weak coat, which creates favorable conditions for implantation under the skin.

Signs of ticks in cats

There are times when an animal has been an asymptomatic tick carrier for many years. Symptoms in a cat occur only with a decrease in immunity and general weakness of the body.

Infection pathways

Most often, ticks are transmitted by contact of a healthy animal with a patient. A cat can become infected not only from its relatives, but also from a dog. These two types of pets have common parasites.

Tick-borne infestation is also transmitted through animal care items: a comb, a bed for sleeping and resting, a towel. Sometimes a person himself can accidentally bring ticks into the house on clothes or shoes. This often happens when people interact with street animals. Therefore, the pet owner should avoid direct contact with stray cats.

The risk of parasitic diseases increases with malfunctions of the immune system, inflammatory pathologies and malnutrition.

Can a person get infected from a cat?

Some species of ticks in cats are not pathogenic to humans. Non-dangerous types of parasites include demodex. People can also suffer from demodicosis, but different types of this tick are the cause of pathology in humans and pets. A cat cannot infect its owner, just like humans cannot infect animals with a subcutaneous parasite. Ear mites are also not dangerous to humans.

The causative agents of sarcoptosis, notoedrosis and heletiosis can be transmitted from animals to humans. But these parasites cannot multiply on the human epidermis. Therefore, skin manifestations (itching, rashes) are easy and go even without treatment.

Varieties of tick-borne infestation

Subcutaneous ticks in cats cause several types of diseases. Manifestations of the pathology depend on the location and type of pathogen. In veterinary medicine, the following varieties of tick-borne invasion in cats are distinguished:

  • demodicosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • sarcoptosis;
  • notoedrosis;
  • heyletiosis.

In most cases, cats are diagnosed with demodicosis and otodectosis. These diseases are very common. Sarcoptosis is more commonly seen in dogs. Pets with sharply reduced immunity usually suffer from knoedrosis and heletiosis.


The causative agent of the disease is the subcutaneous mite Demodex. It parasitizes in the epidermis and hair follicles. Demodecosis can occur in a scaly form, which is easy. But there is an abscess type of the disease, which is accompanied by severe and severe symptoms.

With a scaly form of pathology, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. The pet's hair begins to fall out. Sites of baldness are formed in the neck, head, ears, as well as around the eyes, on the trunk and legs. Hair falls out in places of the greatest accumulation of parasites.
  2. The animal periodically has a slight itch. It does not occur due to tick bites, but as a result of an allergic reaction to the release of parasites.
  3. Areas of baldness turn red, scales form on them.

Pet owners do not always associate these manifestations with parasites. Meanwhile, the disease can go into a more severe form. Therefore, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for the first symptoms of ticks in cats. Photos of the manifestations of the scaly form of demodicosis can be seen below.

Demodecosis in a cat

Without treatment, the disease flows into a severe pustular form, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The skin is covered with pustules and crusts.
  2. The animal suffers from severe itching.
  3. Due to the intoxication of the body, the cat loses much weight, becomes lethargic and lethargic.

Only a specialist can determine this disease. The manifestations of demodicosis resemble the symptoms of ringworm or dermatitis, therefore, differential diagnosis is necessary.


This disease is also called ear scabies. It is caused by the parasite Otodectes cynotis. This is the most common tick-borne infestation in cats. The causative agent is localized in the auricles. The following signs of pathology appear:

  1. The auricles of the cat are very itchy; they are covered with scratches and combs.
  2. In the ears you can notice discharge in the form of small particles of dark color.
  3. Crusts appear on the auricles.
  4. The hair on the ears is noticeably balding.
  5. When bacteria attach, purulent discharge appears.

This disease can lead to blood poisoning and deafness. Therefore, it is important to identify it in time and begin treatment of the tick in the cat. A photo of a sick animal can be seen below.

Cat Ear Mites


This disease causes a tick of the genus Sarcoptes. Otherwise, it is called scabies itching. For a long time, veterinarians believed that this disease is observed only in dogs. However, these days there are many clinically confirmed cases of sarcoptosis in cats. Most often, scabies itching occurs in young and weakened animals.

The first sign of the disease is the formation of rashes with liquid contents. They have a reddish color and are covered with a yellow crust on top. A rash forms around the nose, ears and eyes. Then the papules burst, their contents are carried along the body, affecting new areas of the skin. The following signs of the disease appear:

  • severe itching;
  • hair loss;
  • the formation of scabs and abscesses on the skin.

These manifestations are accompanied by a strong deterioration in the well-being of the animal. The cat becomes lethargic, weak, refuses food. A tick can also be transmitted to humans. However, it cannot multiply on human skin. Therefore, in humans, the disease is easy. Itchy spots appear on the skin. After some time, they disappear on their own, even without treatment. However, caution must be exercised when dealing with a pet if it has the cat's tick symptoms listed above. Photos of the manifestations of sarcoptosis can be seen below.

Sarcoptosis in a cat


The disease causes the parasite Notoedres cati. If sarcoptosis affects any part of the animal’s body, then with notedrosis, the pathological process affects only the neck and head. This is a feature of this disease. Otherwise, the symptoms of notoedrosis are similar to signs of sarcoptosis:

  1. A painful itching appears in the neck and head.
  2. The animal is losing hair.
  3. The skin is covered with crusts.
  4. If the disease is started, then pustules form on the skin.

