The most beautiful guys in the world - who are they?

There is a very old joke - that women are much smarter than men, because not one of them has married a man just because he has beautiful legs. It sounds funny, but there is still some truth in this statement.

Mysterious female assessment criteria

If you compare the lists of “The Most Beautiful Guys in the World” and “The Most Beautiful Girls in the World”, a curious pattern is revealed. Among the beautiful girls will be many ... beautiful girls. That is, girls, nothing but beauty, not different. Models, not too gifted actresses, just secular lionesses. That is, men, evaluating the attractiveness of women, focus on appearance.

But with the ladies the situation is different. They, answering the question, who are the most beautiful guys in the world, also, of course, take into account the external data of those being evaluated. But nevertheless, there are no men of top models in such lists - although, it would seem, who is handsome, if not them? There are very few actors of the second or third planes, or, for example, spectacular, but not too popular singers.

What do women want

Girls always know exactly who the most beautiful guys are. 16 years old with this girl or 50, it does not matter. The answer is clear. The most handsome guy is the most-most-most. And it’s not necessarily beautiful, which is funny. Neither Belmondo, nor Gabin, nor Jack Nicholson were handsome, and were very popular among women.

handsome men
No, girls need a man to be not just handsome - so that he is worthy of attention. Bright, talented, smart, charismatic. Choosing a worthy candidate, they are not limited only to appearance. Often the choice of women is influenced by the “creative image” superimposed on the actor or singer. For example, Jim Carrey , objectively attractive in appearance, does not fall into the lists of “The Most Beautiful Guys in the World,” precisely because his image is completely devoid of romance, heroism, and external spectacularity. Unlike Robert Pattinson, who played the main character in Twilight. If women simply chose from two photos more attractive, surely the votes were distributed at least at the level of 50/50. But Carrie is a comedian, and Pattinson is an eternally young romantic vampire who fell in love with a simple girl. The outcome of the fight is obvious.

Gentleman, superman or romantic?

But the fashion for certain types of male appearance also exists. During the Second World War, the type of “spectacular gentleman in a suit” was fashionable, and, for example, in the 80s severe muscular men with a tragic past and a dubious future were popular. The image of Ratt Butler performed by Clark Gable is very different from the image of John Rambo, embodied by Sylvester Stallone.

the most beautiful guys in the world
In turn, the “good with pood fists” is being replaced by romantic boys of the 90s. The classic representative of this male type is Jack Dawson, the protagonist of the movie Titanic. This role became stellar for the young Leonardo DiCaprio, for several years this image became the standard for how handsome guys should look. 18 years for girls is a time of romantic falling in love, and Jack Dawson as an ideal of romance, nobility and courage fit perfectly.

Cheerful neighbor - maybe a neighbor?

Then the fashion for the exquisitely beautiful faces of the guys subsided, “guys from the neighboring yard” began to enjoy popularity. Former model, dancer and young American actor Channing Tatum is a typical representative of this type of men. Not too sophisticated and sophisticated, but friendly, loyal and reliable. In addition, with an excellent figure, which were deprived of the romantic heroes of the 90s.

handsome guys 18 years old
One of the new trends in men's fashion is the popularity of the exotic androgynous type. Young men, who are practically indistinguishable from girls, first appeared on the catwalks of modeling agencies and unexpectedly came to the taste of the fair sex. Now very popular are photo shoots in which young models are shot in obviously feminine looks - aggressive makeup, extravagant hairstyles, unisex-style clothing. However, at one time, a woman in a men's suit also shocked the audience. So why don't men borrow some details of the women's wardrobe? For example, a skirt, tight-fitting leggings or short shorts. Especially if the models have beautiful legs. Judging by the latest fashion trends, many girls like dressing games to their liking.

Singers and models

If we talk about who today are the most beautiful guys in the world, then a single list, most likely, cannot be compiled. Too different answers will be given by the respondents. But, nevertheless, some names are repeated with enviable constancy.

World of models

Among the top models, it seems, there should be the most beauties, but still women do not like the representatives of this profession too much. They greatly lose in popularity to actors or singers. But, nevertheless, there are male models that are very popular among women. These include stern courageous handsome David Gandhi, sophisticated, a bit like an elf Matthias Lauridsen, blue-eyed brunette Sean O'Pray and the owner of a spectacular Nordic appearance Ton Hickles.

handsome guys 18 years old [1] handsome guys 16 years old


Girls love guys with guitars. Of course, singers and musicians occupy a special place in women's hearts. The band “30 Seconds To Mars” is very popular. Perhaps it's not just the music they play. The fact is that the soloist of this group is Jared Leto - a recognized handsome and talented actor.

Very young girls lose their heads at Justin Bieber's concerts. He looks like a handsome guy from a parallel class, but this is only a plus in the eyes of fans.

Lovers of exotic men will appreciate the gorgeous figure and languid black eyes of British singer Simon Webb. With such external data, you can even afford to fake it a bit - but Simon has not only a spectacular appearance, but also an exceptionally pleasant, velvet voice.

The most beautiful actors

An exceptional place in women's hearts is occupied by actors. It is their representatives of the fair sex who are considered the most beautiful, the most charismatic and the sexiest. What does the top ten most beautiful actors look like?

Old guard

The fame of experienced heartthrob and handsome was firmly entrenched in such titans of the movie business as Alain Delon and Sean Connery. Despite their age, these luxurious men still care about women's hearts. The breed, sophisticated charm, stunning charisma - yes, these gentlemen are very, very attractive.

beautiful caucasians

10 most attractive actors (according to women)

When these men appear on the screens, women's hearts begin to beat more often.

  1. Brad Pitt is not only handsome, but also a talented actor, winner of many cinematic awards.
  2. Johnny Depp is a musician, actor, and the constant muse of director Tim Burton.
  3. George Clooney - fell in love with women in the role of Doug Ross, a pediatrician. And then this actor was noticed by Quentin Tarantino and invited to take part in the filming of the legendary From Dusk Till Dawn.
  4. Vladimir Mashkov - the charisma of this man can be measured in TNT equivalent.
  5. Antonio Banderas is a passionate Spaniard who starred in the best directors of the world and in naive children's comedies.
  6. Colin Farrell is an Irishman who became famous not only for his vivid acting work, but also for his wild temper.
  7. Jason Momoa - looking at this actor in the series "Game of Thrones", not one woman imagined herself in the place of Daenerys.
  8. Taylor Lautner - how much a girl would like to console an unhappy werewolf who was defeated in the struggle for love by Bela Swong in the movie "Twilight".
  9. Benedict Cumberbatch - the appearance of this actor is quite peculiar, perhaps he is a classic example of a woman who loves a man as a whole image, and not as a set of external data.
  10. Orlando Bloom - became famous thanks to the role of the elf Legolas, but was able to overcome the inertia of the image and become a bright, independent actor.

beautiful faces of guys
The scatter of these names shows that women are tolerant. They have no prejudices related to the ethnicity, race or religion of attractive men. Beautiful Caucasian guys or the harsh Nordic blondes are not so important. Would a good man. And also tall, strong, smart, beautiful, talented ...


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