The best dog in the world is my dog! Rescue dogs, nanny dog. The most faithful dogs

It is difficult to disagree with the statement that serves as the heading for our article. Indeed, for each owner of the dog, his four-legged friend is the smartest, most beautiful, most faithful and fun. And each of them says with confidence: "My dog ​​is the best!" But there is a category of people who love absolutely all dogs - thoroughbred and “noblemen”, long and short-haired, serious defenders and charming kids resembling plush toys.

the best dog in the world

Oddly enough, these people are especially difficult to choose a pet. In this article we will tell you about different breeds of dogs, about their features, characters. Perhaps among them you can find exactly the four friends that you have been looking for. The main thing is to remember that a dog is a friend who is ready to give his life for his master, without requiring anything in return. Therefore, love your pet, take care of him, and he will answer you with unlimited devotion.

The best guards

We would like to start our short review with the most serious dogs who are able to become reliable defenders of a house or apartment. Future owners should know that the best dog for home security should receive active physical activity, take a course to protect the owner. There is an erroneous opinion that any large dog or representatives of fighting breeds can become a guard. It's a delusion.

The fact is that these breeds were bred for fights with animals, and they most often have very warm feelings for humans, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

Home Guard Dogs: German Shepherd

If you decide to get a dog to guard your home, then a German shepherd is perhaps the best choice. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, quickly and for a long time remember teams, treat children very well and are unsurpassed defenders. The fury of these dogs is enough for a whole gang of intruders, and affection for every member of the family.

the most faithful dogs

Undoubtedly, this is the best dog to guard at home, but owners should know that this animal is incredibly active and in dire need of serious physical exertion. And one more important fact in favor of such a choice - the German Shepherd takes an honorable third place in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs.

Giant Schnauzer

The owners of this beauty claim that this is the best dog in the world. For him, the protection of a private home is a favorite pastime. This dog is a friend, faithful and unpretentious and also incredibly brave. The Giant Schnauzer is a formidable guard who knows absolutely no fear when it comes to protecting the owner and his property.

These dogs are intelligent, well trained, surprisingly kind to children and infinitely loyal to the owners. This breed is active, so your pet will not miss the slightest opportunity to frolic with the owner. It needs serious physical exertion so that the animal’s energy is directed to the necessary channel and helps to maintain muscle mass at the proper level. The only drawback of the Giant Schnauzer, which is noted by the owners, is the obligatory grooming.

the best dog to guard at home

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Each person has the right to decide for himself which is the best dog in the world. For some, this is a funny and funny poodle, for some it is a handsome Rottweiler. But if we are talking about the protection of the house, then we can confidently say that the look of this beautiful giant will discourage all uninvited guests from visiting your house with bad intentions. The strength of the "Caucasian" is quite enough to cope with a pack of wolves. Many believe that these are the most faithful dogs. Nothing will force them to abandon the owner in a difficult situation, and their kindness is truly admired - few animals can endure any childish pranks so patiently and be so happy to return the owner home even after a short-term absence.

This very large dog does not need a long walk. A one and a half hour walk with the opportunity to frolic is enough to keep your pet's physical shape always on top.

To protect the apartment

If the size of the animal does not matter for the protection of the house, this factor can be decisive when choosing an apartment guard. Therefore, we will identify animals suitable for such a service.


This is a born guard, but at the same time possessing some particularly warm attitude towards children. For this reason, he often lives in families with small children. This dog will not offend the child under any circumstances: it will tolerate his pranks and calmly doze off, while the small owner studies his body.

However, this does not mean at all that raising a dog can be left to chance - it must be trained. Boxer is an ideal defender, clever, excellent at training and for a long time remembering teams.


A lot of good words and negative words have been said about this dog. Like any large and extremely strong dog, it needs proper education and training, not aimed at the development of aggression and anger. And one more detail - this powerful animal, like no other, is very responsive to love and attention from the person. People who have these animals can spend hours talking about how their pets can be gentle, subtly feeling the owner’s state of mind, understanding him even not at once, but reacting to his gesture.

my dog ​​is the best

If you ask the owners of the Rottweiler: “What are the most faithful dogs?”, You will get a definite answer: “Of course the Rottweiler!”. This dog, without thinking for a second, will give his life, protecting his master. That is why representatives of this breed can be called bold, fearless, in a word, ideal guards.

Dogs for children

Why does a child need a dog? Such a question can be asked only by people who have never had animals. In fact, the puppy disciplines the child - you need to look after him, feed, walk and so on. In this case, not only the puppy gets education, but also your child. Psychologists say that sadists and maniacs never grow out of children who are used to taking care of someone since childhood.

best dogs for kids


These are the best dogs for children over seven years old. These animals do not know aggression towards humans. Moreover, Labradors are very smart and easily trained, so even a teenager can cope with this task. These are very complaisant and affectionate animals, easily finding a common language with children.

the most faithful dogs


And this charming creature is suitable for girls. They can (and should) be combed, braided with pigtails and ponytails on the dog’s head, dressed in different outfits. On a walk, this dog will not require physical strength. Therefore, she is rightly considered one of the best dogs for children.


