The drug "Gamair": instructions for use, reviews

Almost all plants need to be protected from diseases and pests. To do this, you can use chemicals or look for something natural. In this case, biological preparations are increasingly being used. One of them is Gamair. How to apply this medicine to plants and what is its advantage?

Description of the biological product

There are still few biological preparations. One of them is Gamair. It was created by specialists of Agrobiotechnology CJSC (Moscow). Designed to destroy the causative agents of bacterial diseases of most cultivated plants. The remedy also helps with some fungal diseases.

The active substance of this medicine is beneficial microbes - antagonists of soil fungi Bacilus subtilis.

Gamair is produced in the form of loose tablets of gray-brown color and SP - a dry powder that is easily soluble in water. It is more convenient to use the powder in large areas for processing vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs. From 300 to 5 thousand liters are used per hectare.

gamair instructions for use reviews

Used for spraying adult plants or for tillage before sowing seeds. The drug successfully fights powdery mildew, root and gray rot, moniliosis and scab on trees.

Tablets are more convenient to use for processing small areas. Application rates - 1-2 sachets of 10 tablets per hundred.

After using the drug, a quick effect is noted. Its action begins almost immediately after processing. This makes it possible to overcome the disease in the initial stages.

The medicine is not dangerous for people, warm-blooded animals and fish. "Gamair" has low toxicity, it is classified as a hazard class IV for humans. The substance does not accumulate in root crops, berries and fruits, leaves and stems of plants. The drug, according to the instructions, can be used in any phase of their development. It does not have phytotoxicity.

How to use the drug "Gamair"

Instructions for use advise the right amount of tablets to be immersed in a glass of cold water, mix thoroughly. Then add water to get a certain amount of solution.

gamair tablet instructions

In order to keep the drug better on the leaves, an adhesive is added to it. It can be soap or a special growth accelerator bought in a store, for example, Epin. Only 1 mg is needed per bucket of water.

Again, thoroughly mix the resulting solution, pour it into the sprayer. They process plants by periodically shaking the balloon. After watering the drug, the site is dug up.

When working with the drug, you need to remember that it contains living organisms. Therefore, one must not damage them, but create good conditions for them to live. Do not immerse tablets in hot water. After all, it can kill bacteria, which will nullify all the benefits of using the drug.

What crops are treated with Gamair

Tests have shown that Gamair has a positive effect on crops and potatoes. Tubers are treated in solution immediately before planting. With its help, cucumbers and tomatoes of open and closed ground are protected. Gamair is used to protect white and cauliflower.

Instructions for use, reviews liquid working solution is recommended to be used to protect and treat fruit trees, shrubs, strawberries. It has a selective effect on some pathogens of indoor flowers.

The use of "Gamair" for tomatoes

Tomatoes are grown in the garden and in greenhouses. To ensure that the fruits are clean and not sick, it is advised to use Gamair, instructions for use, reviews. When to treat plantings and in what doses?

gamair instructions for use reviews when to process

For tomatoes in a greenhouse from bacterial cancer, water the soil even before planting, for three days, with a suspension. On a bucket of water you need to take 2 tablets of the drug. To combat white and gray rot for the same portion of water you need to take 10 tablets. Plants are sprayed during the appearance of buds, before the formation of tomatoes. Repeat processing after 15 days. The maximum number is 3.

For tomatoes growing in a garden or field, Gamair is also used. Instructions for use, reviews are advised to process plants to combat various rot. To prepare the medicine, two tablets are diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting liquid is treated the soil two days before planting tomatoes.

Blight treatment is carried out every 2 weeks. The first time - during the appearance of the buds. Dilute 1 tablet in a liter of water. For the season they process three times.

Cucumber Processing

Indoor cucumbers are often affected by gray rot. To combat it, it is advised to use "Gamair" instructions for use, reviews. When to process cucumbers and how to prepare a working solution?

gamair tablets instructions for use reviews

2 tablets of the drug are diluted in three liters of water. Spraying is carried out from the beginning of the appearance of buds to the formation of cucumbers. Processing is carried out 2 times per season. Up to 20 liters of working solution are used per one hundredth.

Cucumbers that grow on open beds are also treated for rot. Two tablets are added to a bucket of water. Spill the soil a few days before sowing the seeds. The number of treatments per season is two.

To combat peronosporosis, Gamair is also used. Instructions for use and reviews are advised to spray cucumbers twice a month after the appearance of buds. For 1 liter of water make 1 tablet of the drug. 2 treatments are performed per season. For watering 1 hundred parts you need a bucket of solution.

Cabbage processing

To protect cabbage, Gamair (tablets) is also used. Instructions for use, reviews are advised to use them for the treatment and prevention of blackleg, bacteriosis. A suspension is prepared from the black leg by dissolving 1 tablet in 5 l of water. They spill the soil for several days before sowing the seeds. Spend one treatment per season. A bucket of Gamair solution is added to 10 liters of area.

Instructions for use, reviews recommend 1 tablet in a liter of water to protect against bacterioses. Then the plants are sprayed, starting with the formation of 4 true leaves, then every 2-3 weeks.

