DIY heat gun repair

The heat gun is used to heat various rooms. Usually we are talking about garages, workshops, utility rooms, etc. The fan heater has several undeniable advantages, which is why it is often used in home workshops and garages. Now we will deal with the design of the heat gun and talk about the principle of operation of the unit. But most thoroughly consider the repair of the heat gun. This is not such a difficult task, so you can do such work yourself.

heat gun repair

About the principle of action

A heat gun is called a fan heater because it has the same principle of operation, but with slight differences. In any case, the essence remains: the air passes through the heating element, as a result of which it reaches a certain temperature. After it is pumped in a concentrated stream into the room. The design provides for the presence of a special sensor, so when the optimum temperature in the room is reached, the heat gun is turned off, which saves fuel. Of course, diesel is used as fuel, although the craftsmen create devices that run on used engine and gear oil. There are also gas heat guns, but more on that later. So, this kind of heater has a lot of vulnerabilities, so repairs are periodically required. What does it consist of? Usually this is a fan replacement, nozzle cleaning, etc. In order to understand what are the most vulnerable places, you need to deal with the design.

About device

The heat gun, regardless of the type of fuel and power used, is equipped with a metal casing that prevents the possibility of any objects getting on the heating element or supercharger, which can lead to undesirable consequences, such as a fire or equipment failure. A fuse must be present. It will automatically turn off the gun in case of overheating. A burner is located in a metal case, as well as channels supplying diesel fuel. For supply, you can use a compressor or a small pump, and for circulation of air flows - a supercharger and fan. Oddly enough, but it is the fan that most often fails. This happens for a variety of reasons. We will try to figure out how to prevent damage, and how to fix it.

diesel heat gun repair

Causes of Failure

There is no need to talk about anything concrete. As practice shows, absolutely any element of a design can break, so you can’t immediately determine it by eye. This happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the user simply does not comply with the rules for operating heating equipment; in other cases, critical components fail because of the low quality of electricity. In the end, any part and assembly has its own resource of work, after which a failure can occur at any time. For example, the repair of a heat gun, released relatively recently, is carried out in service departments. This is especially true if the device is under warranty. If not, you can try to restore the gun on your own. But not everyone buys a new heat gun, but uses an old one, which is unclear how it works.

heat gun repair master

Repair work of old fan heaters

It is with such a technique that one has to deal most often. But there is nothing to worry about, because the design of such heat guns is relatively simple, so with a minimum knowledge of electrical engineering, you can handle this job. In the simplest version, the heat gun is a metal casing, inside which there are several heating elements (heating elements), as well as a compressor for pumping air. To adjust the temperature, use the multi-position switch, less commonly “automatic machines”. Let's talk in detail about how to repair a heat gun as a whole or any elements separately. As a rule, it makes no sense to give old products to the workshop. The cost of restoration work will be high, but their quality is very doubtful.

Diesel heat gun repair

Most often, the cause of the malfunction is the heater. Check whether this is so, you can experimentally. If the heat gun does not heat the air or does it inefficiently, then it makes sense to think. But since the design provides for a group of heating elements, you will have to ring each one and determine which one has broken. At the same time, it must be understood that the air heater is not being repaired or restored, therefore, if it fails, it will have to be completely replaced.

repair of a heat gas gun
For dialing, you need to use a regular screwdriver with an indicator and a tester. In this case, it is desirable to disconnect the supply wires. Sometimes the plates of the heating element are melted, or the outer shell is deformed. In this case, a replacement can be made without delay.

Motor repair

If we are dealing with a failure of the fan motor, then the situation is somewhat complicated. It is quite simple to determine this breakdown - there is no directed flow of warm air. It is necessary to understand that there is a risk of breakdown of the heating elements, since they do not cool and can easily overheat.

Repair work should begin by checking the voltage at the terminals. If necessary, clean the contacts. Then it’s worth moving on to the dialing of the motor winding. However, a screwdriver with a tester does not help much here, therefore it is better to use more accurate devices, such as a multimeter or an analog tester. In this case, the insulation of the winding is additionally checked. If the core fails, then in this case it is easier to change the entire motor. In any case, it will be faster and easier.

repair of gas heat guns

Repair of a heat gas gun

Such heaters are equipped with special burners. It is in them that often lies the reason. For example, if a mixture of gas and oxygen does not ignite, then, most likely, the matter is in nozzles. They must be removed, purged with compressed air or rinsed under pressure, then reinserted. The absence of spark indicates a faulty piezo ignition. In this case, it is necessary to clean the contacts or simply replace the piezo. If the matter is a malfunction of the circuit breakers, then they can be removed from the structure altogether, but in this case the unit will turn off manually. I would like to note that the old heat guns are repaired somewhat easier than new models. This is due to the lack of a large number of electronic components. For example, if you repair Master heat guns, you will need special equipment to check the electrical circuits.

repair thermal diesel gun kraton

About replacing a fan

Here we are a little and figured out what a heat gun is. A repairman of such equipment can perform a relatively small amount of money, but in most cases this is a feasible task for everyone. Most often you have to deal with a fan, since this element is most subjected to intense wear. Since in most cases we will deal with burnout of wires and their oxidation, repair is possible, but such a malfunction as mechanical damage or critical wear and tear requires replacing the electric motor. In this case, it makes absolutely no sense to carry out repairs. The Kraton heat diesel gun or any other is equipped with small fans. They must be selected based on the performance of the equipment. In any case, there are no special requirements, you can even use a small household fan, if, of course, you can fit it into the case.

repair of heat guns master


As you can see, you can do it yourself and repair gas heat guns, as well as diesel or electric ones. In the case of using diesel or natural gas as fuel, it is first necessary to check the condition of the burner, as well as the supply channels. If you encounter an electric gun, then, most likely, the point is in contacts that are broken, burned out or oxidized. All this is eliminated quite simply and quickly, the main thing is to have a desire and some free time. In principle, this is all that can be told on this topic. Now you know what might break, and how to repair a heat gun.


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