Kalina red, Shukshin: a summary of the chapters, analysis

Have you noticed that some authors are so figurative, but at the same time simple in writing their works, that even after many years the memories of their creations pop up in their heads with whole films. So vividly imagine the hero of the story during the reading, that then, when you come across an adaptation, you literally cry out: “Exactly, that’s exactly what it looks like!” This is exactly what happens while watching the film “Red Viburnum” (Shukshin). A brief summary of this story may take several minutes, but the experience remains with us forever.

viburnum red shukshin summary

Vasily Shukshin - the great tragedian

Literary critics unanimously argue that such a merger into a single whole of different talents and qualities will surprise and make admire more than one generation of readers. Even despite the fact that the work of Vasily Makarovich dates back to the Soviet era. “Viburnum red” (a brief summary of the chapters will be discussed a bit later) is the clearest example of how the author dissolves, does not notice himself in the face of the problems that he raises before the readers. Shukshin literally belonged to art.

Sometimes critics claim that Vasily Makarovich “showed” himself, flaunted to gain even more recognition. But his friends and relatives, as well as many literary scholars, say the opposite: any indication of himself, any demonstration of his "I" was completely alien to him. That is why it has become unforgettable.

Film story

Let’s take, for example, almost his most famous work - “Red Viburnum”. Shukshin (a brief summary will not convey the emotional intensity, but at least resembles a storyline) wrote this film novel in 1973. The dynamics of the plot, many dialogues and third-person narratives are the main literary characteristics of the work.

viburnum red shukshin content

Critics immediately noticed that such an image of the protagonist - Yegor Prokudin - was not yet in art. It is he who is what sets the film Kalina Red apart from the general series. A brief description of his nature is as follows: he is either tender and sentimental, hugs almost every birch he meets, then is rude and "climbs into trouble"; in one minute Yegor is cheerful and kind, and in the next - already a bandit and lover of drinking bouts. It seemed to some literary scholars that such inconsistency speaks of a lack of character, and therefore, does not convey the whole truth of life “Kalina Krasnaya”.

A summary (analysis of his interlocutors, Shukshin carried out with lightning speed and accuracy) of all the events that happened to him, he - an actor, director and writer - literally lived. Everything, whether it was a retelling of a quarrel with a watchman or a meeting of dawn, caused a storm of passions in him and was torn on paper and film. This “trinity” created Shukshin a lot of problems in life.

Sequential inconsistency

The apparent inconsistency of Prokudin’s actions is actually not simple, not spontaneous. Shukshin managed to convey logic alien to the ordinary person. We do not understand, and, most likely, we should not understand and accept the actions of this person. But this does not mean that such a life has no right to exist in principle.

summary of the story viburnum red shukshin

So, "Red Viburnum", Shukshin. We begin with a summary of the fact that Yegor, a thief-recidivist, receives parting words from the head of the zone where Prokudin was serving his sentence. In the morning he should go free, and we will know some of the dreams of this man: to have a cow and get married. Yegor had never seen his chosen one in his life. They met by correspondence.

Once free, Prokudin goes to his acquaintances (as you know, also “unclean on hand”). The company gathered there is waiting for news of how the next robbery went. Everyone is trying to ask Grief (that is exactly what his friends call Yegor) about the prison, but he absolutely does not want to talk about it. Spring is on the street, and Prokudin enjoys life.

A ringing phone call interrupts gatherings: accomplices were covered by police, and everyone needs to scatter. Realizing that he is not in danger, Prokudin also flees. Such is the power of habit ...

The road to normal life

How are events unfolding in the story Kalina Krasnaya? Shukshin (the summary does not convey all the nuances of Prokudin’s attitude to life) sends his hero to a meeting with his future wife - Any. She meets him at the bus stop and leads him to introduce his parents.

shukshin viburnum red summary

In order not to scare the elderly, Lyuba says that her chosen one is a former accountant. But, left alone with his parents and answering questions, Yegor said: “He killed seven, but didn’t have time for the eighth ...”. He is sure that a person has the right to rehabilitation, and, having received a punishment, it is impossible to return. And you cannot judge him either. He criticizes the "backward" old people and their worldview, trying on the role of a public figure.


Public morality is quite clearly spelled out in the story Kalina Krasnaya. The content (Shukshin repeatedly shows the influence of society on the individual) of the conversations of Lyuba, her mother and daughter-in-law about a new acquaintance comes down to discontent for only one reason: Yegor has just left prison. Women convey the opinions of fellow villagers.

