How to prepare a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of a man

When you turn 70 years old, you want to receive sincere and warm congratulations from your family and friends coming from the heart. This is the age when a person wants to reap the benefits of his labor. All words spoken by relatives and friends must be solemn, kind, sincere and positive. In order not to forget anything, you need to prepare in advance a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of the man.

70th birthday greetings to man

At this age, a person, sadly, has fewer friends and work colleagues every year. But relatives, on the contrary, are being added. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren appear and grow up. So the organization of the holiday for the beloved dad and grandfather rests on the shoulders of loved ones. Accordingly, they should take care to prepare a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of the man. In prose or in poetic form, it will not matter. The main thing is that it reflects the love and care of the immediate environment. Be sure to describe the main life achievements of the hero of the day, talk about how he is appreciated and his contribution to family prosperity.

What is not worth talking about ...

The holiday, which will be a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of the man, should be sincere and very kind. It is best to make the hero of the day forget about his age and again feel strong and full of strength. When preparing a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of a man in poetry, and perhaps in prose, one should avoid those old age, illness, weakness. It must be emphasized that grandfather is still full of strength, to recall how much he does for his loved ones. It happens that a person continues to work in such years. This must certainly be mentioned, writing a congratulation on the 70th anniversary of the man. For example: “Our dear! Today you are not old, but just mature. If your soul is young, then do not worry about age. For all the years you've lived, you have gained great experience, which you are happy to share with the younger generation. The main thing is to be happy, and we will try to please and not upset you. "

70th birthday greetings to man in prose

Beautiful treat

Mandatory attribute of a magnificent celebration is a cake. Of course, congratulations on the 70th anniversary of a man in prose will not fit on it, but a couple of poetic lines can well decorate a masterpiece of culinary excellence. Nowadays, beautiful cakes are made, and not only to taste. To depict on their surface with a cream or mastic confectioners can all the wishes of the customer. Relatives have the opportunity to make a cake, which shows the main hobby of the hero of the day. For a man, it can be fishing or any sport. The original will be a treat in the form of a huge fish or sports equipment. It is easy to imagine the surprise of the guests and the hero of the day when they see a surprise that does not differ in appearance from the original, but in the end it turns out that this is not a souvenir, but a completely edible sweetness.

70th birthday greetings

The holiday should please

70 years is an honorable age and it is not accepted to hide it. On the contrary, it must be emphasized what date the relatives and friends gathered to celebrate. It is advisable to decorate the interior in a suitable way. It is very important that everything looks solemn and serious, but not too much, otherwise the hero of the day might get bored. Regardless of where the event is held, at home or in a restaurant, the main thing is that from the mouth of the relatives, congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the man should be appropriate. Cool words and phrases expressed in youth language can also be heard at this holiday. But only if the hero of the day has an excellent sense of humor and is able to appreciate this kind of expression of feelings. Otherwise, it will cause bewilderment or resentment. But you should not upset a close relative. After all, this is his holiday and must be made so that he really likes it, especially congratulations to the man on his 70th birthday. For example, you can say the following: “I was invited to the grandfather's anniversary! But I do not find him among those present. This young, fit young man cannot be. But everyone assures me that it is he. Therefore, I wish you health, vitality, and look your 100th anniversary as well. ”

To make everything go smoothly

There should be as many good words as possible. Older people value them no less than gifts, which at this age are not so easy to pick up. As a rule, life is already established, the house has everything you need. The exception is the hero of the day who enjoys collecting or has a hobby. There really is where to roam. The more items grandfather gets for his collection, the happier he will be. Over the years of their life, they have probably already accumulated a lot. He will proudly demonstrate or tell about each exhibit to all those gathered. Getting something for your hobby is also very nice. It can be anything, the main thing is to come in handy, like and enjoy.

70th birthday greetings to man in verse

70 years is a time to take stock of life. It happens that a person recalls not only the good, but also his mistakes or grief. Relatives should then direct the thoughts of their dear relative in a positive direction. Funny, touching cases from their lives involving the hero of the day will undoubtedly come in handy. In order to be able to tell beautifully about them, you need to prepare in advance, then the emotional atmosphere of the holiday will be remembered for many years.


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