Fragrant Acidantera. Cultivation and care

Bulb plants are one of the favorite for many gardeners. It is very easy to care for them, so raising them is not at all problematic. Due to the fact that onion flowers of different types bloom from early spring to late autumn, you can plant plants in the garden so that flowering does not stop - some will dry out, and others will throw buds. There are many varieties of flowers, but few people know about such a plant as acidanthera. Growing and caring for it is no more difficult than for others, but the appearance will amaze many experienced gardeners.

Acidanthera cultivation and care
Originally from Africa, he loves warm and sunny places. In open ground, it can only be grown in warm countries where there is no frost in winter. In our latitudes, it will not survive the wintering, so in late autumn, tubers need to be dug up. “Fragrant gladiolus”, “beautiful-flowered or Abyssinian gladiolus”, “gladiolus Muriel” - these are all the names that the Acidantra has received among the people. Growing and caring for her is simple, so she takes root in the gardens of many gardeners.

The flower is really very similar to gladiolus, but more delicate and elegant, in addition, it has a very strong fragrant aroma. Flowering begins in late July and lasts until mid-September. Peduncles reach a height of more than a meter, but they do not need support, the plant is not even afraid of wind or rain. Feels good on drained and pre-fertilized soil. In the summer you need to constantly water, but not to allow overmoistening of the soil, which the acidant does not like.

Growing and grooming involves regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and pruning wilted flowers. In this case, the flowering will be more pro

acidanthera care and cultivation
long and plentiful. To make the acidantra look beautiful, it can be planted in groups or immediately planted in garden lawns. In the fall, only peduncles are pruned, and the leaves are left as they feed the tubers. If the winter is warm, then the plant is sprinkled with peat, straw or fallen leaves, which will save such a flower as an acidanthera from the cold.

Leaving and growing in the regions where the winters are frosty, involves digging up tubers from the ground and storing them indoors at a temperature of 15 ° . First, they are stored for a month at a temperature of 20 ° C, when the tubers are dry, you can remove all unnecessary and put them in paper bags with holes for ventilation. As an indoor flower, during the wintering period, the acidantra also often lands.

Cultivation and care are possible not only with tubers, but also with seeds. To do this, at the end of winter, seeds are sown in the ground, then young plants are transplanted into separate pots, and already at the end of spring they are planted in open ground. You should not expect fast growth from them, and only in a couple of years such an acidantra will bloom. Growing tubers in pots or greenhouses will allow you to achieve early and abundant flowering. Plant them

acidanthera growing
It is already in March, and in the open ground - after the last frost.

Acidantera will become an adornment of any garden, its delicate flowers delight the eye, and the fragrant delicate smell captivates. Flowers bloom for a very long time and stand perfectly in a vase, but you should remember about their strong aroma, therefore it is better not to put such bouquets in small rooms.


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