Cornish Rex cat breed - owner reviews, features and specifications

Reviews of Cornish Rex owners are always only the most positive, because this cute cat causes delight and surprise. She looks like a bat or a fairy elf, like a cute lamb with big ears. The owners of the soul do not chase in their pets, and their guests are perplexed about the strange animal that appeared among their friends.

Breed history

Among the owners of these beautiful creatures there are only positive reviews about the breed of Cornish Rex cats.

The first mistress of this amazing pretty girl is Mrs. Nina Ennismore, who lived in the fifties in the UK, in the small town of Cornwall. The womanโ€™s favorite was a cat named Kalibunker. Mrs. Ennismore madly treasured her pet, and she had the idea to get offspring from him. In addition, the woman found in the appearance of the pet the makings of a new breed. First, she brought the matured cat to his mother, then repeated mating with other females. Beautiful babies were born, who were distinguished by original external data and had soft, even or curly (all cats were different) fur.

Cornish Rex breed description character

After publishing photos in the magazine, all offspring were immediately snapped up. It happened in 1957. At the same time, the breed was already interested in America. And in 1962, cats acquired the official name Cornish Rex (or Cornish Rex) and became extremely popular.

The breed standard itself was developed and recognized in England in 1967. And 1983 was marked by the fact that all feline world associations recognized the Cornish Rex breed. Since then, two in-breed species of these animals with an American and European direction have appeared.

  1. The American breed is distinguished by long ears and legs. These animals are graceful, fit, resembling sophisticated porcelain figurines.
  2. In the European description of the cat breed, Cornish Rex is characterized by shorter ears and legs and a more stocky physique.


A distinctive feature of the American and European Cornish Rex breeds is soft wool with wavy curls. The height at the withers reaches from twenty-three to twenty-seven centimeters. Cats have well-developed body muscles, although animals give the impression of fragility and instability. A small head resembles an egg (or wedge) in shape, a distinctive feature are huge ears and expressive bottomless eyes. Reviews about the breed of Cornish Rex cat indicate (this is standard) that pets are lightweight. In females, it is no more than three kilograms, and cats can grow up to four and a half. Cornish Rex is also distinguished by a graceful long tail, a straight nose, reminiscent of the Greek profile, curly long mustache and eyebrows. Cats can have a variety of colors.

A little bit about wool

Cornish rexes are not justifiably called mutants, since curls from the progenitor of the breed arose as a result of radiation affecting him (she was emitted in large quantities by tin mines). And if not for the activities of Mrs. Ennismore, people might not have been able to enjoy the presence of these handsome men in their lives.

Cornish Rex Content

Cornish Rex kittens are born with a small wavy coat. But by the end of the first week of life, she straightens, and the active process of forming a permanent coat begins. These standard curls arise only by the age of six months. This should be remembered to everyone who wants to buy a little kitten. Since at this age it can not be distinguished from the sphinx, unscrupulous sellers can make a substitution. It is no coincidence that in the reviews the Cornish Rex owners note: in order not to be deceived, it is recommended to carefully check the accompanying documents.

In the adult state, the hair of these animals should be soft and fluffy to the touch, fit snugly to the body and lay down in waves over the entire surface of the skin. Lack of coverage in some parts of the body is considered a rock defect.

Animal character

The descriptions of the Cornish Rex breed and the nature of the cat, given by their owners, contain mostly positive epithets. Animals are kind, affectionate, tender, devoid of aggression and very friendly. Therefore, they and their owners always find mutual understanding. These cute creatures are ready to be friends not only with their owners and members of their families, but also with other pets. They are also easy to train, from the first days they carry out simple commands and easily make contact.

cornish rex in a basket

In the nature of the breed of Cornish Rex cats, British aristocracy is visible. They never allow themselves to mark the territory, preferring such behavior to visit the tray or walk in the fresh air. Cats will never climb onto the table and will not steal anything, will not endlessly scream, spoil the objects and things of the owner, will not be naughty and disturb the owners in vain. These cats are well-mannered, devoid of touchiness and revenge.

The pet will always choose the one whom it considers necessary to call its owner, and it will be just kind to be friends with other family members.

This is the description of the Cornish Rex breed.

Care and maintenance

Cornish Rex Cat Breed Description

It all comes down to a few simple steps, because cats do not cause much trouble to their owner. They practically do not fade, and there will not be a huge amount of wool in the apartment. But animals still need to be combed out. It is recommended to do this no more than twice a week, very carefully and gently, so as not to damage the curls and sensitive skin of the pet. To do this, use special delicate brushes with natural bristles (you can take any soft, designed for hair extensions).

