How to give bitter pills to a child: useful tricks and secrets

During the illness, children become moody, and they have to be treated not only with sweet and aromatic syrups. Sometimes the pills prescribed for a child have a bitter and unpleasant taste. Having tried once, the baby no longer wants to take them. In this case, parents are looking for ways to give their child bitter pills. After all, mom wants to cure the child, and any coercion ends in resentment.

Main difficulties

Moms are always afraid that the baby will spit out the pill. And most often this happens when children realize that they have been given a bitter medicine.

The course of treatment is designed for several days. But to persuade the baby to reopen his mouth after he tasted an unpleasant taste is very difficult. It is not safe to use force and coercion, as the child may choke and begin to suffocate.

How to give a child a pill

In this case, you can ask your doctor how to give a small child a bitter tablet, or ask him to replace this medicine with a more delicious analogue (syrup, suspension, tablet products in a sweet shell). Most often it is possible to find a pleasant replacement.

Lack of analogues

There are cases when it is impossible to replace bitter medicines with something more pleasant, since pharmaceutical companies do not produce analogues of a specific drug and composition.

In this situation, parents just need to be smart so that the baby does not feel a bitter aftertaste.

Features of taking bitter tablets

The simplest ways to give a bitter tablet to a child include its complete grinding. To do this, put the medicine between two large spoons and begin to grind. The second way is to use a rolling pin and a cutting board. It should be noted that the baby should by no means see what mom is doing. Children are very wary of new products. Seeing my mother’s manipulations, the child is guaranteed to refuse to take the pill.

Therefore, one of the family members must play and distract the baby. And mother, meanwhile, is preparing a remedy. After pouring the tablet into a teaspoon, you can sprinkle sugar or powdered sugar on top, and then sprinkle with water. This is done so that particles of a small pill do not get into the baby's airways. If the child eats honey quietly, then you can use it.

How to give your child a bitter antibiotic pill

So, how can you give your child a bitter pill? Particularly suspicious babies can first be given a spoonful of sugar or honey. As soon as the child is delighted with the sweet taste, then they give the medicine and offer to drink it with juice or compote. The main thing is that he does not understand his mother’s trick and does not feel bitterness. Therefore, you need to act quickly and without excitement, as his children recognize instantly.

Several ways to give a bitter pill

Some parents ask the question: “How to give a bitter pill to a 2-year-old child?” The advice is quite simple, you need to play doctor with the baby. For this, mom prepares two spoons in advance. In one, there is a medicine for the crumbs, and in the other, ascorbic acid or paracetamol for your favorite toy. First, the child is treated, and then the teddy patient “drinks” the pill. That it was not a pity for an expensive drug, the toy is treated with cheap ascorbic acid.

The next tip to the question: "How to give your child a bitter antibiotic pill?" will use the method of persuasion. This recommendation will be useful to parents of older children who will understand that taking medicine without tears and tantrums will help you get a new toy, going to the movies or the zoo.

How to give a small child a bitter pill

You can also explain to the child how important it is to be treated on time, or how his best friend also recovered with pills. After such a story, the baby himself will be able to open his mouth and want to drink even a bitter medicine in order to recover faster.

You can also fill in pieces of medicine with a banana or chocolate candy. While chewing the product with a “surprise”, the baby must be distracted with a toy or cartoon. It should be remembered that the child should not feel the catch. The wrapper on the candy should be evenly wrapped, as in production. Larger pieces may appear in the candy, and only small particles are inserted into the banana.

Whether all tablets can be crushed

How to give bitter tablets to a child? Moms with children who have reached school age can answer this question. So, many of them note that crushing pills is not always beneficial for the baby. The components of some drugs are absorbed only in certain sections of the intestine. Tablets are made in a special acid-resistant shell, which dissolves as it passes through the digestive tract.

Many parents do not think that by violating this layer, the effectiveness of the drug can be reduced too much. For this reason, some tablets can only be washed with water.

Methods for taking a bitter medicine

Since tablets in the shell most often do not have any taste, they can be safely given to a child. The only problem may be the inability of the crumbs to swallow such large pieces. To learn this, you can pre-train your baby to swallow small pieces of sweets (for example, marshmallows).

What to mix medicine with

When looking for ways to give their child a pill, parents are faced with the problem that not all medicines can be mixed with foods. This is especially true for drinking medicine with juice or milk. They are able to change the chemical composition of the drug and affect its effectiveness.

The main rules when mixing medicine with products:

  • you can not drink antibiotic milk, as this can disrupt the structure of the drug;
  • juice nullifies the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics;
  • tannin, which is part of tea, can negatively affect the effect of the drug, so it is better not to drink the medicine with it.
How can I give a child a bitter pill

The remaining products can be used with tablets, only without fanaticism.

How to give a pill

Some parents ask the pediatrician a question: "How to give a child bitter pills?" To which the specialist replies that the main thing is not to mix an unpleasant medicine with the food that the baby needs to eat constantly - yogurt, porridge, soup. Since there is a risk that, having felt an unpleasant taste, the child will never want to eat this dish or product again.

But a tablet in pieces can be given only to children older than one year. For crumbs, it is better to use fine powder. Even if they spit it out, part of the drug will still enter the body.

How to give a bitter pill to a 2 year old child

The main rule is not to scare the baby. Even if he spat out part of the medicine, you should not immediately run for a new portion. Since such an action may result in an overdose.


In the process of treating a child to parents, the main thing is not to lose the trust of the baby. If you say once that it is very tasty, and the child does not like it, next time he will not believe the words of his mother. If the baby voluntarily drank the medicine, then he should be praised immediately, and maybe he will drink the next pill just like an adult.


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