Summary: "Three Fat Men" by Yuri Olesha

Olesha Three Fat Men Summary
Let us recall one of the most beloved books of Soviet children - the novel-fairy tale "Three Fat Men". Its author is a famous writer, poet and playwright Yuri Olesha. The book was translated into 17 languages, films were made and performances were put on it. Today we will familiarize ourselves with its plot.

Yuri Olesha. "Three Fat Men." Summary

The novel takes place in a state ruled by Three Fat Men - greedy, evil gluttons, in every way oppressing ordinary people: artisans, small shopkeepers, poor merchants and craftsmen. Depressed under the yoke of greedy rulers, the people raised a rebellion, led by the armourer Prospero and gymnast-rope walker Tibul. That is the background. The novel begins with the fact that the uprising is defeated, Prospero is arrested, and Tibul is wanted.

Summary. "Three Fat Men." Gaspar Arneri

Good doctor Gaspard Arneri, a local celebrity, becomes an involuntary participant in the events after he first enters the war zone and then discovers the fugitive Tibula at home. He makes the gymnast unrecognizable by repainting it black and thereby turning it into a black man, but the proud leader of the uprising gives himself out in the crowd in the market, after which he takes off again. Meanwhile, 10 blocks are erected on the square for the arrested participants in the uprising.

three fat men
Summary. "Three Fat Men." Heir doll

In parallel with the description of events in the city, a story is being told about what is happening in the palace of the three Fat Men. It turns out that a boy named Tutti lives with them, whom they raise as a little prince, indulging all his whims and striving to raise an heir not only of their wealth and power, but also of their vices. The heir does not communicate with other children, and a small company throughout his short life is a doll that he loves as his only friend. But once the doll suffered from the hands of a guard who took the side of the rebellion, and broke. Tutti is inconsolable in his grief, and the Fat Men send her for an repair to Dr. Gaspar.

All attempts to fix the damage turned out to be futile, because the allotted time is too short, and the doctor goes to Tolstyakov’s castle with a doll to ask for a delay. On the way, he loses a doll, and then accidentally gets into a van of circus performers, comrades of Tibul. Here he meets the girl Suok, who, like two drops of water, looks like a heir doll. Soon, Tibul also comes here. Together, they decide to give the young circus a doll so that she penetrates the palace and free Prospero languishing in the basement.

three fat men book summary
Summary. "Three Fat Men." Court

The girl coped brilliantly with her role. Everyone took her for a doll, and at night she manages to free the prisoner. The gunsmith leaves through a secret underground passage, but Suok does not have time to follow him and falls under arrest. The next day, a trial of a poor girl is arranged, but she does not react to what is happening, which causes the anger of the Fat Men and their associates. Cruel rulers throw the circus to be torn to tigers, and it turns out that this is not a girl, but a broken doll.

Summary. "Three Fat Men." Denouement

At this moment, the rebels, led by their leaders - the armourer Prospero and the circus tibul, burst into the palace and capture Tolstyakov and their retinue. People celebrate victory. But what happened to the heir to Tutti? Despite all the efforts of his guardians, he remains a kind and sympathetic boy, and it turns out that he is a brother of Suok, kidnapped in infancy and placed in the castle of the rulers. The boy joins the troupe of strolling artists and finally finds happiness.

This is the summary of The Three Fat Men. But in order to learn about all the adventures of the heroes described by the romantic figurative language of Yuri Olesha, read the book in the original. You will not be disappointed.


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