Phrases about beauty: beautiful sayings, aphorisms

Beauty is one of the main concepts in our life. A person seeks to see her in everything: people, objects, nature, relationships. It is not surprising that the question of how it manifests itself, how the idea of ​​it has changed over time, worries many people. One of the simplest and at the same time obvious ways to understand the intricacies of this concept is to read phrases about beauty. Quotes from the works, statements by famous personalities, cues spoken by movie heroes - all this will be considered in the article.

Interpretation of the concept

Before you understand how your own opinion about it coincides with the views of other people, you should give a definition from which you need to build on.

Interpretation of the concept

Beauty is a category of aesthetics, which is a designation of perfection, a combination of all aspects of the existence of an object in harmony, which causes the observer a sense of aesthetic pleasure. The fact that this category is one of the most important in culture is undeniable and well-known. You should not equate the concept of beauty with the concept of beauty, since the latter, although close in meaning, is still the highest (absolute) degree of beauty.

The beauty of literary heroines

For many, the embodiment of this aesthetic category is a woman. There are many sayings about her. To begin with, it is worth highlighting the images presented in literary works. It was they who fixed in themselves that perception of beauty that existed with an individual writer - a herald of his era.

Quotes from the works

You can start with the famous poet A.S. Pushkin. Already in his fairy tales appear images that are still stored in our memory as the embodiment of beauty.

During the day, God's light overshadows, at night it illuminates the earth - a month under the scythe shines, and a star burns in the forehead. But she is majestic, appears as a pava; sweet talk, it’s like a little river babbling.

Such a beautiful phrase about beauty describes the Swan Princess from “Tales of Tsar Saltan”. In this work, the author emphasizes that a woman has a lot from the fragile grace and grace of this majestic bird. I certainly want to strive for such an ideal for modern ladies.

Anna Karenina

Another landmark for both Russian and foreign literature was the image of Anna Karenina L.N. Tolstoy. His phrase about the beauty of a woman combines many features that are still valued in society.

She was charming in her simple black dress, charming her full hands with bracelets, charming hard neck with a string of pearls, charming curly hair of a frustrated hairstyle, charming graceful light movements of small legs and arms, charming this beautiful face in its revival; but there was something terrible and cruel in her charms. (...) Despite the elegance, everything was so simple, calm and dignified in the pose, and in the clothes, and in Anna's movements, that nothing could be more natural. (...) According to one look at the appearance of this lady, Vronsky determined her belonging to the upper world. (...) Levin all the time admired her - and her beauty, and intelligence, education, and at the same time simplicity and sincereness.

A detailed portrait of the heroine of his novel “The Night is Tender” is also given by F. S. Fitzgerald. This work was created by the author in a difficult period of his life filled with heavy events. The features of the heroine of the novel Nicole Diver Fitzgerald took over from his own wife.

Nicole Diver, substituting a back to the sun hanging from a pearl necklace, was looking for a Maryland chicken recipe in the cookbook. Rosemary decided she must be twenty-four years old; at first glance it seemed that the standard definition of “beautiful woman” was quite enough for her, but if you looked closely at her face, there was a strange impression - that this face was conceived as strong and significant, with a large Rodenov modeling of features, with that brightness of colors and expression , which inevitably gives rise to the idea of ​​a temperamental, strong-willed character; but when finishing, the sculptor’s cutter hesitated him to an ordinary beauty - so much so that even a little more - and it would become irreparably banal. This duality was especially pronounced in the lip pattern; curved, like a beauty from a magazine cover, they at the same time possessed the elusive originality inherent in the other features of this face.

Does she require victims

It is often said that beauty is one of the few concepts of our life that is worthy of any sacrifice. For her sake, people are ready to commit madness, just as for love. This is confirmed by the following phrase about beauty, which belongs to Hans Christian Andersen:

For the sake of beauty, it is not a sin to suffer.