The only thing to remember is that a substance is present in the cat's saliva that can cause an allergy in humans. But this problem is present in representatives of all breeds, and this percentage of its presence is even much less than that of others.

Under Cornish Rex conditions, eye care is also described. There are no problems with cats in this regard. It will be enough to rub your eyes once a month with a cotton pad dipped in boiled warm water, and everything will be all right. Or do this procedure as necessary.

Once a month, clean the catโ€™s ears with a damp cotton swab. It is recommended to cut nails with the same frequency.

To prevent bad breath, you can brush your catโ€™s teeth with a special brush for animals once a week or ten days.


After the description and characteristics of the Cornish Rex cat are given, it is worth paying attention to possible health problems.

On average, animals live up to fifteen years, but proper care and nutrition can extend their century to twenty years. Cats are distinguished by excellent good health, they have no hereditary diseases.

In rare cases, when a pet overeats or catches an infectious disease, it may experience diarrhea or vomiting. It is also worthwhile to ensure that the purr does not remain in the drafts and does not catch a cold or cystitis. It is recommended to pay special attention to the timely withdrawal of sweat, otherwise the cat may have an allergic reaction.

Such diseases as hypothyroidism (accompanied by weakness and loss of appetite), hypotrichosis (bald patches, hair loss) and pancreatic pathology are extremely rare.

Cornish Rex breed characterization

Cornish Rex Bathing

The nature of the cat allows you to carry out water procedures without problems. They bathe animals as they become dirty, but not more often than once every three or four months. First you need to wet the wool with water at room temperature. Then, pick up a small amount of shampoo in your palm and rub it on your hands. Now you can gently apply the detergent to the surface of the cat's body and evenly distribute it in the direction of hair growth. Massage for one or two minutes, then rinse off the remaining foam with water.

After bathing, it is necessary to wet the cat's hair with a soft towel. This will be enough - the Cornish Rex will quickly dry itself. Drying is strictly contraindicated.


Ready-made feeds are suitable for cats of this breed, which are presented in a huge assortment of pet stores. They can be both dry and canned, but the food must be varied. It is not recommended to buy poor quality food, it is better if it is super-premium. We should not forget about vitamin complexes.

An equally suitable option may be food made from natural products. The range of food must include products such as:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • liver and heart;
  • raw or cooked vegetables;
  • unsalted cheeses;
  • egg yolks;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

It is strictly forbidden to feed a cat with the following products:

  • fat meat;
  • any fish;
  • bones;
  • confectionery and pastries;
  • all smoked, salted and spicy dishes and canned foods intended for people;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes.

It should be remembered that the cat is not human, therefore it is strictly forbidden to feed it from the general table. This breed is prone to overeating, so it is necessary from the very beginning to teach the pet to eat right (without concessions and snacks). An adult cat should eat no more than twice a day, a kitten up to three months - five times, from six months to a year - three or four times. If you do not adhere to these recommendations, Cornish Rex will be obese and lose its natural grace.

Cornish Rex cat breed reviews

Breeding Features

According to the owners, Cornish Rex is ready for mating no earlier than a year. Although puberty occurs in seven to nine months, the kitty is still not mature enough to reproduce offspring. Pregnancy in a female proceeds without complications, delivery in most cases is easy, kittens are born healthy and active.

The only caveat is the ban on mating with other breeds of animals, as this can lead to unexpected complications.

Castration and sterilization

If the reproduction of offspring is not included in the plans of the owners, they prefer to castrate or sterilize their pets. In Cornish Rex, this procedure is carried out at the age of six months (a little earlier than in other breeds, where the optimal age is 8-9 months). Some veterinarians recommend doing this even at the age of two months, since in this case the pet will experience less stress. The danger is that the cat can get hypoplasia - an underdevelopment of the vulva and vagina. Such a pet will forever remain a kitten both in character and in manner of behavior.

The difference between castration and sterilization must also be considered.

  1. Castration is an operation to remove the ovaries and uterus in cats and testicles in cats.
  2. Sterilization involves the preservation of organs, representing a ligation of the seminal flow in males and ligation of the fallopian tubes in females.

How to choose a kitten

Cornish Rex Cat Breed Reviews

Very useful are the reviews of Cornish Rex owners regarding the selection of kittens. In order to make the right choice, you must listen to their advice:

  • you need to buy a kitten exclusively from breeders or friends;
  • the baby should have been at least two and a half months old;
  • the originals of documents must be required, which include a certificate of origin of the kitten, permission to receive a pedigree, a veterinary passport indicating vaccinations and the date of their implementation.

The cost of kittens varies from twenty-five thousand rubles (pet class for home living) to fifty thousand (show class for participating in exhibitions). You can also opt for thirty thousand - these are kittens of the brid class, which can be purchased for home breeding.


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