Where to go to Crimea with children: reviews and tips for tourists

If it comes to inexpensive holidays with the whole family at the resort, then the first thing that comes to mind is Crimea. Where to go with children of different ages and where more or less reasonable prices, you should find out in advance. There are many options for a budget holiday, as well as comfortable and even elite. It is only important to determine the desires and opportunities, as well as what you want to get from the wellness procedures. After all, someone goes simply to swim and sunbathe, but someone wants to heal. This will be discussed in the article.

Swallow's Nest in Crimea


Despite the relatively small size of the peninsula, about 20 micro-regions with various climatic conditions are observed there. In general, it should be said that the climate in Crimea is very warm and favorable, the differences are expressed in temperature indicators in winter and rainfall.

The west of the peninsula (from the village of Black Sea to Sevastopol: Balaklava, Inkerman, Yevpatoriya and Saki) has the highest temperatures of both air and water. In summer, it is +30 ° C during the day and +21 ° C at night. In this case, the sea warms up to almost 23 degrees in June, but because the beaches are crammed to failure in July. Where to go to Crimea with children at this time? The question is good. Many people choose Evpatoria. Even in winter, the temperature here ranges from +6 ... + 8 ° C.

On the southern coast (the most popular places - from Foros to Privetnoy: Alushta, Yalta, Alupka, Livadia, Gurzuf and Beregovoe) the Mediterranean climate prevails. In other words, summers are not hot, but warm, but winter is rather cold. The swimming season opens in early July, the air temperature reaches +30 ° C, the water warms up to +25 ° C. These places have long been chosen by vacationers, not only because of the favorable climate, but also due to the lack of winds. But winters are very cold.

Sudak, Kurortnoye, Koktebel, Feodosiya and Beregovoye - the east coast, which is characterized by average temperature coefficients in comparison with the above south and west. Days are warm and nights are cool. But where is it better to go to Crimea as children? Which places are good and which are not? This will be discussed below.

Resort selection. East Coast

Beautiful landscapes, beaches, mountain ranges, as well as famous health resorts - this is what attracts tourists here. You do not know where to go to rest in the Crimea with a child? Follow the advice of experienced travelers and vacationers:

  • Zander. Not such a popular place as Yalta or Alushta, but here, sooner than elsewhere, water is heated in the sea, because many families come here at the beginning of the beach season to enjoy swimming in the sea.
  • Koktebel. Judging by the reviews, this area is preferred by representatives of secular circles of society. Therefore, all places of rest meet high requirements. It is not recommended to go here with young children due to the abundance of beaches for nudists.
  • New World. It is very popular due to its unique microclimate and healing environmental influences. Grasses, the sea, pines and mountain air, as well as features of geographical location create a unique atmosphere in the New World.
Sudak in Crimea

Holidays on the West Coast

Young middle-income families often wonder where to go to Crimea with a small child. Many prefer the west coast. After all, there are tons of options to relax inexpensively. Yes, and the sea has many shallow areas, and early warm summers and developed infrastructure contribute to a comfortable pastime. So, what settlements do experienced tourists recommend looking at?

  • Evpatoria. It is famous for its hot beaches and balneotherapy centers.
  • Saki. Mineral waters, healing mud and, of course, beaches. Take a break from workdays and relieve stress - that's why vacationers come here.
  • Nikolaevka. Quiet paradise for those who do not like noisy parties and night discos. If there is a place in the Crimea where you can go with your child on vacation, then this is Nikolaevka. The sea and the sandy beach, complete peace and budget holidays are the distinguishing features of this place.
  • Sandy. In many ways, it resembles the place mentioned above. Clean beaches and easy access to the water.
beaches of Yevpatoriya

Elite holiday on the south coast

These places are literally full of famous names. Mineral and mud hospitals, thermal springs, beaches and hotels ... Together with considerable prices, these criteria make it possible to characterize holidays on the South Coast as elite. Do not know where you can go to Crimea with children? If there is a financial opportunity, choose one of the following areas - you will not lose!

