How to become a zombie in the Sims. Advice

The Sims life simulation game is familiar to many, if not everyone. Its essence is simple. It is necessary to control the life of the character - sim. You can create it yourself or choose from existing options. Sims have everything from a comfortable home, family, and career to college, going on vacation, and pets. Players can also make a magical creature out of their character. How to become a zombie? This is described in the article. However, it is worthwhile to understand whether you need to become this magical creature, what its pros and cons are.

What magic characters are there in the Sims game?

Magical creatures infiltrated various games, for example, zombies in Minecraft have become commonplace. Sims 3 was no exception. The number of magic characters depends on the version of the game. However, the creators of the cult series are trying to drag the most successful options from one addon to another. Sooner or later, magical creatures appeared in almost every part.

In Sims 3, magic characters appeared in the seventh expansion with the name Supernatural. Players can meet werewolves, vampires, fairies, zombies and witches.

As you know, vampires and werewolves are extremely negative to each other. The same thing happens in the game. Characters who become vampires have a series of actions against werewolves, and vice versa. The relations of such characters are hostile in advance.

Witches outwardly do not differ from the rest of the urban population. However, to become a true master of magical arts, you need to train. And then the witch will be able to turn other sims into toads or objects into precious stones. The life of a witch is becoming more diverse.

Fairies immediately stand out from the crowd. On their back there are wings that you can choose yourself. They are very associated with nature, can turn into small creatures living in tree houses.

how to become a zombie

Zombie. Distinctive features

These creatures cannot be made in character creation mode, like other creatures. Therefore, the question of how to become a zombie is relevant for many players. However, you should understand the advantages of such a character.

First of all, it is worth remembering that green monsters are not always in their guise. They turn at a certain time. This means that in the rest of the period, the character remains normal and does not differ from other sims. In appearance, at the time of transformation, the character does not look very attractive. He has green skin, a strange gait and a desire to bite a person.

zombies in minecraft

New teams for the zombie character

After the player has figured out how to become a zombie, he will receive pleasant bonuses. The first is that the player has a new brains team. After that, the creature begins to bite other characters. However, a bite does not always mean transformation. More often than not, it just satisfies a player’s hunger.

An interesting point is that other characters cannot interact with the creature. However, the creature may well not only bite, but also frighten simple sims. After a bite, another hero can scratch the bite, rub it and express dissatisfaction.

However, it is worth remembering that the characters who turned into these creatures move extremely slowly, which can be annoying or annoying. Also, they cannot have children, which is also a minus.

sims how to become a zombie

How to become a zombie in the game "Sims 3"?

A player can become a given creature in several ways:

  • Choose the skill "alchemy". At the third level, it becomes possible to create an elixir that can turn a sim into a zombie. The composition includes mandrake, plant and mushroom. However, the strength of such an elixir is small, only two days. At the same time, the sim has a β€œzombie” mudlet.
  • When you get the ninth level in the same skill, you can create a more powerful tool that will turn the character into zombies forever. Here you will need a mandrake, a rhinoceros beetle and mushrooms of a luminous sphere. These ingredients are rare, but they can be found. The Zombie Moodlet remains constant.
  • Tenth-level witches can learn how to become a zombie without mods if they incorrectly carry out the resurrection rite. However, this also has a short-term result, only two days.
  • One of the most effective ways in Sims to become a zombie is to be bitten. However, experienced players argue that to achieve this is almost impossible. Probably the zombie that attacks should be very hungry or angry.

how to become a zombie without mods

Becoming a player with a zombie character in Minecraft, Sims and other games is pretty curious. Therefore, it is worth a try.


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