Wrist watches for men made in Russia. Russian watch manufacturers

It was always difficult to tame a rebellious time. However, if you are the owner of a watch, then this is quite possible. Although in recent years these products act not only as a purely utilitarian thing, they also become a stylish accessory, as well as an indicator of the status and status of a person in society.

Have you ever paid attention to men's watches made in Russia?

men's watches
Yes, yes, everyone is hearing today Switzerland and Japan. Many even agree to a fake just for the sake of acquiring a thing similar to that produced by a European brand. Is it worth it to exchange this if the domestic watch industry has deep roots and ancient traditions. Yes, it was practically destroyed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but now it is being reborn again, and Russian watches are becoming very popular not only in the vastness of their homeland, but also beyond its borders. In addition, those Western brands that are easiest to fake, the public has long waved a hand. And today even an imitation of good quality will cause only a condescending smile from the interlocutor.

Let's say a word about the domestic watch industry

The watch industry began to take shape in the Soviet Union and reached its peak by the beginning of the 80s. Then, due to confusion in the country, it fell into decay. Many large plants broke up into small firms in order to survive. However, there were always enthusiasts who were eager to offer excellent men's watches of Russian production.

Then, in the 80s, products marked "Made in the USSR" were valued throughout the world. There were 14 large factories in the country, which were engaged in the production of such brands as Komandirskie, Chaika, Rocket and others. In addition, many household models were manufactured as additional products at instrument-making enterprises. Up to 70 million products were produced per year.

The varieties that were exported were highly valued. They were distinguished by accuracy, good build quality. Design in those years was not given attention. Of the precious metals, only gold was used.

There were also closed series of watches. They were intended for the army, so they met strict technical requirements.

Objectivity and Patriotism

Despite the grumbling skeptics, we have something to be proud of.

Russian watches
After all, it was the “Shturmanskie” watch that Yuri Gagarin put on when he set off on a flight. It was the “Arrow” that was in Leonov’s hand when he went into outer space. And this is our "Commander" Americans bought for their military during the first Iraq war. It was the Russian Record that was able to win the attention of exhibitors in Brussels with its new Soyuz model.

And what is in the core market today?

And there, though not everything is cloudless, but quite on the level. The modern watch industry does not produce such a huge amount of products as before. But today, Russian watches are a high level of quality, exquisite design and a newly restored reputation. Our models win awards at exhibitions abroad and cause keen interest among foreigners. It just so happened that from the time of Peter the Great we turned our eyes to Europe, and today Europe looks at us with surprise and admiration. And you know why? Because many Russian brands use variations of the famous chronograph (caliber 3133). And only 2 countries produce such mechanical chronographs all over the world. Guess which ones? Switzerland and Russia.

Advantages of Russian models

What are the best Russian watches? All models have different characteristics and an undeniable set of advantages. Among their advantages can be identified:

  • Excellent quality, not inferior to foreign one iota.
  • Unique precision. For example, Buran “runs away” in a day for only 0.6 seconds. This feature is especially important if the buyer is looking for a Russian automatic watch.
  • Interesting and stylish design. So, many “Flight” models have symbols on the dials: stamped signs, volumetric stickers, printing.
    mechanical watches of Russian manufacture
  • Variety of assortment. Today in specialized stores you can buy not only high-quality consumer goods. Here you can see Russian gold watches. The production of such products in the style of elegant luxury is carried out by the trading companies Romanoff, Petroff and others. Their nomenclature range is business class models.
  • Affordable price. Featuring high quality, Russian-made mechanical watches are still an order of magnitude cheaper than Swiss, Japanese, Italian.

As you can see, men's watches of Russian production can easily compete with foreign counterparts. But which manufacturer still prefer? Here everyone chooses for himself, because any existing production can offer a number of unique models.

“Flight”: a world of impeccable quality and high accuracy

One of the best manufacturers. Polet-Chronos was formed on the basis of the special products workshop as part of the First Moscow Watch Factory. In the product line, Deck watches are especially admired. In addition, the company has long been considered a leader in the production of gift models. Gearboxes and a marine chronograph are also made here. The price category is quite extensive: from 2,000 to 440,000 thousand rubles.

Volmax: Russian quality with a western accent

The company appeared in 2000.

russian gold watch
Then it became completely clear that the produced models cannot compete with European products. A bold decision was made - to focus on the release of collection watches. The company was lucky, it managed to transfer part of the production to Switzerland, so the assembly uses ETA mechanisms. The company has registered 3 brands: Shturmanskie, Aviator and Buran. No wonder models have collectible status, because they are made in a limited edition - from 300 to 1000 units. They are of great interest to people who value style and have excellent taste. Price category - 5000-830 000 rubles.

"Rocket": a Russian product of European quality

This brand is produced by the Petrodvorets watch factory. By the way, one of the oldest enterprises, which was founded by the great reformer Peter the Great. However, in those days, the plant was engaged in cutting precious stones. The company switched to watch production in the middle of the last century. Then the “Rocket" appeared.

russian automatic watch
A huge advantage of the company can be called its own production of absolutely all watch movements. Even in Switzerland there are no more than 5 such factories, and if we talk about other world brands, many of them buy the necessary parts. Moreover, despite the high quality (after all, the level of "Rocket" can be compared with Rolex), the price is quite affordable. It varies from 7,500 to 24,000 rubles.

Maktime: for those who love sophistication and luxury

The company has been counting its activities since 1996. She managed to combine the scientific and production potential of such watch manufacturers as “Glory”, “Dawn”, “Flight”. But they value this brand for something else. She owns the Radonezh manufactory, which produces real masterpieces. It produces watches whose case is made of precious metals. Gold models are made only to order.

best russian watches

Summing up, I want to say that men's wrist watches of Russian production are quite worthy of showing off on the hand of any dandy. They are able to not only demonstrate the delicate taste of the owner, but also emphasize his status.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8900/

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