DIY thread flowers: step by step instructions, interesting ideas and reviews

Will there be at least one woman indifferent to flowers? But everyone knows that these fragile, charming creations of nature do not live very long - both cut and growing in the garden. They quickly fade and stop bringing joy to the hostesses.

What to do?

How to extend the life of these little wonders of nature? Perhaps the only way is to immortalize them by crafting elegant crafts - flowers from threads - with your own hands (for example, from yarn). Artificial plants are weaved, embroidered, knitted, made from wire and a variety of improvised materials. There are flowers made of thread on cardboard. It’s not difficult to make them yourself.

DIY thread flowers

To create flowers from multi-colored threads is a creative and very exciting occupation. From the craftswoman a considerable share of patience and perseverance will be required. In addition, we need a fantasy, without which it is difficult to come up with something original. Of course, a good eye and nimble flexible fingers are important.

Well, let's try to do this fascinating thing - creating fantasy flowers from threads with your own hands.

What do we need

Any work requires preliminary preparation of all necessary materials and an auxiliary tool. In this case, we need threads or yarn. We will choose it depending on the conceived model, having decided on the type, color and size of future products. The color palette depends on this, which is the most reasonable to take in the traditional range - for recognition.

Of course, you can make bright blue roses or black peonies. Perhaps it will be original. But in our case, it is thought that our flowers made of thread with our own hands should have maximum resemblance to natural prototypes. For the same reasons, we draw attention to the texture of the threads. If the yarn is a very complex, intricate structure, working with it is not easy, and the result is not always predictable.

Threads are best taken of medium thickness, especially for needlewomen with no experience. If you can not find a suitable yarn, you can take finer and fold two to three times. The volume of too thick threads, in contrast, is reduced by delamination.

The easiest way to make flowers is acrylic. This yarn has all the necessary properties - it is fluffy, stretches slightly, it is easy to wind it on the wire. However, threads of mixed composition are not prohibited.

do-it-yourself flowers from wire and thread

Knitting needles, hook and wire

Do not make flowers from wire and thread with your own hands without a hook and knitting needles. Let them be of different sizes. With thick knitting needles to knit large flowers, thin - smaller. Do not do in our business without the wire of various thicknesses. Its large segments will make up the frame of twigs and large petals, a small diameter will be used to make weightless air leaflets.

The wire must be cleaned before starting work to eliminate possible oily deposits. This can be done by wiping it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or simply washing it with soap under the tap. So our future craft will look neat and clean.

The wire may vary in composition. For the stem of each flower, a strong steel one that almost does not bend is suitable. She will be able to imitate large branches. A thinner copper wire that is easy to bend will become the basis of leaves, petals and buds.

What else is needed

Scissors, wire cutters and, of course, pliers should be taken from the tools. It’s difficult to work with wire without them. You will need to bite off its even pieces, press the protruding tips or weave them together and fasten. Sharp strong scissors will be needed to cut the threads - sometimes a whole bunch.

The needlewoman can’t do without additional materials - glue, foam rubber, cotton wool, cardboard, acrylic paints, which will have to be tinted with a piece of wire that accidentally remained unfilled during winding. Using them, you will also change the color of the yarn if you could not find the desired shade in the store.

Having prepared everything you need (material, tools), let's think about the plan for creating our future product.

how to make a flower of thread with your own hands

Preparatory work

How to make a flower of thread with your own hands? Having wished to reproduce one or another of its appearance, carefully examine the sample. Pay attention to the ratio of proportions. Perhaps taking a ruler, you will have to measure the comparative sizes of the petals and buds.

Then try to copy the floral elements, repeating the dimensions of a real living plant. The basis is a wire loop woven and attached to a living flower to adjust its size and shape.

If your future product has an intricate outline, it is pre-drawn on paper. All components are created separately, then applied to the sketch to adjust the dimensions - width and length. Then the scattered fragments join together.

We master leaflets

Leaflets of a flower of any size and shape are made in one of two ways. The technology of the first of them involves the use of threads, knitting needles and wire. Using these techniques, not only leaflets are created, but also flower petals.

So let's get started. Loops of the desired width are selected on the knitting needles from the yarn selected in color and thickness. Then, the dialed row of loops is carefully transferred to the wire, the length of which should be bent in half and the ends of the threads should be fixed. The wire along with the thread twists, the excess sticking ends are cut off. From such wire loops, giving them different shapes, you can get a lot of leaves and petals.

DIY thread flowers master class

Second way

Another method is winding. Thanks to him, we can get leaflets that have a more complex shape. The work ahead is painstaking and requires a lot of patience. The basis of each petal is its own individual small frame. Bending it from the wire, wrap it with thread, then fill the inner space with yarn.

The edges of the leaflet can be decorated by gently stitching with another thread (contrasting or slightly different in shade from the main color). You can weave a thin cord from the threads and sheathe the edges of the petal with it.

