How to measure a cat’s temperature with a mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometers are extremely rare in veterinary medicine. This happens in force majeure circumstances, when the doctor does not have another thermometer at hand. However, if you need to find out the body temperature of a tailed pet at home, a mercury thermometer is used very often.

When do I need to measure temperature?

Before measuring the temperature of a cat, you need to convince yourself that there is a reason for this. Animals, as a rule, are wary of medical manipulations, and given the specifics of the temperature measurement process, you should not expose your pet to this procedure unnecessarily.

The main sign of a fever in a cat is a dry and hot skin on the paw pads and nose. But only a subjective perception of the warmth and dryness of the skin is not enough. Other signs of an increase in temperature, which indicates a disease, are:

  • chills, twitching of paws;
  • desire for solitude, attempts to hide;
  • refusal of food, severe belching or even vomiting is possible;
  • rolling eyes, their clouding.
Cat at the vet

A mercury thermometer is not the best option for measuring the temperature of a cat at home. As many breeders advise, it is much more convenient to use a digital one, even if it is intended for people.

Which thermometer is better to use?

It is optimal to use an electronic rectal thermometer to measure the body temperature of a furry pet . It gives reliable results in a few seconds and delivers less inconvenience to the animal than all other possible options.

Using such a thermometer is easy. In how to measure the temperature of a cat with an electronic thermometer, the most difficult moment is the insertion of the thermometer tip into the rectum. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to hurt the animal and not damage the intestines.

What are the difficulties when using a mercury thermometer?

The difficulty in using familiar to most people thermometers made of glass with mercury filler lies solely in the direct process of their application. There are two differences between digital and mercury thermometers:

  • the exposure time in the body of the animal;
  • tip width.

When using a conventional glass thermometer filled with mercury, to obtain an accurate result, it will have to be kept in the gut of the animal for at least three minutes. The optimal time is considered to be five minutes. At this time, the thermometer should not leave the cat's intestines. And also it is desirable that the animal does not wriggle and does not twitch, does not get nervous. Discomfort in the anus or pain may well cause instant stress, which will affect the readings of the thermometer.

Cat in the kitchen

The process by which the temperature of a cat can be measured with a mercury thermometer is no different from the procedure carried out with a digital thermometer. This means that the body temperature of a furry pet is measured rectally and nothing else. Under the arm or in the ears, the cats do not measure temperature.

How to put a mercury thermometer?

In how a cat measures the temperature at home correctly with a mercury thermometer, the most important thing is to put it correctly, which is not entirely simple. Together, it’s more convenient to do this. Sometimes the help of another person is simply necessary. After all, not every animal will let you insert a thermometer, and even withstand it for a long period of time, keeping calm.

This is extremely difficult for many cats. Even in a very sick or weakened state, they usually find the strength to resist. The glass thermometer itself will have to be held with your fingers, since it will fall out after being left. If the animal resists, it needs to be swaddled tightly, like a baby. But in this case, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure together.

How deep should a mercury thermometer be introduced?

This question arises before all owners of fluffy, for the first time faced with the need to measure their temperature. Indeed, if everything is clear with how to measure a cat’s temperature, then the “technical” issues are not entirely clear.

The most important of them is how deeply you need to insert the tip of the thermometer. The ideal option is to enter the filled tip completely. Its length in the standard version does not exceed one centimeter.

Cat eats grass

A centimeter is enough for a cat. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution and delicacy when entering and in no case do it jerkily, abruptly.

How to simplify the setting of a mercury thermometer?

In the event that it is not possible to measure the temperature of the cat at home with a mercury glass thermometer, you should try to simplify the procedure. It needs to be simplified in the only difficult moment - the setting of the thermometer.

Cat on the table

There are two options for this:

  • grease the tip with a fat cream or petroleum jelly;
  • put a thermometer when the cat is under the influence of a sedative or is sleeping.

The option with normal sleep is not the best way to simplify the procedure. Sleep in animals is not as deep as in humans. Moreover, the cat can be very scared, which will lead to sad consequences. For example, a thermometer may be broken.

The best option in order to measure the temperature of a cat is not to resort to tricks, but to gently talk to the animal, calm him down, stroke him.

What indicator should be on the thermometer?

The norm of the temperature level for a person and a cat is different. The mark of 36.6 for the animal means a breakdown, which is an indicator no less dangerous than reaching a high mercury column.

Concepts - what temperature cats have and how to measure it are often interdependent. For example, if a person was very frightened by an animal, or if it constantly wriggled, and the thermometer fell out, the readings may be incorrect. The temperature norm also depends on the age of the animal, as well as on the expectation of kittens.

Rectal Thermometer Board

In a healthy cat, not waiting for offspring, the temperature indicator on a mercury thermometer is in the range of 37.5-39 degrees. 38-39 degrees is the norm for a pet expecting kittens. Also, these values ​​are normal for a small kitten.

In the event that the temperature indicator exceeded the mark of 40 degrees, the animal became ill. Reaching the mercury mark of 42 degrees indicates a critical condition of the furry pet. If these figures are on the thermometer, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

How to help a cat?

Human help depends on how high the cat’s body temperature is. How to measure it is a question that begets the following: how to help? As a rule, with an increase within 40 degrees it is enough to use external cooling.

To do this, you need ice wrapped in fabric, or if the pet tolerates dampness well, a rag moistened with cold water. It is necessary to apply them not to the forehead, as people do, but to the vessels. That is, on the neck or bends of the paws.

In a situation where it is not possible to call a veterinarian and pharmacies are inaccessible, medications intended for people can be given to the animal.

Kitten in towel

The belief that cats should not be given aspirin is not completely unfounded. Any drugs in which acetylsalicylic acid is involved are not well tolerated by animals. To use to help your pet you need drugs based on analgin or its derivatives.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the weight of the pet and, of course, on the height of its body temperature. As a rule, an ordinary cat has enough ¼ tablets of analgin. In severe heat with chills and cramps, the dosage should be increased to ½ part of the tablet.

How to give medicine?

When asked how it is easier to give a cat medicine, there is no single answer. It is more convenient for some animals to swallow a tablet, and for others it is a solution. Of course, the best option is to inject an antipyretic drug intended for animals. But when he is not in the house, you need to fight the temperature with the means that are available. Leave the heat unattended.

It is difficult for an animal to give human medicine alone. You will need to open the mouth of the cat, throw a particle of the pill into the throat, quickly close the jaw of the pet and wait until the pet swallows the medicine. This is noticeable by movement in the throat. In this procedure, the cat's head should be kept with the chin up, literally perpendicular to the plane of the knees or the place where the pet sits.

Siamese cat

The solution is given in a similar manner. The only difference is that the medicine is dissolved in a small amount of water and poured into the throat with a large syringe without a needle. You can not squeeze on the syringe sharply, the jet supplied to the throat should be swallowed, and not cause spasms.


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