Traffic signs for pedestrians: photos, names

Children begin to learn the rules of the road from preschool age. Kids should understand how and where to cross the road correctly, where it is dangerous to move around. These rules help preserve life and health. Traffic signs for pedestrians and motorists came up with a coincidence. Small road signs help to avoid chaos and casualties.

A bit of history

The first traffic signs that help pedestrians today have appeared along with self-propelled carriages. While people were traveling on horse-drawn carts, no problems arose. The coachman drove slowly enough and always managed to brake. The first cars, though not distinguished by ideal technical characteristics, but moved much faster. Without special signs that would regulate the movement of cars and people, it was already impossible to do.

The first road signs regulating the movement of pedestrians and cars appeared in Paris in 1903. These were black or blue signs that signaled a steep descent, rough road or dangerous area. At the beginning of the XX century, the automotive market began to develop rapidly. The same problems appeared in different countries. It was necessary to strictly regulate traffic on the streets in order to avoid ridiculous victims. At a conference on automobile traffic, which was assembled in Paris in 1909, it was decided to introduce a unified system of signs.

Signs of that time were significantly different from modern ones. With the advent of new vehicles, the traffic control system has been improved several times. Today, road signs regulating the movement of pedestrians on the road, special signs for railway transport and cars are singled out separately.

What signs are used today?

Traffic signs that help pedestrians stay safe can vary in size, shape and size. There are warning signs, prohibition signs, priority signs , information signs, service signs, etc. Also on the roads you can notice various information signs. They do not affect the safety of the driver and pedestrian, but they greatly simplify the movement. Often, traffic signs for pedestrians and drivers are duplicated with special markings.

All road signs are divided into 8 groups. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

Traffic Warning Signs

This group includes signs that inform pedestrians and drivers of a possible danger along the way. One of the most important signs is called Traffic Light Regulation. It informs pedestrians that a crossing or intersection is equipped with a traffic light. Pedestrians are advised to cross the road only in specially equipped places. A traffic light is a guarantee of safety on the road. If the device is defective, the movement is manually controlled by the DAI employee.

pedestrian traffic signs
Considering traffic signs for pedestrians, one cannot help but recall the “Pedestrian Crossing”. This sign is equally important for all road users. It is recommended to cross the road only in places equipped with a zebra. A special sign warns drivers that a pedestrian may appear on a certain stretch of track. Such signs are installed most often on roads with inactive traffic. In busy areas they still set a traffic light.

The sign “Intersection with a bike path” is more important for drivers. He warns that in the immediate vicinity organized traffic on two-wheeled vehicles. The sign is set 50 meters from the bicycle path in the settlements. Outside the city, this distance can be increased to 200 meters. This is due to the fact that outside the city, motorists more often move with increased speed. The sign has the shape of a white triangle with a red border. In the center is a bicycle.

If you describe the warning signs of traffic for pedestrians and drivers, it is worth recalling the "Road Works". This sign indicates that workers, specialized equipment, pits and potholes may appear on the way. The plate can be placed 50-100 meters from the place of repair work. Additionally, auxiliary signs limiting the speed of vehicles can be installed on the roadway.

When carrying out repairs on a certain section of the track, there may also be a sign “Gravel ejection”. He warns pedestrians and drivers that small stones can be ejected from under the wheels of a passing car. The sign can be installed 200-300 meters to the hazardous area. Pedestrians are better off avoiding movement in such an area.

What traffic signs help pedestrians avoid injuries? These include the tablet "Falling stones." Most often it is installed in the mountains. The sign warns of possible landslides and landslides. Walking in such an area is quite dangerous. Motorists should also choose a more reliable road.

Priority signs

If we consider the road signs that regulate the movement of pedestrians on the road, you should pay attention to the sign "Main road". She informs that on this section of the road priority is given to passing cars. On the main road you can usually see busy traffic. Therefore, to facilitate the movement of pedestrians, an additional traffic light is installed. The sign "Main road" is set directly in front of the intersection and is the reason for the prohibition of parking. It is also worth paying attention to the sign “End of the main road”. He informs the driver that he should give way to the traffic participants with high priority.

traffic signs that help pedestrians
In small towns, traffic lights in hazardous areas are not always established. If the intersection is not regulated in any way, a special sign is installed called “Intersection with a secondary road”. Driving along this section of the road, the driver should slow down and be extremely careful to avoid a traffic accident. Pedestrians are advised to cross the road only in designated areas.

At the intersections with the main road, a sign called “Give way” is set. Similar traffic signs regulating the movement of pedestrians and drivers help to avoid accidents. After all, priority is given to participants who move along the main road. Those who are secondary should definitely give in. This rule applies to both pedestrians and motorists or cyclists.

If we look at traffic signs that help pedestrians save their lives, one cannot help but remember the sign "No traffic is prohibited without stopping." Such a sign may be installed in front of a railway crossing or at a busy intersection. The plate obliges road users to stop and make sure that there is no danger. Often neglect of this rule leads to disastrous consequences.

Prohibition signs

When considering traffic signs for pedestrians and cyclists, you should pay attention to the sign "No bicycles allowed." Most often, such a sign is installed on busy roads with several lanes. Therefore, the sign may be prohibited from moving mopeds. Additionally, an icon can be set to indicate the impossibility of a two-wheeled vehicle moving in a certain direction (right or left).

pedestrian traffic signs
There are traffic signs for pedestrians, for children who prohibit movement on a certain section of the road. These include the sign “No pedestrians are allowed.” The rule applies only to that side of the carriageway where the sign is installed. It should be located directly in the area dangerous to pedestrians. The sign looks like a white circle with a red border. Inside the image of the pedestrian is crossed out by a red line.