What you need to know when mastering these leaves? The interwire space must be completely filled. Without this, our product will not look neat. When winding the thread, try not to skip. The ends of each thread should be carefully hidden under the base.

How to make flowers from threads with your own hands: master class number 1

As an example of the manufacture of such crafts, we give a small master class on creating a specific flower - a tiger lily.

What should be stocked up? First of all, a small coil of wire (fairly thin) and a certain amount of thread. Colors take red, yellow and light green. Prepare a set of acrylic paints with a thin brush, a little cotton wool, a tube of PVA glue and red nail polish. Do not be afraid of the work ahead. The process of creating this elegant flower is far from as complicated as it seems at first.

We make tiger lily

We bend a thin wire in half. Future petals should have an elongated shape. If there is no real flower at hand, find the appropriate photo on the Internet. Using the winding method, surround the upper part of the petal with red threads and yellow the bottom. The transition between these two colors should be smoothed out - painted over with acrylic paint.

DIY thread and glue flowers

Decorate part of the yellow petal with small brown dots. One petal is ready. Repeat the above a few more times, having made 5-6 of the same petals.

Then we turn to the manufacture of stamens. Wet a small piece of cotton and twist more tightly. Wrap the middle of the resulting lump with a thin wire, twisting the remaining ends of the desired length together. If it is possible to keep a living flower on hand as a sample, you can carefully measure the length of its stamens with a small ruler.

Cover the dried fleece with a couple of layers of glue, waiting for each of them to dry completely. So that the stamens made take a natural red color, they should either be painted with varnish (acrylic paint), or wrapped with a thin red thread. Just need to make six to seven pieces.

Continuation of work

Pestle is made in the same way - using the same cotton wool, glue and thread, this time green. The shape and size of it will tell the image of a real lily. Surround the pestle with stamens and fasten everything together. For plausibility, slightly squeeze down each of the stamens, then the resulting design is complemented by pre-made flower petals. Some of them are attached from the inside, some from the outside.

All remaining and protruding wire ends are wrapped with a light green thread, a thick piece of wire is attached to them, imitating the stem, on which the winding continues. In order for the work to look neat, the threads should be fixed on the wire in some places with glue.

If your goal is to achieve complete credibility, you will need some more green leaves. They master one of the methods described above and are attached simultaneously with the winding of the stem. If your tiger lily is part of a large floral arrangement that involves many different colors, you can do without green leaves.

DIY flowers from threads

Option easier

And here is a simpler workshop for you - do you want to quickly make a cute bright yellow bunch of fluffy flowers made of yarn? To do this, you need very little - in addition to a skein of woolen threads of saturated sunny color, take a long piece of thick wire or several metal skewers. Of the tools you will need wire cutters and scissors for the thread.

Choose the optimal length size for each stalk. It can be different - it will look more natural. Cut wire or skewers with wire cutters into pieces of selected length.

Wrap the thread around the index and middle fingers at about 30 turns. Leave the tip long enough. Having removed the resulting small stick from your fingers, tighten the center of the resulting small tangle with a thread, dividing it into halves. All loops should be cut with scissors at the same time.

What do we get

Their size may vary, so you can take small scissors and cut each petal separately. Having fluffed the flower and giving it a spherical shape, cut off the protruding ends of the threads. Then fix the resulting fluffy ball on the wire stem.

You can make such flowers from threads with your own hands in the amount of 11-15 pieces or more, depending on the volume of the vase in which you want to put your bright elegant bouquet. The procedure for making a fluffy bright yellow “dandelion” is so uncomplicated that, having made one or two copies, you will continue to tinker with the machine while looking at the TV.

Such a bright yellow bouquet will not only decorate the window sill in the apartment, but also pleasantly refresh the interior in the work office. It can also be presented to friends as a fun gift.

do-it-yourself thread flowers on cardboard

Making flowers from threads with our own hands: another master class

And here's another remarkably easy way. Even a child will master flowers from threads and glue with his own hands. You will need balloons, colorful coils, scissors and the same PVA tube.

All balls are inflated and carefully tied so as not to go down during operation. The next step is to carefully wrap each of them with threads. To easily and easily unwind them from a reel or ball, put the threads in a jar with a wide neck.

We begin to wind the threads on balloons pre-oiled with glue. As a result, we get several large multi-colored cocoons. After waiting for the glue to completely dry, remove the ball from the cocoon. To do this, gently pierce it with a needle and pull it out through one of the cells.

Beauty, and more!

As a result, we have a weightless openwork product in the form of a ball of multi-colored threads. Now this ball should be cut into two hemispheres, and each of them, in turn, should be processed with scissors, rounding the edges in the shape of flower petals. Thus, each of the balls will bring us two bright wonderful elegant flowers. Such flowers from threads with their own hands for children can be an excellent decoration of the premises for the holiday.

If you want your products to look even more elegant, on top you can decorate them with small rhinestones or sprinkle with colored varnish.


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