How did Herobrine come about? How to summon Herobrine

Minecraft is by far one of the most popular games in the world. This is a project that was originally calculated as indie entertainment for those who love the sandbox genre. Before Minecraft, there weren’t any games in this genre - it was rather an addition to other types of games, providing more freedom in actions. To make a full-fledged game without a specific plot is a bold step with which the developers did not fail. All people were delighted with this idea, so the project began to develop, getting more faces, opportunities, objects, recipes for creating objects and so on. And along with this, the fan side also developed - people came up with their own maps, stories, created servers that hosted whole living cities. But the most interesting thing is the story with Herobrin - an unusual character who does not actually exist, but who at the same time manages to scare many players. So how did Herobrine come about and what is it like?

Herobrine as Cryptipasta

how did herobrine appear

Many people know what kripipasta is - a phenomenon characteristic of the Internet, when a user comes up with a scary story or character, creates confirmations for it in the form of photographs, notes, and so on, and then this material spreads all over the Internet. One of the most successful crypto-pastes in history is Slenderman, who became so popular that caused a full-fledged movement in his support - comics and computer games featuring this character started to appear, and some people even believe in its existence, although crypto-pasta implies that such creatures in nature cannot be. Actually, this hides the answer to the question of how Herobrine appeared. This character is also a creepypaste created by one of the gamers who are fond of Minecraft. Actually, as in the case of Slender, this story was picked up by many, only this time it was distributed locally - among Minecraft players. Well, now it's time to tell how Herobrine appeared.

Herobrine's Appearance

how to summon herobrine

One of Minecraft users posted his own story about how he met this character. This is the story of how Herobrine appeared. This user played in single player mode and saw in the distance a figure similar to another player. But it was a solitary regimen, and upon closer examination it turned out that this person has no pupils, that is, his eyes are completely white. Otherwise, his skin was standard. The user decided to find out on the forum if there were any other people who saw the same. However, a few minutes later his topic was deleted, and in private he received a message from a user under the nickname Herobrin, which contained a short message - "Stop." Attempts to reach this user led only to a broken page, but after a while they got in touch with the detector, and he was informed that he was not the only one to see such a creature - there is already a full-fledged group of players who also noticed another player in single player mode, only without pupils. Much research has indicated that this is the brother of the creator of Minecraft Notch. When they wrote to him, he said that he had a brother, but he was no longer with us. Here is such a story, after which a huge number of people are trying to find out how to call on Herobrin. After all, everyone wanted to admire the incredible legend of Minecraft.

Notch Comments

Herobrine mod

Naturally, Notch's answer, which has been indicated in history, is fictitious. However, after the creep pasta scattered all over the Internet and became a bomb, it provoked attempts to learn how to call Herobrin among thousands of users, Notch was actually asked the question: does this character exist? Notch answered mysteriously - he said that Herobrin does not exist, but in the near future he will become real. The players saw in this a reference to the fact that Herobrine would be added to the game in one of the next updates, and began to wait. However, nothing happened, so one of the users turned to Notch for information. He rejoiced at the rumors, but said that this character will not be added to the game. After some time, Notch was written again, saying that the entire community of the game was disappointed that Herobrin was not in the last update, to which Notch answered, putting the final point. He said that he had no plans at all to add Herobrin now or ever. Therefore, people had to think about how to call Herobrin on their own.

How does Herobrine behave?

herobrine games

You already realized that Herobrin is a secretive character who does not like to be shown to the user for a long time. If you do not use the Herobrin mod, but rely solely on crypto paste, then you need to know the main features of this character's behavior. As mentioned earlier, Herobrin appears on the border of the character’s visibility and does not allow him to come close, constantly running back to a safe distance. He also constantly makes tunnels in stones and mountains, creates pyramids of sand and cuts leaves on trees - all this can be seen in a single game, and if this happened to you, you can be sure that Herobrin worked for you. He can play different games, so this crypto paste is divided into two subspecies.

Secretive Herobrine

Herobrine skin

The first subspecies is harmless - it does not cause the player any damage. Herobrine is simply present and in every possible way indicates his presence, raising fear on the player. But at the same time, he cannot do much harm, therefore, the presence of such a Herobrine can be considered as happiness and good luck. After all, not everyone manages to see this mysterious character.

Miner ghost

Herobrine without mods

However, there is another interpretation of Herobrin - many take him for the spirit of the deceased miner. This character is no longer so safe and harmless. It appears in the same way as the previous ones, but it does not disappear in the fog, but lures the player behind him. He can lead the player for a long time to different locations, but in the end will lead him to a cave full of a wide variety of riches and resources. But as soon as the player begins to try to collect as much good as possible in order to take him with him, Herobrin attacks him and instantly kills.

Herobrine Fashion

Herobrine without mods is just a fairy tale that is passed from mouth to mouth, but in reality such a character does not exist, as Notch already managed to say. However, it can be added in the game, if you use special modifications. There are only two of them - one is designed to add a large number of different famous NPCs to the game, and the other is intended solely for calling Herobrin. In the second case, he will not just be present, but travel around your world, make tunnels, create pyramids of sand and cut foliage.

Herobrin Skins

Naturally, it was not without creating special skins that mimic this character. Herobrin skin can be downloaded and installed into the game manually, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you only need the skin of a person whose pupils can be erased by making them white. If you wish, you can add any other features to your version of Herobrin, which you can explain in one way or another, because many users add something of their own to this story - this is how a full-fledged crypto-paste appears on the Internet.


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