Prohibits the movement of all vehicles without exception, as well as pedestrians sign called "Danger". Such a sign is installed when there is a possibility of a fire, a man-made disaster, a major traffic accident. This is the sign installed before entering Chernobyl. An exception can only be vehicles that have a special flashing beacon with a loud signal. The sign is installed immediately before entering the danger zone.

Mandatory signs

This category includes traffic signs for pedestrians and motorists announcing the nature of the road. The “straight ahead” sign is important for drivers and prohibits turning. The sign is valid only at the intersection of carriageways on which it is installed. Turns into the yards are not prohibited. Although this sign is aimed more at car owners, pedestrians should also pay attention to it. The plate helps to understand how traffic occurs on the road and in what places you can cross the street on foot. Preference should be given to special transitions.

There are traffic signs for pedestrians (see photo below), completely prohibiting the passage of any transport. The “Pedestrian path” sign indicates that only pedestrians can move on a certain section of the path. The sign may be installed at the beginning of the pedestrian path and ends at the nearest intersection with the roadway.

pedestrian traffic signs
Everyone knows that the cause of most traffic accidents is the carelessness of the driver, as well as the high speed. However, in some sections of the road low speed is also not welcome. In busy areas, you can see a sign called "Limit the minimum speed", which prohibits movement at a speed less than 50 km per hour. The restriction may not apply to the entire road, but only to several lanes. At the end of the path, the sign “End of minimum speed limit zone” may be set. Pedestrians who follow the rules do not have to pay attention to these signs. But those who cross the road in the wrong place should know how fast cars can move.

Signs of special requirements

Like warning signs for pedestrians, signs from this group inform participants about the nature of the path. This primarily refers to the sign "One-way road." A pedestrian crossing may not be established on this stretch of track. However, crossing the street, you should be extremely careful. Cars, although moving in the same direction, may not slow down. On a one-way road, it is allowed to reverse, stop on both sides of the road. However, a U-turn is prohibited here.

pedestrian traffic signs for children
Considering the main road signs for pedestrians, one can not help but remember the sign “Road for cars”. She informs that only vehicles that can reach speeds of more than 40 km per hour can move. Walking along such a road to a pedestrian or cycling is strictly prohibited. In rare cases, motorbikes can travel along the road with this sign. Mopeds and scooters rarely reach speeds of more than 40 km per hour. Reversing, as well as driving, may be prohibited on the way.

One of the most dangerous sections of any route is a busy highway. It is no coincidence that before its beginning a special sign is set. For pedestrians, this is a danger zone. If there is a “Motorway” sign on the road, motorists can reach speeds of up to 100 km per hour. It does not allow instructional riding, reversing, or moving vehicles that cannot reach speeds of more than 40 km per hour.

Information signs

The main road signs for pedestrians and their meaning will be described later. On busy sections of the road, there must necessarily be the possibility of a safe transition. Where there is a large movement of pedestrians, a special ground or underground passage can be installed. The corresponding signs will inform about this. Such transitions help to significantly save time and do not limit traffic. It is worth considering that where there is a ground or underground passage, cars move at an increased speed. Therefore, crossing the road against the rules is very dangerous.

main traffic signs for pedestrians and their meaning
It makes life easier for passengers and car owners who find themselves in a foreign city, signs indicating the preliminary direction signs. Thanks to them, you can easily find the desired street or village without a navigator. Signs of this type indicate not only the direction in which you must follow, but also how many kilometers you still have to move. Prohibition signs can also be placed here.

Information signs also include tablets with the name of the settlement, which are located on its outskirts. Such traffic signs for pedestrians with names do not affect traffic safety. However, they allow you not to get lost and significantly save time.

An information sign includes a parking spot. It looks like a blue square with a white letter "P" in the middle. A blue circle with a red border crossed out by a red line means "No parking."

Service Signs

These are traffic signs that help pedestrians (photo below). Thanks to the signs from this group, you can easily find a first-aid post, hospital, gas station. The sign "Car Maintenance" comes to the aid of drivers. Such a plate can be installed before the service station. Usually the sign indicates how many meters you can find the desired object.

traffic signs that help pedestrians photo
Signs of the service also include such signs as “Drinking water”, “Catering point”, “Hotel or motel”, “Camping”, “Rest place”. All these signs do not affect road safety, but help drivers and passengers find the way faster.

Very important for drivers is the sign "Post of the road patrol service." He informs drivers that in the immediate vicinity there are traffic police officers who can provide assistance on the road. Some drivers, on the contrary, try to avoid meeting with the patrol. Therefore, seeing a similar sign, turn onto another road.

Additional Information Signs

This group, the latter, includes signs that least affect the nature of the road. However, in some cases it is impossible to do without them. Labels are intended for drivers and pedestrians and indicate the beginning or end of the coverage area of ​​the main sign. Additional information allows you to find out how long a dangerous road has, what vehicles are subject to restrictions, etc.

In addition, it makes it possible to understand the direction of action of the main signs. To do this, white plates are installed with black arrows under the sign. The duration of the mark may also be indicated here. Some signs are relevant only on weekdays or only on weekends.

What signs must children know

Starting from seven to eight years old, children begin to move independently outside the yard. Already at this age, you need to know the basic rules of the road so as not to get into a dangerous situation. There are special brochures on sale that list road signs for pedestrians with explanations. This book is definitely worth buying.

First of all, it is necessary to tell the children about those signs and rules that relate to the intersection of the roadway. These are “Pedestrian Crossing”, “Overpass” and “Underpass”. The child should look for a place where you can cross the road most safely. Particular attention should be paid to the colors of the traffic light. But even if the baby is well versed in the rules, you should not let him travel independently on the streets with busy car traffic.

“Stopping place” is another important sign that a child should tell about. This is a sign that informs about the types of public transport plying on a particular street. . .

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