Beauty and love

In the understanding of many of us, these two concepts are closely related or almost inextricable. When a person is in love, the world around, people and objects become more beautiful. The eye notices in them those amazing and previously inaccessible details that suddenly began to clearly appear on the surface.

love and beauty

That is why many phrases about beauty can not do without a mention of love:

This is the way you need to go in love - yourself or under someone else’s guidance: starting with individual manifestations of the beautiful, you have to go up all the time, as if by steps, for the most beautiful, from one beautiful body to two, from two to all, and then from beautiful bodies to beautiful morals, and from beautiful morals to beautiful teachings, until you rise from these teachings to that which is the doctrine of the most beautiful, and finally you do not know what it is beautiful. And in contemplation of the beautiful in itself <...> only the person who sees him can live. (Platonic hierarchy of beauty. Plato, "Feast")

Love is the desire to enjoy beauty. Beauty is a kind of radiance that attracts the human soul. (M. Ficino)

Woman and beauty

It is difficult to accurately determine the number of statements about female beauty. They have appeared over the centuries, reflecting the morals of their era. Thanks to phrases about the beauty of a woman, a true lady will be able to understand what she needs to strive for. Below are some quotes on this subject.

Each has its own concept of female attractiveness; beauty is something more unshakable and independent of tastes and judgments. (Jean de Labruyer)

Sometimes women, whose beauty is perfect and their virtues are rare, touch our heart so much that we are content with the right to look at them and speak with them. (Jean de Labruyer)

The woman decorates what makes her more beautiful, but not gold, emeralds and purple, but modesty, decency, and modesty make her such. (Plutarch)

Beauty female style

With the development of the fashion industry, the growth of its role in the life of women, phrases about the beauty of a girl enclosed in her style and manner of behavior began to appear more and more often.

Learn to walk as a woman should. There is a kind of beauty in gait, which neglect is not good. It either attracts or repels unfamiliar men from itself. One woman moves gracefully with her dress in the wind and proudly treading. The other one walks on her own, with enormous strides. (Ovid)

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid. (Coco Chanel)

Beauty becomes vibrant and interesting when it is hidden by clothing. (M. Bellucci)

Beauty makeup

Inextricable link

Nothing in human life is divided into black and white. Each aspect combines a lot of shades. Therefore, many famous people are convinced that beauty only becomes especially valuable when it is not devoid of other qualities.

That woman who appreciates in herself not so much beauty as the properties of the soul and mind, is a cut above the other women; the one who values ​​beauty the most is similar to all her sisters, and the one that values ​​her nobility or title more than even beauty is lower than other women, and perhaps not a woman at all. (Nicola de Chamfort)

Silly beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deep into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze — her beauty will gradually turn into a startling disgrace. (I. A. Goncharov)

External beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. The book, whose gold clasps close the gold content, gains special respect. (W. Shakespeare)

These phrases about beauty confirm the idea that the combination of such an aesthetic category with the virtues of the soul and mind can give something more than a simple contemplation of a pleasant appearance. It is no secret that over time it loses its appeal. If a person is capable of striking exclusively with external beauty, then after some time he will simply lose his value. For himself, as for those around him, it will be painful to realize that he will no longer be able to influence people only with his attractiveness.

beauty of nature

beauty of nature

Since ancient times, nature has given man, if not all, then a lot. Thanks to her, he had food, could build a shelter and make clothes. With the development of history and culture, man began to find inspiration in it, draw strength to comprehend the events taking place around him. This could not leave its mark, but because the appearance of phrases about the beauty of nature is quite natural.

Beauty is generally a rarity; there are entire nations from smaller brethren who have no beauty, for example, monkeys with their Irish jaws, young wrinkles and protruding teeth, frogs with bulging eyes and mouth to ear ... And how often does a beautiful horse or dog meet? One nature is constantly beautiful, because we look at it from afar, from a noble distance; moreover, she is an outsider to us, and we don’t keep any accounts, we don’t have any personalities, we look at her like strangers, and we just don’t see those outrages that are striking to us in human faces and even in animals with our affinities. (Alexander Herzen, “Boredom for the sake of”)

Not only poetry is poetry: it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, this sky - everywhere beauty and life breathe, and where beauty and life are, there is poetry. (I. S. Turgenev)

People divide the earth into “yours” and “ours”, on the territory, on state borders ... when, meanwhile, the entire planet Earth is unique, beautiful and full of unusual places. There are no boundaries for beauty. (I. Gasnikova)

I plucked a flower - and it wilted. I caught a moth - and he died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart. (P. Gvezdoslav)

People found many facets in nature that together made up an amazing lifestyle. Everything in it is subject to special laws, everything exists for a reason. But how much in nature is that a person has not yet been able to comprehend, explain or comprehend. For us, there are still many mysteries in it, and therefore its greatness and beauty will inspire, despite the progress and dominance of technology.