This disease can also be transmitted to people. However, the tick does not multiply on the human skin, and the signs of pathology disappear on their own after about 30 days.


This disease is also called vomiting dandruff. It is caused by ticks of the genus Cheyletiella. Skin lesions usually appear in the back. You may notice flakes of dandruff that slowly move along the coat. This symptom is associated with the movement of the parasite. Cheyletiosis causes slight hair loss and itching. The well-being of the cat is not impaired. Often the disease proceeds without severe symptoms.


If there are signs of a tick in a domestic cat, then it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis with other skin pathologies. Signs of infestation may resemble symptoms of a fungal infection or dermatitis. For complaints of itching and hair loss, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Scraping from the affected areas. The biomaterial is examined under a microscope and the presence of parasites is detected. With demodicosis, it is important to establish the number of ticks. Demodex can be on the skin of healthy animals, and only with an increase in the number of parasites do pathological manifestations occur.
  2. Fecal analysis. This study can only be informative in case of heleythiosis. When licking the hair, the cat swallows the tick. The parasite comes out undigested with feces and is detected during analysis.

Drug treatment

Treatment of ticks in cats is carried out with the help of drugs that destroy parasites. Apply means "Neostomazan" and "Butoks-50". These insecticidal solutions are intended for application to affected areas. They are able to fight any kind of scabies pathogens.

Good effect is given by drops from ticks for cats "Stronghold" and "Lawyer". They are applied to the withers once a day. The treatment lasts about 2-3 months. Insecticidal sprays are also prescribed: Acaromectin, Tsidem, Ivermectin, Perol.

Drops "Stronghold" from ticks

Means "Amit" is indicated for sarcoptosis and otodectosis. It is available in the form of drops. The medicine contains an anti-mite component and an antihistamine, diphenhydramine. The drug helps not only fight parasites, but also eliminates itching.

In severe infestations, insecticides are used as injections. Such drugs are administered: Ivermek, Dektomax, Novomek, Otodectin, Tsidektin.

During the course of therapy, it is useful to bathe the cat with Doctor or Elite shampoos. They contain tick killers. However, these funds protect only from existing parasites, but cannot prevent re-infection.

It should be remembered that the use of insecticides alone is not enough for the full treatment of ticks in cats. It is necessary to remove irritation and inflammation in the affected areas. For this, ointments with sea buckthorn, linseed or olive oil are used.

With tick-borne infestation, it is also important to strengthen the body's defenses. For this purpose, immunomodulators are prescribed: "Gamavit", "Immunoparasitan", "Maxidine".

Immunomodulator "Gamavit"

In order for the treatment to be more effective, the animal must be fully fed. The diet must include foods rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. All animal care items must be washed with disinfectants. This will help avoid re-infection.

Folk recipes

Treatment of ticks in cats at home must be agreed with the veterinarian. It cannot completely replace medicines. Alternative recipes are used as an addition to the main therapy. The following remedies are recommended:

  1. Green tea. This remedy helps with ear scabies. In a glass of boiling water, you need to brew 2 teaspoons of green tea leaves and insist for about 20 minutes. The tea leaves are instilled in each ear for 2-3 drops daily for a month.
  2. Garlic ointment. You need to chop half of the garlic clove and add in 2 tablespoons of butter. Then the ointment is infused for 24 hours in a cool place, and then passed through cheesecloth. The resulting composition is treated auricles 1 time per day. Care must be taken when treating ticks in cats at home with garlic ointment. In some animals, this remedy can cause allergies. Therefore, you first need to test the ointment on a small area of ​​the skin.
  3. A decoction of chamomile and sage. Before treatment, the cat needs to be bathed using an antiparasitic shampoo. After washing, the affected skin is treated with decoctions of herbs. This helps relieve inflammation. You can also use a decoction of celandine or wormwood.
  4. Tincture of calendula. This tool can be purchased at pharmacy chains. Before treatment, the cat is washed with tar soap - it helps to remove ticks. After water procedures, bald patches are lubricated with tincture. This treatment should be repeated every 3 days.
Tick ​​calendula tincture


To prevent tick-borne infestation, it is necessary to protect the cat from contact with stray relatives and other infected animals. It is useful to apply Stronghold or Advocate anti-parasitic drops 2-3 times a year to the withers. If the pet goes for walks, then a special collar for fleas and ticks should be worn on it. It is important to remember that this device is impregnated with an insecticide. If this substance enters the body, it can cause poisoning in the cat, so use the collar with caution.

A vaccine against parasites does not exist. It is impossible to create such a vaccine, as ticks are not viruses or bacteria. However, for the prevention of invasion, the drug "Immunoparasitan" can be administered to animals. It will help activate the body's defenses and avoid infection.

It is important to ensure that the cat's diet is complete and contains all the necessary nutrients. Tick-borne infestation often occurs in weakened and depleted animals. With good nutrition and proper care of the pet, the risk of infection with parasites will be minimized.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8899/

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