Beading: Beginner's Bracelet Patterns

Little ladies, no less than their mothers, love to dress up, paint, and measure jewelry. They want to look bright, attract the attention of adults, show personality. Also in childhood, girls make the strongest friendship, and the sign of “friends forever” are “baubles”. These are such bright bracelets that can never be removed. Therefore, one has to master beadwork. Bracelet patterns are diverse, from simple to complex, for any occasion. The child will be able to wear them during the day and evening events. Beads are bright beads with which you can create anything, and the jewelry is very interesting and attractive.

Beadwork patterns for children are also presented in our article. Bracelets (bracelet patterns are simple) can be given to adults, but in this case, using too bright colors is not worth it.

What do you need

  1. First of all, you need colored beads. For the first time, one color will do.
  2. Fishing line or thread.
  3. Good mood and fantasy!

That's all that is needed to create a beautiful decoration. Of course, you should first consider the simplest beadwork patterns for children. Bracelets can later be supplemented with various elements to your taste.

Light bracelets

Even a child can master beadwork (bracelet patterns are not so difficult to decipher). You only need to arm yourself with beads and fishing line. Even fantasy is not so important at first, you should first look at ready-made schemes, and then start to invent something yourself.

bead bracelets

Main weaving:

  1. Cut the fishing line. Do not be afraid to take more, it is better than if it is not enough, additional binding will worsen the appearance of the product.
  2. Take four beads and pass a fishing line through them, they should be in the middle.
  3. Pass one end through the last bead in the opposite direction. The ends of the fishing line should be directed towards each other.
  4. Tighten, it turns out a figure in the form of a rhombus.
  5. Now add two beads on one side and one on the other.
  6. Pass the edge with one bead through the last bead of the other.
  7. Tighten, it will turn out the second rhombus.
  8. Continue to do so until the desired length is reached.

This is a beadwork for beginners. Bracelets, the patterns of which are more complex, look much more beautiful and interesting. Therefore, we move on to the second stage!

Bracelet "Flowers" and "Flower Glade"

beading for beginners bracelets patterns

Such jewelry is a great solution for a girl’s summer wardrobe. A colorful, light dress will be complemented by an accessory. It will take at least two colors, one of them is green.


  1. We string eight beads of bright color on a fishing line.
  2. We pass one edge through one last bead, the same as in the last weaving.
  3. The first loop turned out, we proceed to the creation of the flower. To do this, we string a bead of a different color on the edge of the fishing line that has already been used, this is the core, and plus three beads of the same color as in the second stage.
  4. We direct this edge through the last two beads of the first loop.
  5. We take three more beads selected for the flower, string and pass through the first bead of the second loop.
  6. Continue to do so until you reach the required length.

Using the same principle, it is easy to create a “Flower Glade” bracelet. Only through one flower you need to make a simple green eyelet, as in the beginning.

That's all beadwork, bracelet patterns are very light. And the result is impressive!

Tiered Bracelets

beadwork patterns for kids bracelets

Having learned the basics, you can go to a more difficult stage. Sophisticated bracelets help the fantasy unfold and create something more interesting.

  1. Weave the rings, as in the initial lesson. This is the first row.
  2. Cut a new fishing line.
  3. String three beads on one edge. Pass the second through the extreme side bead of the finished chain, and then into the last bead, recently put on a fishing line.
  4. The edge that held the beads now passes through the next extreme bead of the chain, and another three beads are strung on the other edge.
  5. Proceed further as described above to the end of the row.
  6. After the second tier, create a third, fourth, and so on, until you get the desired width.

bead bracelets simple patterns

Everyone can master such beadwork, the patterns of bracelets of which are indicated above. Now it remains only to experiment with the pattern, colors and width of the product.

Bracelet "Pigtail"

Also a very simple scheme, great for children. But it looks very stylish and beautiful. As you can see, not so complicated beadwork for beginners. The bracelets, the schemes of which are given above, will open the world of needlework. Let's consider one more scheme.

Take three packs of beads of different colors and proceed:

  1. Cut the fishing line and thread it through 14 beads.
  2. String another one on one of the edges and thread the opposite edge of the fishing line through it.
  3. Tighten, it turned out a big ring.
  4. Hook seven more beads on each end and stretch both edges through another, eighth bead, directing them opposite each other.
  5. Make it so slightly longer than the diameter that is provided for a conventional bracelet.
  6. Make two more of these chains.

beadwork bracelets schemes photo

You can leave it as it is and wear three jewelry at the same time, but you can continue.

Pigtail creation:

  1. Put the other two on the ring of one of the chains.
  2. Pass them through the next ring.
  3. Put the first in the rings of those bracelets that were used in the beginning.
  4. Follow along the same lines.

A pigtail can be created more simply if you string a lot of beads on several lines. You will get the usual chains with beads, and of them later you need to weave a pigtail, like on the hair. This beadwork pattern of bracelets does not have.

How to simplify work

You will love beadwork. Schemes of bracelets simple and complex can be created by you yourself. Just start. Create beautiful decorations with your children. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for them to understand how to start beadwork, bracelet patterns may seem complicated to them, but under the gentle guidance of their parents everything should work out. The main thing is to start gradually, namely from the basics. You can buy a special needle for beads, with its help it will be easier to string beads. But through very small holes you still have to thread the line manually.

An excellent solution for the activity of a child is beadwork. Bracelets, schemes, photos of finished works are presented above.


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