Many parents believe that the best dogs for children should be small. If you are of the same opinion, then a beagle can be a great friend to your child. He has an excellent character, cheerful disposition, and besides, he is small in size, so he won’t take up much space in your house. It looks very funny and is easily trained.

We presented dogs that are suitable for children over seven years old, but there are breeds that are commonly called nannies for their careful and very gentle attitude towards the smallest children.

Nanny dogs

To begin with, let's decide what you mean by “dog nanny”? If you think that this animal will look after and monitor the baby, change diapers, learn to walk, then there are serious fears that you saw dogs only in pictures and have little idea of ​​the mental abilities and character of these animals.

Others believe that a nanny dog ​​is an animal that will never harm a baby, even if it inadvertently hurts it or scares it with a sharp cry. This is often the case with young parents, who themselves grew up in a family with a dog, and can quite distinguish fairy tales from reality.

Dog handlers say that in nature there are no universal nanny dogs that can replace a governess or playmate with a child. A properly trained well-brought-up pet will make your child's life richer and brighter than that of his peers. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that many representatives of the described breeds differ in a reverent attitude towards children. This is a German shepherd, and a handsome Rottweiler, and a huge Caucasian shepherd. Nevertheless, some breeds, by their natural qualities, are more suitable for this role than others.


Among thoroughbred large dogs, collies have proven themselves to be the best nannies. The patience of these animals during games with children is envied by angels. They allow kids to do whatever they want with them. These dogs will not show aggression, even if the child hurts them. Collie is a great choice for families with small children. They are very carefully watching their ward so that he does not climb where it is dangerous, they do not allow him to leave the yard.

dog nanny

Great Dane

Perhaps someone will be surprised when he sees this giant on the list of nannies. The fact is that this dog applies carefully and condescendingly to everyone who is smaller in size. In addition, these dogs are very loyal and responsible towards the owners and members of their family. There is one caveat - people who are able to properly feed this giant should buy a dog, because its health largely depends on a high-quality and well-chosen diet.


We won’t be at all surprised if one of the animal lovers says that the best dog in the world is a lifeguard. Moreover, we agree with this statement. Animals belonging to this category are manageable, physically resilient, possess excellent instinct.

Saint bernard

This is one of the oldest breeds in the world. Initially, it was used to save people in the mountains. Saint Bernard can find someone who is littered with snow at a depth of several meters due to the excellent scent. These very strong and hardy rescue dogs dug up and warmed the victims.

Saint Bernards are often used to search for victims after earthquakes. The breed is very kind, in dire need of communication with a person. St. Bernards are well oriented and quickly find the way.

rescue dogs


Another large animals, unsurpassed rescue dogs, which have an amazing instinct for helping people on the water. A strong and hardy animal, with extraordinary intelligence, has some physiological characteristics. First of all, these are webbed feet that help to swim quickly, a powerful tail and hull, which are unsurpassed assistants in towing heavy loads. In addition, it is water-repellent, thick and dense, which is able to retain heat even in almost ice-cold water.

the best dog in the world

This dog has a special mouth structure that allows it to dive to a depth of more than two meters. Newfoundland rushes to save a drowning man without hesitation. He doesn't even need a team. The dog is very patient and kind, which can be considered a nanny.

Guide dogs

People treat dogs differently: someone does not like them, someone considers them to be family members, but there are those for which these animals are real guides to a full life. For them, a guide dog (especially for the blind) is an indispensable companion and helper in difficult life situations.

For the blind and people with other physical problems, the best dog in the world is undoubtedly a guide. With the advent of a four-legged friend in their lives, everything around changes radically - people wake up with a desire to live, they visit previously unfamiliar places and enjoy life as much as possible.

guide dog for the blind

Experienced experts in the field of cynology claim that out of 100 animals, only a quarter of them can become good guide dogs. An ideal option for such a difficult service is a bitch with a soft and calm disposition, since even well-trained males are distracted by flowing bitches. The following breeds are considered to be the most appropriate for these requirements and the most easily trained:

  • German Shepherd;
  • collie;
  • Labrador.

Of these three breeds, the German Shepherd Dogs are recognized as the most capable. They are flexible, loyal and quick-witted. Belgian shepherd dogs can also be good guides . They literally become the eyes of people in need of help.

We told you about a variety of breeds. Which of them is the best dog in the world is up to you. We are sure of only one thing: when a puppy appears in your house, no matter what breed it is, your life will be filled with joy that will give you communication with a faithful and faithful friend, who loves you not for a valuable gift or pleasant words, but simply for that what you are.


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