How to use bulk floors for the street and which one to choose?

Professional builders and just the owners of the premises have long had time to evaluate all the positive aspects of bulk flooring mixtures. With their help, you can quickly create a perfectly flat and smooth surface, with a minimum of effort.

Manufacturers of leveling mixtures did not stop there, and already today they offer us to evaluate the advantages of self-leveling floors for the street. Let's see what are the features of this product and what its varieties can be used outdoors.

What criteria should floors for outdoor use meet?

When it comes to the operation of materials in harsh conditions, excessive requirements are placed on their technical characteristics. In the case of bulk floors for the street, there are several basic requirements that a similar mixture must meet:

1. Resistance to temperature difference . Frost resistance is one of the main qualities that the material for the street should have.

2. Increased strength indicators . Such formulations must withstand increased mechanical stress and chemical attack.

3. Sufficient surface roughness . In wet and cold climates it is very important that the coating is not too slippery.

4. Improved waterproofing qualities. Self-leveling flooring for the street should be highly resistant to moisture, as operation in wet conditions can significantly reduce their service life.

5. Quick setting of the solution . When pouring the mixture outside the room, it is impossible to maintain the desired temperature regime and optimal humidity for a long time. It is difficult to provide long-term protection of the coating from physical impact, so it is better if the mixture sets in a few hours.

bulk floors for the street

What are the options for leveling solutions manufacturers offer us today and what properties is endowed with each option?

Cement compositions and their characteristics

Mixtures, the main component of which is cement, have sufficient strength and quick setting, while they are considered the most economical. Such coatings are characterized by excellent elasticity and lack of cracking. The simplicity of their use allows you to install a cement poured floor on the street with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.

the bulk floor for the street is frost-resistant

In the domestic market, these coatings are represented by the brands:

• Ceresit CN83 and CN76.

• ARDEX K-301.

• "Duraflor Terta".

Similar compositions are used together with additives that are rubbed into the hardened cement base. They give the finished coating increased wear resistance, resistance to temperature extremes and impact resistance. These qualities make it possible to use cement floors in garage spaces, in car parks and in adjoining territories.

The disadvantages of such surfaces include poor resistance to chemicals and the inability to repair individual sections of the coating.

Polymeric bulk floor for the street

In those cases when the reinforcement of the upper floor layer is not enough, it is better to use compositions with the addition of various polymer additives. They allow you to make the most durable and holistic base throughout the thickness of the layer. This group of mixtures can be used even in industrial premises, where the mechanical and chemical effects on the floor are quite high.

it is possible to use a bulk floor in the street

Today there are several varieties of polymer-filled formulations:

• polyurethane;

• methyl methacrylic;

• acrylic cement;

• polyurethane-cement.

They are equally good at operating in harsh conditions, so they can be safely used on the street. Nevertheless, we will examine in more detail the differences and the main characteristics of each option.

Polyurethane varieties of leveling coatings

Thanks to the two-component polymers that make up the polyurethane mixtures, the resulting coating is characterized by excellent impact resistance, increased resistance to abrasion and exposure to freezing temperatures. They are non-toxic, fairly easy to care for and not subject to the negative effects of chemicals.

outdoor concrete floor

Such a poured floor on the street is poured on concrete, while the quality of the screed does not matter. The fluidity and plasticity of the composition makes it possible to cover uneven bases with the presence of small cracks.

The disadvantages of polymer floors include a long setting of the solution (about 5 days), the inability to repair and laborious dismantling. For outdoor use, such coatings are recommended to be placed under a canopy.

In the domestic market, such mixtures are represented by Polyplan and Polymerstone firms and have a price tag from 270 to 350 rubles per kg.

Methyl Methacrylic Liquid Floors

The main advantage of methyl methacrylic coatings is the possibility of their use at temperatures from -25 to +35 degrees. For this reason, the question of whether it is possible to use the bulk floor on the street or not, in this case does not arise.

Such mixtures are characterized by the ability to withstand huge loads, resistance to sunlight, humidity and acids. A great advantage is the excellent aesthetic qualities of such formulations. Surfaces made of methyl methacrylic leveling mixtures can be of a wide variety of colors and have both smooth and rough texture.

do-it-yourself bulk floor on the street

The main manufacturer of the compositions of this variety in Russia is the company "Duracon". The cost of its products is about 700 rubles per m².

Acrylic cement floors and their properties

Initially, floors on a cement-acrylic basis were created for the purpose of operation in the shops of industrial enterprises. For this reason, the manufacturer endowed these coatings with the following characteristics:

• environmental friendliness;

• resistance to fats;

• surface integrity;

• special resistance to abrasion;

• water resistant;

• anti-slip texture;

• resistance to aggressive chemical components.

It should be noted separately that this bulk floor for the street is frost-resistant (withstands up to -60 degrees), which allows you to use it even in regions with a particularly harsh climate. The maximum allowable heating temperature is 120 degrees.

self-leveling bulk floors for the street

A significant drawback of this type is the very complex installation process, so it is seldom poured on small private territories. The cost of one m² of such coverage is about 670 rubles.

Polyurethane-cement floors

Self-leveling self-leveling floors (for outdoor use) on a polyurethane-cement base form the most durable and durable coatings. They are able to withstand any mechanical and chemical influences. Their installation is advisable in places with very high traffic.

Such coatings absolutely do not slip, so they can be laid on surfaces with a significant slope. Absolute hygiene, the possibility of steaming and fire safety make their use popular in crowded places, in car parks and in pedestrian areas.

outdoor polymer floor

A significant drawback of such coatings is their high cost. If the previous options cost 200-700 rubles per square meter, then the installation of such a floor will be 2000-2500 rubles for the same volume.


Summing up the above, it is safe to say that there are bulk floors for the street. Moreover, they are successfully used in many enterprises and organizations. There are no special rules for their use, since all surfaces are absolutely unpretentious in maintenance.

However, it should be noted that the operation of bulk floors will be as long as possible and comfortable only if the type of leveling composition is correctly selected for pouring. To do this, you only need to determine the conditions in which the coating will be operated, highlight the basic requirements for the final surface and weigh your financial capabilities.


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