  • Yalta. The pearl of the entire peninsula. Huge clean beaches, a sea of ​​hotels, discos, hospitals and health centers. A few kilometers away is the Glade of Fairy Tales Museum. Great place to stay with kids!
  • Livadia. The place is interesting for tourists with teenage children, who are already able to interest in excursions to the park and the Livadia Palace.
  • Gurzuf. The area is surrounded by a mountain range, which gives the atmosphere a kind of charm and charm. In addition, it is almost always calm here, as well as the location of the famous Artek camp.
  • Mishor. A resort with relatively low prices.
Glade of fairy tales in Yalta


Where is it better to go on vacation with a child? To Crimea, of course! And why? Yes, because there are wonderful beaches, the gentle sea and the sun. Of course, if you go on holiday with tricks, you should choose places with sandy beaches and shallow water. Firstly, children love to build sand castles, and secondly, parents do not have to worry that the child will swim far. Well, what will experienced tourists advise us?

Judging by the reviews, Evpatoria is best suited in this regard. Unlike other resorts on the west coast, there is homogeneous soft sand and a gentle slope into the water. On other beaches, sand is mixed with gravel and small pebbles (to slow down the natural processes of destruction), so the coating is not as soft and pleasant as in Yevpatoriya. The only significant drawback vacationers call a small number of houses for changing clothes. Although everything can change: in the end, this question depends on the administration.

According to the South Coast regulars, the coasts of the south are a little “rough”: the beaches are mostly pebble, you have to go down from the hill to the sea, and come back to climb. This is inconvenient for many reasons. Climbing uphill after relaxing on the coast can lead to minor leg injuries such as corns, corns, and even completely dislocated. These little things can ruin the whole impression of relaxation. The advantage is the well-being: there are many houses for changing clothes, umbrellas and sunbeds, beaches are often cleaned, and lifeguards also work.

When the southern coast is preferred, they usually choose Alushta. If you are tired of sitting all vacation in one resort and there is an intention to go somewhere with children (there are many interesting places in Crimea), it is better to choose the “Golden Beach” in Feodosia (east coast). A clean sand and pebble beach, developed infrastructure, as well as clear sea water - these are the main reasons why crowds of tourists come here.

beaches of Crimea

Dolphin therapy

A young and promising direction in medical and rehabilitation practice, contributing to the release of stress. Based on the effects of ultrasonic vibrations emitted by a dolphin. There are many places in the Crimea where you can swim with dolphins. Where can I go with my children to not only relax, but also recover from serious illnesses, nervous breakdowns, and simply from hard work? Of course, to the dolphinarium. This procedure is popular, and you can go through it in many settlements of the peninsula:

  • Yalta. Dolphinarium "Water Area". Its second name is “Sea Animal Theater”. In addition to the chance to swim with these amazing mammals, you can enjoy performances with the participation of fur seals, dolphins and other inhabitants of the deep sea.
  • The village of Partenit. Dolphin therapy has been practiced here for a relatively long time and very successfully in a large administrative area - Big Alushta. The service is available in the sanatorium under the name "Crimea", as well as in the watercolor dolphinarium.
  • Evpatoria. Here is the institute where research is carried out in the field of dolphin therapy as one of the most promising areas in the development of science. At this place there is an opportunity to take a recovery course using an officially registered method, because this institute has accumulated a huge amount of research results in this area.
  • Theodosius. Dolphinarium "Nemo". It is located opposite the above Golden Beach on the Kerch highway. In addition to the course of therapy, such services are possible: diving with dolphins, photo shoots and just swimming with these amazing mammals.

The price of a full course of therapy with dolphins is rather high, but this is justified, judging by the reviews. Where to go to Crimea with children to undergo treatment with dolphins? Options should be chosen independently based on pricing policy. The average cost of such services is as follows:

  • A single session - from 4000 to 6000 rubles.
  • The course is 10 days long with the consultation of doctors and specialists - from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.
  • The same course, but lasting 5 days - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • Swim with dolphins for 5-10 minutes (for children and adults) - from 3000 to 5000 rubles.
dolphin therapy in Crimea

What does the course include?