Not without a bit of humor

Of course, many people have thought about the meaning, place and importance of beauty in our lives. Sometimes these thoughts are like throwing from one extreme to another, because people make different demands on her. Someone sees her in everything, while others regret that there is nothing left in the world that could reflect the concept of true beauty.

Funny phrases about beauty

All conclusions of this kind are very sad, but there are those that will certainly make you smile. Humor, easy irony, you can always find a place in life. Often, they help to look at things from a completely different angle. Below are some funny phrases about beauty.

Once Faina Ranevskaya was asked:

- Why are beautiful women more successful in men than smart ones?

- It is obvious! After all, there are very few blind men, and a dime a dozen stupid ...

Sadly, in ten to fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will become five years older. (Author unknown)

Loving a person for beauty is like loving chocolate for a wrapper. (Author unknown)

Most of the statements bring us back to the woman. One can agree with this, because sometimes the desire of the fair sex to become even more beautiful or to extend the years of youth comes to ridiculous extremes.

Girl, you put on so much ... Are you not hot? (Author unknown)

A beautiful woman pleases the male eye, ugly - female. (Author unknown)

Some women emphasize their beauty with cosmetics, others strike it out. (Author unknown)

However, do not blame them for their desire to be beautiful. Sometimes this desire is the best motivation to change yourself for the better.

For children

Explain about beauty is even worth it to children. No need to go into deep and lengthy thoughts. Pay attention to a beautiful bird, a flower and tell about the importance of preserving it. Funny phrases from cartoons can also simplify the explanation , because by their example it is easier to explain to children what beauty is.

I don’t take money for my flying away, much less for beauty. (Kung Fu Panda)

How can a world in which such wonderful things are created be bad? (Mermaid)

A flower that has grown in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. (Mulan)

Children should be accustomed to the beautiful from an early age, especially to the fact that it is worth appreciating the inner beauty.

Quotes from cartoons

Comprehensive value

Beauty is one of the most important aesthetic categories, which has a huge impact on our lives. Despite the fact that it is manifested to one degree or another in different areas, it is important to note a number of statements that reflect the intrinsic value of this concept.

Beauty is eternity in tangible form. (Simone Weil)

Beauty is not a need, but ecstasy. This is not the image that you would like to see, and not the song that you would like to hear, but the image that you see, even if you close your eyes, and the song that you hear, even if you close your ears. (Gibran Halil Gibran)

“Beauty is absolute,” the voice continued. - Human life, all life obeys beauty. Paradoxical adaptability is not applicable here. Beauty does not submit to life. Beauty already existed in the universe before man. Beauty will remain in the universe when a person dies, but not vice versa. Beauty is ... in general, beauty is everything, that’s all said, and it does not depend on an insignificant man floundering in the mud. (Jack London, Robert L. Fish. The Bureau of Murders)

A number of famous personalities noted the exclusivity of this concept. Quotes are interesting in which the idea sounds that it is not a person who creates beauty, but that it is the formative element of our life. It was she who caused many historical changes, its influence is difficult to drive into any specific framework.

Importance of beauty


In the modern world, statements about the death of art are often heard. However, it is being reborn again and again, and with it the idea of ​​beauty. Without it, our existence is unthinkable. It is necessary to learn to see her, to be receptive to her manifestations, to notice in the little things that surround us. Beauty is a wonderful source of vitality, it will never lose its value.

So much is inherent in beauty that for those who will replace us, there is always something to say about the glory of beauty. (Lucian)

From the article you were able to find out both well-known and new phrases about female beauty, about the writers' presentation of this aesthetic category. Not without humor. We hope that quotes will help you to show your erudition in a conversation or to discover the meaning of beauty from a different perspective.


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