Bricks "Lego": reviews, composition. Brick production "Lego"

Such modern building material as Lego - brick, reviews of which speak of its excellent quality, is an example of that simple and ingenious solution. This product in comparison with ordinary brick has some improvements. In the 1st half of the twentieth century, the Danish builder Ole Kirk decided to make a brick with a definitely new shape. Namely, in such a way that the resulting product helps to stack itself. And so it was created "Lego" - a brick, reviews of which, received from professionals in the construction industry, indicate its reliability and the convenience of working with it. Read more about this and not only further.

lego bricks reviews

Product Description

Lego bricks, reviews of which speak about the effectiveness and ease of use of this material, on their upper surface have two convex spherical holes. Get a brick on a specific machine. The lower plane of the product is equipped with two holes with a concave sphere. This is a characteristic feature of products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate a high practicality of the material. The presence of such geometry provides a clear fixation of this product during construction work. Docking of elements is carried out using adhesive solution. The geometric dimensions of the finished product are:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 125 mm;
  • height - 45-80 mm;
  • weight - 3.5–4 kg (depends on the components that make up the product);
  • maximum withstand pressure - 300 kg / cm 2 .

Lego bricks: composition of the mixture

In this regard, there are several varieties. Brick "Lego" can be made from the following compositions:

  • Clay-cement. It uses components such as clay (90%), cement (8%) and water.
  • Composition based on different screenings. This also includes screenings (85-90%), cement (8%) and water.
  • Clay-sand. This includes four components: sand (35%), clay (55%), cement (8%) and water.

When planning production, one should take into account the availability of raw materials. This is an important condition. Bricks, which are obtained by pressing, require the presence of raw materials with a fine fraction. This should be considered to achieve the required strength. Brick "Lego", obtained from the screenings, has the highest strength characteristics.

The content in the product of a large amount of sand contributes to the deterioration of the strength due to the fact that there are large sand fractions.

The production of products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate their reliability and effectiveness, require special molding dies. With their help, a surface is created with the necessary smoothness and with certain parameters of specified geometric dimensions. For the full production of these products, you should have the entire set of matrices that allow you to get halves of these bricks and fitting products. They are used in finishing works.

lego brick reviews

Hardware Description

To make Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate the practicality and ease of use, you must have the appropriate machine. Its design includes units of a certain category, which are mounted on a metal frame. For example, equipment such as Legostanok makes it possible under semi-automatic conditions to produce Lego bricks, the composition of the mixture for the manufacture of which is indicated above. It turns out the specified products in this unit by extrusion method at high pressure. In this case, subsequent firing of the product in thermal furnaces is not carried out. Possessing the indicated machine, it is quite possible to make Lego bricks with your own hands.

DIY lego bricks

Operating principle

In this case, certain actions are taken into account. The mixture prepared for the formation of bricks is poured into a specially adapted hopper. Then, with the help of a dispenser, it enters the molding compartment. Then, by means of a hydraulic press, the mixture is compressed under high pressure. The result is a finished β€œLego” brick. Equipment, the reviews of which are positive because of the simplicity in the implementation of the workflow, as mentioned above, is considered on the example of the Legostanok machine. It has a three-phase electric motor and an oil pump, with the help of which the necessary pressure is generated in the hydraulic cylinder. Thanks to the mechanized action of compression, this machine provides high pressure and an increase in process productivity. Its presence will allow you to produce Lego bricks with your own hands even without special skills and experience.

Machine description

The parameters of equipment of this type are optimal for placing it on a site of limited area. With the correct organization of labor and the process of preparing the mixture, high results are achieved.

The main components of the machine are certain units:

  1. Loading hopper.
  2. Manual dispenser with manual drive.
  3. Forming chamber.
  4. Matrix. With its help, a certain geometry of the holes of the Lego brick is set. It is located in the molding chamber.
  5. Electric motor
  6. Oil pump.
  7. Hydraulic Press. It works from oil, which pumps the pump.
  8. Unit bed.

Workflow Description

The specified machine for the production of bricks can function both in semi-automatic mode and in manual mode. It all depends on the technology chosen. By manual mode is meant a molding process using a linkage type mechanism . He is able to create the necessary effort in the press sole.

lego bricks mix composition
In a semi-automatic mode of operation, the operator opens at the right time the valve on the hydraulic line, and molding is carried out using a hydraulic press. This mode helps to increase the productivity of equipment within 1.5–2 times. The above machine has these functions. "Lego" - a brick, reviews of which are positive due to the reliability and effectiveness of the material - it turns out to be of higher quality. The reason is that the required pressure is achieved for effective adhesion of the mixture at the molecular level.

lego brick equipment reviews

Brick production technology "Lego"

The manufacturing process of this product includes several stages. Namely, carrying out:

  • preparatory work;
  • molding;
  • pressing bricks;
  • warehousing of finished products with appropriate exposure for a certain time.

