Retirement age for civil servants in Russia

Under the new law, the retirement age for civil servants has been increased. A civil servant's pension is a benefit that he will receive for his long labors in one of the state federal posts.

Retirement age for civil servants

A federal employee is a person who works as a federal service and who receives a cash allowance from the state budget for this.

Assignment of Benefits

The opportunity to receive a pension appears for every civil servant who has fulfilled all the conditions. According to the law, subject to the following conditions, a citizen can count on receiving a pension:

  • at least 16 years of experience in public service;
  • retirement age for civil servants reached.

Upon dismissal, you can also apply for benefits if:

  • A staff reduction has occurred or the government agency has liquidated.
  • Upon dismissal from office.
  • If the retirement age for civil servants is reached.
  • Due to poor health, which prevents further normal work.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants

Based on the functional and job characteristics of work, there are three types of civil servants.

The first type is employees whose powers extend to the entire country.

The second type is employees whose labor activity is limited to only one region.

The third type is military personnel and persons who are equated with them.

For each type, there is a certain age, after which you can safely go on a well-deserved rest. On average, it is determined 60 years. At the request of the institution, the employee can work for a longer time, up to 70 years.

Right to retirement

The bill on raising the retirement age for civil servants has a number of changes that came into force on January 1, 2017. Under the new project, the retirement age of citizens should be increased to 65 for men and to 63 for women. At the same time, work experience will also increase from fifteen to twenty years .

Bill on raising the retirement age for civil servants

Initially, it was planned to send both men and women to retire at 65, but after the revision of the bill, the age of women was changed. Now all the ladies working in the civil service can retire at 63 years old. Also, all amendments have been made to the bill, which allow accurately tracking the retirement age for civil servants and work experience:

  • when retiring in 2017, you must have at least 16 years of experience;
  • 2018 - 16.5 years of experience;
  • 2019 - 17 years;
  • 2023 - 19 years old;
  • when assigning a pension after 2025, you must have at least twenty years of work experience.

Retirement age for civil servants bill

The proposed increase in the retirement age for civil servants and a change in seniority suggests a gradual transition. In 2017, women can retire when they reach 55.5 years of age, and men - 60.5. Next year, the retirement age for civil servants will increase by another 0.5 years, it will be 56 and 61 years for women and men. Gradually, age should reach the levels of 63 and 65 years.

Pension amount

The project for raising the retirement age for civil servants also affected the size of payments. Starting this year, benefits are calculated based on length of service, and make up from 45% to almost 80% of the salary.

Now, for each year of work, 3% of earnings are added to the insurance pension. That is, if initially, upon reaching retirement age, the pension was 45%, then in a year it will be 48% of the salary. The amount of payment will increase annually.

Seniority and pension

To retire, it is not enough to match the age specified in the bill. It is also necessary to have established experience. In 2017, he is 16 years old. With this experience, a pensioner can count on 45% of his salary. If this year the future pensioner will have more than twenty years of experience, then he will be assigned more than fifty percent of the salary.

In 2020, the minimum length of service should be 17.5 years, at which 45 percent of pension payments calculated from the salary will be assigned. And in 2025, the same percentage is assigned for twenty years of service .

Retirement age for civil servants in Russia

What is included in the experience

An increase in the retirement age for civil servants is calculated in parallel with an increase in seniority. This is a total indicator of the duration of public service, taking into account a different type of activity when determining the right to benefits of federal employees.

For the appointment of a seniority pension , periods of service in the positions of a federal employee, state civil positions, and state federal posts are taken into account.

In accordance with the new bill, the experience of a civil servant takes into account the following criteria:

  1. Retirement age for civil servants in Russia.
  2. The existing experience must comply with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when applying for benefits.

The new bill on raising the retirement age for civil servants provides the opportunity to continue serving in the following specialties:

  1. The prosecutors.
  2. Employees of the Investigative Committee.
  3. The military, serving under the contract.
  4. Firefighters.
  5. Bodies of control.
  6. Criminal executive bodies.
  7. Tax police.
  8. Customs officers.
  9. Deputies and persons working in local governments.
  10. Employees of intergovernmental organizations.
  11. Some positions of institutions in which work is necessary for the state.

The size of the pension for the above professions depends on the length of service, their average monthly salary, taken over the last year of civil service.

Calculation of the monthly average salary pension

The average monthly salary is calculated based on the average monthly salary, including the following types of payments:

  • monthly salary in accordance with the position;
  • salary for the title;
  • allowance for years of service;
  • any types of bonuses;
  • one-time payment of vacation pay, material assistance.

Based on this, the full salary is taken into account, and not only its basic salary. The periods when there was no payment do not fall into the calculation: leave at one’s expense, period of incapacity for work. If at that time there were accruals, then they are not taken into account when calculating pensions.

The calculation of the total pension is made by dividing the salary for the year by twelve. If during the billing period there were days when a citizen was without cash allowance, then the amount of the pension is calculated by dividing the amount received by the number of days worked and multiplying by the average number of working days in a month.

Retirement Age Increase

Since 2017, the retirement age for civil servants has been increased. The bill was passed in the spring of 2016. Now the retirement age of citizens working in state and federal institutions comes after reaching 63 and 65 years for women and men, respectively.

However, it was decided to go towards such indicators gradually, annually increasing the retirement age by six months. In 2017, the age should be 55.5 and 60.5 years. By 2026, the retirement age of male civil servants will be reached. Women will come to new data only by 2032. In addition to age, for a pension to be assigned, you must have twenty years of experience, before this period was 15 years. Experience, as well as age, will increase gradually, by six months.

Retirement Age Raising Project for Civil Servants

Year of retirement, age and length of service

In conclusion, it is worth noting that for the year of retirement it is necessary to have the necessary length of service, to comply with the age established by law:

  • 2017 - women 55.5, men 60.5 years, experience 16 years.
  • 2018 - women 56, men 61, 16.5 years old.
  • 2019 - women 56.5, men 61.5, length of service 17.
  • 2020 - women 57, men 62, length of service 17.5.
  • 2021 - women 57.5, men 62.5, length of service 18.
  • 2022 - women 58, men 63, 18.5.
  • 2023 - women 58.5, men 63.5, 19 years old.
  • 2024 - women 59, men 64, 19.5.
  • 2025 - 59.5 and 64.5, respectively, twenty years of experience.

Since 2026, the experience should be at least twenty years, and the age of men will reach 65. Moreover, the retirement age of women will continue to increase by six months each year to 63.


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