Quotes from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind" has long been included in the golden fund of world literature. Many phrases uttered by the main characters of this novel became winged, they are repeated time after time, sometimes without even thinking about their original source. We will talk about the most characteristic and catchy quotes in this article.

Roman Margaret Mitchell

Roman Gone with the Wind

Quotes from Gone With the Wind are familiar to most educated readers, as is the work itself. Roman Margaret Mitchell first saw the light of day in 1936, becoming one of the most popular best-sellers in the history of American literature. Over the first half year, more than one million copies were sold.

American film producers immediately wanted to film this great work. In 1939, Victor Fleming's military drama came out , the rights to which belonged to producer David Selznik. For this, he paid Mitchell 50 thousand dollars.

The plot of the work

Scarlett O´Hara

The plot of the novel is impossible to tell without paying attention to quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, which many modern readers love to repeat today.

The events of the work take place over 12 years. From 1861 to 1873. The focus of the US Civil War is between the southern agricultural and northern industrial states. The main character is the young Scarlett O'Hara. She is half French, half Irish, she has a rare gift - to charm men. However, she believes in a happy future, no matter what. This can be described, perhaps, the most famous quote from the book "Gone with the Wind" in English, which belongs to the main character.

I'll think about it tomorrow.

(I will think about it tomorrow).

Scarlett is very self-confident, especially she wants to charm Ashley Wilkes. But then her first disappointment awaits her when she finds out that her lover is engaged to her cousin named Melanie. She seems the main character is a ugly and a loser.

Therefore, the girl does her best to remain alone with Ashley to explain to him, being sure that after that he will immediately offer her his hand and heart. However, when Ashley listens to Scarlett’s confession, to her surprise, she replies that their feelings are mutual, but he cannot violate the earlier words, so he still marries Melanie.

Rhett Butler

Scarlett and Rhett Butler

At this point, another key character appears in the work, which can also be described as a quote from volume 1 of Gone With the Wind.

To be honest, my dear, I don't give a damn.

So simple is Ratt Butler, who accidentally manages to eavesdrop on Scarlett's conversation with Ashley. Everyone knows Butler as a person with a pretty tarnished reputation.

Scarlett herself decides to take revenge, so she accepts the offer of Melanie's brother Charles Hamilton. Two weeks later, she marries him, exactly the day before her lover’s wedding with Melanie.

Marriage is a pleasure for a man.

This attitude to marriage can be found in quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind."

Civil War

Book Gone with the Wind

The civil war breaks into the life of the heroes of the novel Mitchell. At the very beginning, Charles dies in the camp of the southerners, Scarlett remains a young widow. Moreover, her husband does not even have time to participate in the battles, becoming a victim of measles. As a legacy, he leaves his wife Wade's son.

The main character at that time is 17 years old, according to the customs of that time, she is obliged to wear mourning until the end of her life. Here she realizes all the horrors that war brings, as illustrated in quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind."

Wars are always sacred to those who have to wage them. If those who are starting a war would not declare them sacred, what kind of fool would go to war?

And here is another one:

“Should you understand that, sir, that the work for which our heroes give their lives is not sacred to you?”

- If you fall under the train tomorrow, does this mean that the railway company should be numbered among the saints?

But Scarlett does not think that her life is over. She understands: in order to move forward, it is necessary to let go of pain and suffering.

A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.

The heroine goes to the Atlantic, where her husband’s relatives live, settles with Aunt Pitti along with Melanie. There she again meets Butler, who helps her remember the past carefree, assuring that everything in life is not lost. The girl finally feels happy. Only the reticent jokes of Rhett, who constantly gives Scarlett signs of attention, do not give her peace. Moreover, he is categorical towards marriage and, it turns out, is immensely rich. Here are a few quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind" in Belarusian, which will help to better understand its essence.

Lepsh atrymats kulu ў forehead, which dummy ў zhonkі.

(It’s better to get a bullet in the forehead than a fool in a wife).