And Yegor himself spends time in the bath with Luba’s brother, Peter. This taciturn person is absolutely indifferent to what is happening. He is too lazy to get acquainted with Yegor and conduct intimate conversations with him. The scenes with Yegor's resentment against Peter, with the subsequent understanding that it was not pride and prejudice that motivated him, but ordinary taciturnity, were very vividly described by Vasily Shukshin. “Viburnum red” (we are trying to recall the summary) continues with the cry of Peter from the bathhouse, everyone grabs “for the hard” and runs to the rescue. But in fact, Yegor accidentally splashed boiling water on Peter. The incident is turned into a joke, and the rest of the evening takes place in a "warm, friendly atmosphere."

Vasily Shukshin viburnum red summary


Lyuba's friend, Varya, offers to part with Yegor and take back her ex-husband - Kolka. It's the little things that he is a drunkard. Varya laughs about her happy life with her alcoholic husband. Her story that beating a drunkard with a rolling pin is the norm makes Lyuba a little jar. Lyuba does not want to be “like everyone else,” and this is very annoying to the villagers.

But Prokudin, meanwhile, thinks of his comrades, whom he managed to see after leaving prison. He even sends money to one of them (Guboshlep). Why is Shukshin showing all this? “Viburnum red”, a brief summary of which is our current interest, conveys the mood of society in relation to repeat offenders, to those who are against accepted norms. Shukshin could not help raising this topic in his work.


Yegor is in a restaurant with unfamiliar peasants. He sprinkles money and in every possible way “debauches” (as Shukshin himself called it): he sings, dances, drinks and makes pathos. But closer to the night, he remembers Lyuba, calls her and says that things detained him in the city. Mother does not believe such a “legend”, but her father helps Lyuba and helps her to communicate with her mother. It is the support of the father that Shukshin persistently emphasizes.

Kalina Krasnaya - the summary does not contain all the events and dialogs again - continues with the fact that Prokudin takes a taxi and returns to Lyuba. But she goes to her brother, and they continue to get drunk in the bathhouse (in a dark cramped world, as Shukshin called this place).

New job

Seeing Luba in the morning to the farm where she works, Yegor recalls his childhood - his mother, Cow Manka and boyish carelessness. Lyuba, however, briefly mentions a drunkard, a former husband. So for easy chatter, they reach the farm, where Yegor meets the director and immediately gets a job as a driver. Having completed the first task, Prokudin refuses to work and says that it is easier for him on the tractor.

In the evening, on a borrowed truck Gore, Luba drives to a neighboring village. He asks her to introduce herself as a social worker and speak with old Kudeliha. During this visit, he himself looks very serious and does not take off his black glasses. On the way home, it turns out that they visited Yegor’s mother.

viburnum red short

Even a brief summary of the story “Sharpshore red” by Shukshin cannot be conveyed without a description of the moment when, for the first time sitting behind the wheel of a tractor, Prokudin makes the first furrow. He is overwhelmed with joy and pride; he cannot breathe in the smell of plowed land.

Not without knots

When an ex- husband with friends appears at Luba’s house and tries to download rights, Egor pushes the whole company out of the gate with his fists. The summary of the story “Guelder-rose red” by Shukshin cannot convey the fullness of the cinematic scene of this fight. After all, it ended from the fact that under the heavy gaze of Yegor stopped walking on him with a stake Kolka.

Another trouble happened in the life of Prokudin. A former friend of Shura came to him from the city. He brought money from Guboshlep, which was supposed to help Yegor return to his old life. But Prokudin refuses such an offer, throwing money in the visitor's face. Yegor manages to calm the agitated Luba, but it is clear that he himself is orderly in the platoon.

viburnum red analysis summary

Tragic demise

Working in the field, Yegor notices the Volga with former friends at the edge of the forest. He goes to them, and in the meantime we find out that Guboslep decided to get even with Gorem that he had departed from the thieves' life.

By the time the worried Lyuba figured out what was going on, and drove up with her brother to the forest edge, the city visitors were already leaving home. Lyuba found Yegor seriously wounded, and he and Peter tried to help Prokudin. But at some point, he felt an imminent demise and asked to be laid on the ground to listen ... Of the last forces, Yegor Prokudin asked to give his money to his mother.

“And he, the Russian peasant, lay in his native steppe, near the house ...”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8955/

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