Long-lived trees of Russia and the world. Planet centenarians

Trees are the most long-lived organisms on our planet. Fifty instances of these plants were found whose age exceeded the threshold of the millennium.

What affects the age of plants?

Long tree lifespan is possible for several reasons. Firstly, it is facilitated by the fact that these plants extract nutrients, as a rule, from the atmosphere. From the soil they take away only ten percent of the substances necessary for life.

trees centenarians of the planet
Another secret of longevity is the fragmentation of the vascular system. This allows the tree to continue to live even if one of its parts has died out. Many of the long-lived plants are capable of producing protective compounds designed to combat the deadly parasites and bacteria.


Even from children's tales, each of us knows that many trees are centenarians. At the same time, a century of age is only the beginning for them. It is even difficult to imagine the fact that some plants that currently live on our planet stood dozens of centuries ago. They could see different cultures and civilizations, as well as become witnesses to important historical events. If these trees could speak, then they would certainly be the main and reliable source for describing the stages of development of world history. However, today they are silent witnesses to many incidents, keeping all secrets in themselves.

Longevity trees are common spruce trees well known to all. This plant is widespread in the territory of our country, as well as in Europe and America.

trees centenarians
Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The place of its distribution is the northern hemisphere of our planet. Currently, this tree is widely used in landscape design. Spruce also occupies a leading position among conifers used for construction purposes.

It is believed that they named this tree from the ancient Roman word “pix”, which means “resin” in translation. Indeed, the plant has an incredibly fragrant resin, the same as its needles.

Spruce has no leaves. Instead, needles grow. The tree propagates by seeds forming inside the cones. The shape of the spruce crown is a geometrically clear cone. At the same time, the lower branches, which are located on a trunk near the ground itself, are longer. Toward the top of the tree, their size gradually decreases.

Spruce can grow in coniferous forests, and can also be an integral part of mixed arrays. At present, it is difficult to find another tree that is a symbol of cultural traditions among many peoples. It is customary to celebrate Christmas and New Year with this plant not only in Russia, but also in Europe and also in America. Spruce is one of the favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons, poems and songs. In other words, far from the last role in the culture of many peoples is assigned to it.

The oldest spruce on the planet

What age can these long-lived trees reach? The oldest spruce on our planet grows in Sweden. It was discovered in the province of Dolarna on Mount Fulu. To date, the age of the plant is 9550 years. At the same time, the ancient spruce looks quite young. Biologists have found an explanation for this fact. The spruce, which is currently standing in Sweden, is an escape of an ancient tree whose remains are located underground.


Longevity trees are not necessarily gigantic giants. However, sequoia, which has the greatest age equal to five thousand years, in addition to everything, is one of the highest on Earth. Some of its specimens have a gigantic height, which can reach one hundred and fifteen meters. The man near such trees seems to be just an ant.

name of centenarial trees
The bark of California sequoia is very thick. Its thickness reaches thirty centimeters. The bark of this tree has an interesting feature not to burn when in contact with fire. She is just charred, which allows her to serve as a kind of body armor that protects the core.

These centenarians have a fabulous look. Walking in the forest, where redwoods grow, you just forget about the real world.

Practical use

The tree is evergreen and belongs to conifers. This symbol of the American state of California belongs to the taxodium family.

Sequoia is not only incredibly beautiful. The plant is resistant to rotting processes, which makes its wood a valuable material for the manufacture of furniture and sleepers, telegraph poles and paper. They even produce tiles from it.

The medium-sized sequoia has a trunk with a diameter of about eight meters. And every year its dimensions increase by two and a half centimeters.

what trees are centenarians


These planet longevity trees amaze any traveler with their views. From school, we know that the trunk of this plant is the thickest on the planet. Its diameter can reach ten meters. But the height of an adult baobab is not big. It is from eighteen to twenty five meters.

Baobabs are the same long-lived trees as sequoias. Their age reaches five thousand years. The place of growth of these trees is arid Africa. How do they manage to survive in difficult conditions? Wood helps plants. In its hygroscopic properties, it resembles a sponge. In the rainy season, trees actively absorb water, which they use in dry periods.

centenarians among trees
The name of the long-lived trees, in addition to “baobab”, is also “adansonia”. By its properties, this plant is one of the most amazing on our planet. The tree does not dry out, even if the bark is completely stripped from it. It easily builds up protective cover again. The seeds of this tree are used to make a wonderful drink that resembles coffee. Baobab fruits are very nutritious. They are rich in vitamin C, calcium and taste good. After drying, the fetal shell becomes like a stone, hard. Therefore, in the future it is used as a glass or vessel. The ash obtained after burning the fetus is one of the components in the manufacture of soap.

Star anise

Some centenarians among trees have a very extravagant appearance. These plants include star anise, whose age can reach three thousand years. Unofficially, this species was called "tree-forest." And this is no accident. Star anise can have up to a thousand trunks. The main one is located in the center. Over time, thick shoots appear on it, which grow and root. The oldest anemone is recognized as a tree native to India. It consists of three thousand small and the same number of large trunks. The last of them have diameters of up to six meters.

Star anise can be found in North Vietnam and in Southeast China. It is cultivated in the Philippines, Japan, Abkhazia, India and Jamaica. The fragrant fruits of the plant are used as spices.

What long-lived trees grow in Russia?

On the territory of our country you can find plants whose age reaches thousands of years. Russia's long-lived trees are spruce, oak, silver poplar and large-leaved linden. These plants are found, as a rule, everywhere.

An interesting tree is oak. Some of its specimens can reach fifty meters in height and have a two-meter diameter. From time immemorial, the tree has been famous for its healing properties, among which astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. The life span of an oak can reach two thousand years.

trees centenarians of Russia

In the Red Book of the Russian Federation is yew. This tree competes in life with an anise tree, reaching the age of two to three thousand years. In natural conditions it is difficult to meet it, but some specimens grow in the Far East and on the Sakhalin Peninsula.

Silver poplar can reach the age of 1000-1500 years, and individual specimens of large-leaved linden - up to 1200.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8914/

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