“Sir, you are not a gentleman!”

- Getak Ms., like you, Mys, Nya Ladzі.

(- Sir, you are not a gentleman!

“Just like you, miss, not a lady).”

I’m a shame, but I don’t like people, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

(I feel sorry for her, but I do not like people who cause me pity).

Around the heroes, the world familiar to them is crumbling. What until recently seemed unthinkable now becomes accessible and possible, the Civil War plays an important role in this.

Life in Atlanta

Quotes from Gone with the Wind

After Christmas, Melanie announces that she is pregnant. Soon, she finds out that her husband at the front went missing, because of this, and so difficult pregnancy proceeds even harder. Most likely, he was captured.

At this time, the unprincipled Butler offers Scarlett to become his mistress, but the girl refuses.

Victory does not always go to those who go ahead.

This phrase clearly describes her relationship to such relationships. At this time, the Yankees are approaching close to Atlanta, residents have to evacuate. But Melanie fears that she cannot stand the move. Scarlett has to stay with her, as she promised Ashley that she would take care of her, even though deep down she was thinking about her death. It is she who takes birth, with Melanie, the son of Bo Wilks is born.

When Rhett finds out that the birth ended safely, he takes the girls and the child out of the besieged city on a horse with a stroller. On the road, he admits that his duty makes him fight for the Confederates, so he leaves, and Scarlett promises to hate him for the rest of his life.

Women get to Tara. There, the main character finds out that her mother died, and her father lost his mind because of this loss. But Scarlett has no time to grieve, she is the only one who is able to solve the problems of her loved ones. She has to take care of the plantations and make all decisions. Over time, the management of Tara is entirely in her hands. She is much more determined than the people around her, will not stop at nothing.

God be my witness, I’ll rather steal or kill, but I will not starve!

She hardly overcomes her own pride and snobbery of those around her, who believe that hard work in the field and in the household is not for young ladies. But, having shown her will, she manages to achieve even a small crop. The first volume ends with Ashley coming to Tara.

Second volume

There are many household problems. Scarlett simply does not have enough money to pay taxes for Tara. Forgetting pride, she asks Butler for help. But in Atlanta, she finds out that Rhett is in prison, her plan is a failure.

Due to lack of money and despair, she marries Frank Kennedy. In marriage, the main character discovers an entrepreneurial vein within herself when she starts managing her husband’s store, acquires a sawmill, after which you can forget about poverty and the danger of being on the street.

The birth of a daughter

Quotes about love

Scarlett and Frank have a daughter who is given the name Ella Lorin. Once, on the way to a sawmill, free blacks attack her. Upon learning of this, Frank takes part in the Ku Klux Klan raid and dies.

The day after the second husband’s funeral, Scarlett receives a marriage proposal from Butler. So begins her new life, she soon gives birth to another daughter, Bonnie Blue. Quotes from Gone With the Wind about love are among the most piercing in the novel.

It is good when a man is nearby, when you can snuggle up to him, feel the strength of his shoulder and know that between her and the silent horror creeping out of the darkness, he is. Even if he is silent and only inseparably looks forward.

The finale of the novel

Even in a happy marriage with Rhett, Scarlett occasionally recalls Ashley, introducing him to the place of her husband.

When Butler begins to feel this, a quarrel occurs. They decide to spend the night in different bedrooms. But soon, a drunk Rhett takes control of the main character. After that, being ashamed of himself, he leaves for several weeks. And when he returns, he finds his wife pregnant. Instead of being happy, she begins to accuse her that the child is from Ashley. During the conflict, the girl falls from the stairs, she has a miscarriage. And soon their daughter Bonnie dies - a 4-year-old child falls from a pony.

During the second pregnancy, Melanie dies, but Scarlett already understands that she never really loved Ashley, and now her man is Butler. She is sure that everything can be returned, but Rhett claims that he has cooled down to her. The heroine is not going to come to terms with this. The novel ends with her thoughts on how to bring back her love.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8911/

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