A book for developing memory: an effective step-by-step technique for enhancing brain performance

Human memory is one of the most important intellectual resources of society in the 21st century. With it, people move progress forward. A book for developing memory is a good simulator of this ability. With the help of such literary works, a person can achieve success in school and work, since success depends on the ability to remember information.

The work "Quick Mind." Mike beitser

Human memory

The author said that he did not seek to teach a person to remember large amounts of information in a few days. Beitser claims that with his techniques, people will surely learn to remember even random details or long passages of text. These rules apply to almost all areas of human life. While working on a work, the reader will become more effective in everything he does. The advantages of this book for the development of memory:

  • Lessons make a person more sociable and inventive.
  • The work will teach to impress people. Thanks to this, a person can stand out in a crowd.
  • The reader will learn to always be in front, overtaking all peers. It concerns not only study, but also career. A person will become more valuable in the market of professions.

This book for the development of memory will be interesting to almost everyone, since the exercises from the work work effectively for all readers. A trial version of the book is available on the Internet, which anyone can read.

Works by Stanislav Muller

How can a person develop his memory

This author is a psychologist. He wrote a large book on the development of memory. Throughout his life, Miller has been researching the human brain. Basically, he wrote books for the development of memory in adults, where he tells in detail how this ability can be trained. The best works of the author:

  • “Remember everything: a simulator of good memory.” In the book, the author spoke about the best techniques for improving brain function. After 30 minutes of reading, a person can improve his memory. Training during the week increases the ability to memorize 2 times.
  • "Unlock your brain." The book provides a special technique that improves thinking and memory. In addition, the author will tell you how to remove various fears and prejudices. Thanks to this, a person will learn to achieve their goals.

His works are multifunctional. Mostly his books are needed for the development of memory and attention. However, there are people whom works motivate to achieve success in their careers and hobbies.

One of the strongest works

“The development of memory by the methods of special services”

In the world there is a book "The development of memory according to the methods of special services." It was written by Denis Bukin. The author offers his reader to begin to engage in memory training. Thanks to the book, a person will be able to remember a large amount of information.

Special attention should be paid to the narrative in the work. It is conducted in the form of a detective line. Performing various exercises, a person can feel like a real agent of special services. Throughout the book there are techniques for storing information. The author also tells how a person’s memory works. The book "The development of memory by the method of special services" is complicated as it is read.

In addition, Denis Bukin gives some advice on when and how best to remember information. He does this using real agents as an example. Indeed, each specialist has different methods of memorization. Also, in his work, the author made many visual illustrations.

A useful book will be for people who want to teach persuading the environment. The author also tells how you can make contact with a person. For this, there are exercises in the book of memory development. Information from the work will be important not only to special agents, but also to ordinary people.

Japanese technology

Information storage

The inhabitants of this country have always been distinguished by their ingenuity. The book "Japanese system of development of intelligence and memory" is a confirmation of this. With it, a person can make his brain work as he needs. A special program is presented for this. It is designed for 60 days of continuous training. The author of the book is the Japanese psychotherapist Ryuta Kawashima. With the help of this work, more than two million people improved their memory.

It is a known fact that after 20 years the human brain begins to weaken. However, this organ is similar to muscle. If you train him, he will be in good shape. And if you do it right, the human brain will become stronger and stronger every day. The author developed and tested the technique for several years.

During reading, a person will get acquainted with exercises that increase the amount of oxygen entering the brain. The result of the technician will be an increase in brain performance. Training also increases the number of neural connections.

"Einstein walks on the moon"

Brain development

During the year, a person spends 40 days to recall various events and information. The author of the book is Joshua Foeru. In the past, he forgot every year when it was the birthday of his other half. Realizing his problem, he began to work on himself. Thanks to training, he won the competition for memorizing information. After that, Joshua released the book, which became a worldwide bestseller.

The work tells about the year of training, which helped the author achieve success. This book for the development of memory is useful to people who are interested in the work of the brain. It also contains information on what exercises should be done to improve memorization. In addition, it has historical data. The author told how memory worked and changed over the centuries.

Works by Tony Busan

Memory development

This man has written many works that relate to creative thinking, the ability to remember, reading speed, and so on. He even has books for the development of children's memory. The work of their brain is practically no different from adults. The best works include:

  • "Superb thinking." This is one of a series of books. Tony talks about his concept, which allows to improve the ability of memorization. In addition, after reading a person learns to develop their creativity.
  • "Fast reading." Thanks to this book, a person will learn to perceive information with ease. As a result, the reader will quickly memorize large amounts of text.

Also, the author has a book “Super memory”. With it, a person can learn to remember information through unique techniques. People do not need to spend a lot of personal time doing exercises. All works of Buzan are distributed to any age.

“Development of memory”, Yuri Pugach

The author believes that everyone needs a good brain function, regardless of activity. Yuri devoted his work to an exercise in the field of the ability to remember images. The author is able to teach a person to quickly process information data and navigate it. The work clearly illustrates how the human brain works. Based on theoretical knowledge, people will be able to train independently. Some techniques make it easier to remember large amounts of information.

Using a unique technique, a person will be able to put a lot of data in his head. Along with this, the reader will train logical thinking. Reading a book over the course of a month will be useful for both students and adults. You can also listen to it in audio format.

“Memory and its development”

The author, William Atkinson, devoted most of his life to the study of esotericism and mental science. Thanks to this, he created and tested special exercises that are popular in 2018. Some points in the book are aimed at the spiritual development of man. Using training from a book, a person can improve thinking, memory, intelligence and impact on others. And also in the work there are recommendations for cleansing the brain. Thanks to exercises, a person will be able to remove unnecessary information. In addition, the book will positively affect the development of the personality of the reader. A trial version can be found on the Internet.

A. Andreev: “Memory Training Techniques”

Book Andreeva

All the techniques that this person has proposed are not a discovery. However, they can be used to effectively improve memory. Andreev himself created some exercises for several years. He tested all methods of improving memory on himself. Their distinguishing feature is accessibility. A person after reading will learn to quickly absorb and memorize new material.

If the reader uses the exercises every day, they will quickly become a habit. Thanks to this, a large number of useful skills will be formed. Andreev in his book identified certain categories of complexity. They depend on the intellectual development of man. The reader can start with the easiest exercises and gradually come to more difficult workouts. A person can get a book both in print and in electronic form. It can also be read even by children, as it has no age restrictions.

“Improvements for memory”, Grace Natalya

The author is a professional business coach and repeater for improving human speech. Along with this, she can teach to remember a large amount of information. In addition, in the book “Improvements for memory”, she gives many examples from her personal life when she managed to help a person develop a brain.

Reading a book can change a person’s life. It tells how and where people can use their memory. Thanks to this, the reader will be able to influence the environment and find a common language with relatives. All the methods that Grace offers are not difficult to implement. On them, a person needs to be given half an hour a day. Training will be fun. Thanks to this, the reader will be able to learn to perceive a lot of information in a short period of time. Especially the book will be useful to students.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8987/

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