Fruit tree processing

Use "Gamair" for processing fruit trees, including apple trees, cherries from scab and moniliosis. 1 liter of Gamair is dissolved per liter of water. The instruction for the use of tablets advises to process plants for the season no more than three times. The first time spraying is carried out when the flower buds are just about to open, the second after flowering. The last time - when the size of the fruit reaches 2-3 cm. Up to 5 l is used for processing one tree.

Houseplant Processing

Processing "Gamair" from flower diseases helps. A tablet is added to 5 liters of water. One flower pot takes from a glass to a liter of remedy. For 1 square meter in the open ground make 5 l of solution. Some gardeners have a question: is it necessary to water the soil before using Gamair? Not necessarily, you can immediately take the medicine.

gamair instructions for use and reviews

When processing flowers from spotting, they spray plants during the period of active growth with Gamair. The instructions for the use of tablets recommends to add 2 pieces per liter of water. During the season, up to three treatments of indoor plants and flowers in the flowerbed are carried out.

User reviews advise using the medicine in this way: 70 mg is poured into a tray with a capacity of half a liter of water at room temperature, and a flower is placed in it.

"Gamair" application instructions for orchids advises to use together with "Alirin" (1 tablet) and "Fitosporin" (2 g) in 5 l of water. The resulting solution is used to treat the roots of the flowers by dipping the pot in the dishes with the solution. Repeated orchids with problem roots are treated in a month.

User reviews suggest that the drug helps in the initial stages of the defeat of peonies and irises by root rot. But deep inside the soil, it works worse. Therefore, for indoor flowers, when damaged by root rot, it is better to remove the flower from the soil, treat it with the drug, and then transplant it into a new soil.

Compatibility with other drugs

The drug "Gamair" instructions and reviews are advised to use with the drug "Alirin". In this case, instead of 2 tablets, "Gamair" take one of each of these drugs. You can also use these drugs with "Glyokladin" according to this scheme:

  • Seeds are treated for 2 hours in a solution of Gamair and Apirin-B. 5 tablets are added per liter of water.
  • Before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, “Gliocladin" is added to the soil - 1 tablet per 0.5 l of land. After a week, the plot is watered with Alirin-B and Gamair in equal parts, 2 tablets per seedling pot. Milling the soil to a depth of 15 cm. The film of greenhouses and its structures are disinfected.
  • Three days after planting seeds or seedlings, the site is watered with Alirin-B. 2 tablets of the drug are used per bucket of water.
  • One month after planting, “Gamair” and “Alirin-B” contribute 2 tablets per bucket of water.
  • After another month, the treatment is repeated, increasing the dose of Gamair by one and a half times.

Instructions for use, reviews claim that in addition to these biological products, insecticides from the Colorado potato beetle and other harmful insects have been successfully used. But only natural, not chemical. Growth regulators, mineral fertilizers can be added to the sprayer bottle.

gamair instructions for use reviews liquid

Do not use both Gamair and chemical fungicides. They will destroy the microorganisms that are the basis of the drug. Gamair can be used no earlier than a couple of weeks after using the “chemistry”.

Benefits of Using Gamair

The drug "Gamair" has the following advantages:

  • It quickly restores the microflora of the soil.
  • It works as a prophylactic.
  • Qualitatively fights against pathogens.
  • In fruits, the amount of vitamins and minerals increases.
  • The palatability of products is increasing.
  • The product is environmentally friendly, does not contain chemical compounds.
  • After its application, plant productivity increases.
  • The tool is not addictive, so you can use it for a long time.
  • Using this medicine for plants is cost effective.
  • Completely soluble in water.
  • Processing them plants is simple.

Users claim that the drug "Gamair" acts as a "Fitosporin", which is also a natural drug, but much more effective.

Drug shortcomings

The drug copes better with superficial diseases, and worse with deep ones.

Users note that the tablets crumble heavily. Therefore, it is difficult to understand how much medicine is taken. Violation of the integrity of the tablets due to the fact that they are very loose.

Storage of medicine and ready-made solution

The finished solution can not be stored for a long time. It must be used on the same day that it was cooked for 2 hours.

gamair orchid instructions for use

Although the tablets are not toxic, they must be stored separately from food. You can’t cook food for people and animals in the dishes that were used to dissolve the medicine. Children should not have access to the drug.

Dry matter can be stored for a year and a half from the date of manufacture. Some packages indicate a shelf life of 3 years. The advantage of the drug is that it can be stored even in frosty weather. It does not lose its properties even at 30 degrees below zero. The maximum storage temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.

Precautionary measures

You need to work with the drug using personal protective equipment. And yet sometimes the unexpected happens. If you got into the oral cavity and Gamair was swallowed, instructions for use, reviews recommend rinsing your mouth with clean water, drinking plenty of water with a couple of tablets of activated charcoal. Induce vomiting to remove the drug from the body. Go to the doctor.

If particles of the drug or splashes of the solution get on the mucous membrane of the eye, rinse it with a stream of cold water.


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