Next, we consider each stage in more detail. Preparatory work includes carrying out the transportation of the required raw materials, sorting and preparing the desired mixture for molding. To increase productivity, it is recommended to use additional equipment that will allow you to bring the components to the desired fraction (if necessary) by the method of sifting and mix additives of raw materials. In the presence of large volumes of the finished mixture using a conveyor serves in the receiving hopper of the equipment. Then, with the dispensing device, the necessary volume of substance is sent to the matrix for formation. This is done automatically with the help of the operator. After that, the dispenser returns to the sub-bin space. Then carry out the opening of the valve, which in the press provides the supply of oil. After this, the mixture is compressed for a certain time. Next, with the help of an ejector, the finished brick is extended and transferred to the temporary storage area, where the resulting product must be aged for three days. After this product can be shipped to the consumer. The period of time before the start of product use should be at least 21 days.


  1. To maximize the productivity of the machine, two people should be involved in the production process and the preparatory work should be automated.
  2. Receiving finished products can be carried out using one operator. This will significantly increase the time for the manufacture of a certain number of bricks.
  3. Obtaining quality products directly depends on the components used and their dosage in the mixture. The necessary indicators in each case can be achieved empirically.
  4. To ensure ongoing orders, a semi-automatic type machine should be used. As a result, the pressure will increase during the formation process. This, in turn, will lead to the possibility of obtaining high-quality and externally accurate Lego bricks, the composition of the mixtures for which is indicated above.

lego brick builders reviews

Application area

Brick "Lego" is a product of the latest generation with increased density and a special shape. This product has improved technical characteristics. Lego bricks in comparison with the usual "brother" provide the perfect appearance of the facades of various buildings for many years. Also, the water absorption of this product is only 5%. As a result, a wall built of Lego bricks will not absorb moisture and various dirt. This product is quickly cleaned with water. Also, the products have high frost resistance, are environmentally friendly and suitable for use in various climatic conditions.

lego brick machine reviews

The scope of the brick "Lego" is initially determined by its ability to maintain a perfect appearance for a long time. Therefore, it is often used for cladding various structures, as well as for interior decoration. However, all the wall structures can be made of Lego bricks, especially when using foam concrete as a filler.

How to work with Lego bricks?

One of the main advantages of working with such a product as a brick "Lego" is the simplicity of its installation. Compared to the "classic" analogue, installation will not cause any difficulties. Having a special shape and having two guide holes, the Lego brick is laid quite simply:

  1. It will be sufficient to carry out installation of only the first row with the help of a level and guides. There is also no difficulty in this. Further, the rest of all the rows themselves are aligned in the process of laying, thanks to the corresponding guides.
  2. Installation requires a minimum amount of glue. Lego bricks fit perfectly together. As a result, no more than 25 kilograms of glue is left for 500 pieces.
  3. Even an inexperienced craftsman will be able to make perfect dressing of the seams, since the installation of the Lego brick along the rails completely eliminates the presence of traditional errors. The laying speed is higher by a factor of 2-3 compared with the usual counterpart.

With low water absorption and high density, Lego bricks are not afraid of pollution. If excess glue leaves the seam, they can be easily removed with a spatula after they have completely dried.

lego bricks composition

Since the masonry, the construction of which uses Lego bricks, has through holes throughout the height, it is very convenient to conduct reinforcement. If it is planned to erect low structures (for example, fence elements), then installation can be carried out without glue or mortar at all. Lego bricks are laid out β€œon dry”, and then reinforcement having a diameter of 10-20 mm is introduced into the masonry holes and cement is poured. As a result, the strength of the masonry is increased, and the stability and reliability of the wall geometry is also ensured. It should be borne in mind that the pouring should be carried out in stages, that is, no more than 6 rows in 1 run.

Convenient is the use of holes for laying utility networks. The presence of cavities in the walls is great for this. Then you can fill the holes with concrete mortar.

lego bricks reviews


Currently, Lego bricks are considered as a new generation of material. They are still treated with interest and wariness. But increasingly, Lego (brick) is receiving positive feedback from builders due to the quality of the material and ease of installation, as well as favorable prices, practicality and a flawless appearance. And these are pretty weighty arguments.


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