How to drive a parrot into a cage quickly and safely

A cage for a parrot should not be imprisoned, a bird must be let out for a walk. Daily, albeit small walks will not allow the wings of the feathered bird to atrophy, flights are very important for the health of the parrot, for its good mood. Absolutely all domestic birds love to fly, but returning is not very good, especially if access to walks is limited in time.

Today we offer to consider several ways of how to drive a parrot back into the cage if it flew by accident or if it was just time to return.

The first condition for flying is a tamed parrot

hand parrot

No one dares to let the bird out of the cage to stretch its wings, if the pet is not used to hands, and even to the person himself. After all, it will be almost impossible to drive him into a cage. How to tame a parrot? It's quite simple, the birds are very smart and trusting, but you need to make efforts, have patience.

You should not stick your hands in a cage, offering a treat from the palm of your hand when the parrot is only brought home. He needs time to adapt to a new place, as well as to new voices and smells. As soon as the feathered bird stops being frightened and flies to the far side of the cage when you approach, you can open the door, try to feed him with your hands.

The bird will never sit on your hand to get even a favorite treat, if it is full. If you want to tame a parrot, feed it from the palm of your hand in the morning or afternoon. For example, in the morning the feeder is empty, let it get hungry, and then try to offer food from your hand.

The second flight condition is safety

parrot without cage

Before letting the bird fly, make sure that the room is safe. Close all the windows so that the bird will not be on the street, because it will simply be unrealistic to drive it into a cage. How can a parrot fly for the first time? He must first master one room, so the door to the room must also be closed. For the first time having flown out, the feathered one will not be guided yet, his coordination is impaired, so do not be alarmed if he starts to collide with the wall and other objects, fall down.

Batteries, electrical equipment must be turned off or closed. Remove all piercing objects and food that is harmful to the parrot. Do not offer the bird food while it is outside the cage.

Close cats and dogs, if any, in another room. Even if the animals approach the cage stably, they, for the first time seeing a bird at large, will want to eat it not so much as play with it. There may be injuries and bruises after such contact, and even death.

Third Flight Condition - Bird Confidence

return the parrot to the cage

At that time, when you want to let the bird fly, there should not be strangers in the room - not members of the family. Parrots must trust the owner, be sure of safety.

Well, if the bird returns home after the flight, then the question of how to drive the parrot into the cage will disappear by itself. But if you need to go away from home somewhere, then you should not leave the bird to fly freely, it can get hurt or eat up a harmful, but tasty treat, accidentally left on the table.

Try to call the pet by name, reach out with a treat. When the bird sits on the palm of your hand, just bring it to the cage, it itself must enter its house - this is the ideal return of the bird after the flight!

Of course, not always the bird will calmly and voluntarily return to captivity. There are times when somehow untamed parrots are chosen to freedom. How to drive back the feathered in this case? We offer several ways.

Lure with a treat or a toy

feed the parrot from the hand

If the bird refuses to go to the call of the owner, then try to offer her a favorite treat. Put a small piece on the palm of your hand, and a larger piece into the cage. While the parrot is eating from the palm of your hand, bring it to the cage, he will see the supplement, and most likely will want to get it.

It happens that a bird is frightened of something, climbs to the highest point in the room that it can find, gathers in a lump and sits. In this case, goodies will not help him, the feathered one needs to be distracted from what frightened him.

  1. First, eliminate the source of fear (scary sounds from the TV, cat, loud child, and so on).
  2. Next, let the bird sit quietly and calm down for half an hour.
  3. Bring him a cage perch or favorite toy. The bird will remember how well and safe it is in the cage, it will sit on a perch or hand, and you can take it to the house.

How to drive a parrot into a cage quickly?

parrots in the house

If you don’t have time to wait for the feathered bird to walk up and return to the house, then what should I do? If the bait in the form of goodies and toys do not work, and the bird flies around the house or sits somewhere, then you will have to resort to the extreme method - manual capture. But here it is important to completely remove all suspicions, so as not to lose the confidence of a feathered friend! Some breeds of parrots are very touchy, others are vindictive, so you should not risk a good relationship. How to act?

  1. Wear gloves so that the bird does not smell your smell. It is desirable that the material is dense, as some individuals bite quite painfully!
  2. Turn off the lights or otherwise darken the room. Parrots do not see in the dark, and they will not notice your approach to it. If you leave the light, you can’t catch the bird.
  3. Carefully take your pet and place it in a cage.

This method is also suitable for catching an untamed parrot.

How not to drive a parrot

cage parrot

We talked about how to drive a parrot into a cage. A wavy or other feathered medium-sized breed can be caught by darkening the room.

Never catch a bird with a net and do not cover it with a cage without a bottom - this will provoke fear, and the parrot will simply lose confidence in you.


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