Dolphin therapy is a great opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Therefore, if the question arises: “Where to go to Crimea with a child for a vacation?”, Pay attention to this type of vacation. Of course, there are some nuances here.

First you need to have an interview with a doctor in order to correctly determine the course of treatment, after which you will swim with a dolphin under the supervision of a therapist.

Usually, from 5 to 10 sessions are provided for 14 days (standard course), but if desired, you can order 14-20 days of frequent procedures (intensive course). Children's sessions are held under the supervision of parents, and if necessary, it is possible to undergo additional therapy:

  • massage;
  • classes with a speech therapist;
  • kinesitherapy (a set of procedures to improve the motor activity of joints and ligaments);
  • thalassotherapy (a type of naturotherapy based on the healing properties of sea air);
  • physiotherapy (procedures including sun and air baths, as well as hydrotherapy);
  • work of a psychotherapist and psychologist.

Sanatorium choice

Where to go with a child in Crimea? Of course, in a boarding house, in a recreation center or in a sanatorium. Before choosing one, it is necessary to determine the complex of therapeutic procedures that a child needs. And after that - choose a place of rest.

Many Crimean resorts have developed entertainment infrastructure: educators, actors, animators, game and sports trainers, and even schools operate in some year-round boarding houses. Great idea if you need to go to the Crimea with a child in the winter. Where to direct your feet? The question is really important. But then again, it all depends on your capabilities and existing health problems.

A number of places treat allergies, eye diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive and respiratory systems. The main thing is to decide on desires and opportunities.

The peninsula is replete with economy class sanatoriums, slightly fewer establishments - comfort and standard are from the category, the latter will be discussed below.

boarding house Goldeb (Golden Ear)


Back in Soviet times, the resort deservedly wore the proud title of an all-Union health resort.

Sanatorium "Dnepr"

Located on the seashore, on a vast territory with a lot of greenery, which contributes to a pleasant pastime. The institution offers services for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and respiratory system. Among the techniques stand out balneology, physiotherapy, massage procedures, herbal medicine, mud therapy. On the territory there is a tennis court, a chess section, many playgrounds, as well as an indoor pool (for off-season tourists). The beach is equipped with changing cabins, sunbeds, umbrellas and sun loungers, and there is also a water park nearby.

health resort Dnipro

However, despite such a colorful description of the sanatorium's services, there are not so many positive reviews about it. Many tourists (judging by the comments for 2016-2017) do not like food. It is noted that often in the dining room it is stuffy, the food is of poor quality and tasteless. Negatives are also caused by large lines for wellness procedures (which are also sometimes canceled).

A number of vacationers claim that the rooms are in poor condition, air conditioners do not work everywhere, although they are stated, and you have to be content with a fan. In addition, dissatisfaction is caused by the accumulation of algae in the sea, as well as the rocky bottom.

Sanatorium "Dream"

The standard service for the tariff “Baby and mother” includes accommodation, meals and a course of treatment with a visit to the pool. Additional procedures - for a fee.

The institution is known for its picturesque territory, where there is vegetation imported from the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden, and the Dreams building is connected by shady alleys. For children there is a cinema, games rooms and sports grounds, often competitions and concerts are held. Vacationers in reviews praise the local beach with many sun loungers and sun loungers. But there was a fly in the ointment.

health resort dream

Judging by the number of negative reviews, Dream is not much different from Dnipro, but there are more positive and relatively neutral comments. Discontent, again, over the dining room. The quality of the products is alarming, and cutlery is unlikely to have changed since the USSR (judging by the reviews left in 2017). The lack of Wi-Fi in the rooms is also not happy. Nevertheless, the XXI century is in the yard, many because of work (and just for the sake of communication) require the Internet. Someone even noted that they refused to fulfill the banal request to change a burned out light bulb.

In general, some vacationers characterize their stay in the "Dream" in one short and succinct word - hell. It is hoped that the administration will take note of the criticism.

Pension Planet

It is located next to the Moinaki Lake, thanks to the mud of which Yevpatoriya is famous as a balneological resort. On the territory of the "Planet" there are mineral and artesian springs. The boarding house treats the nasal mucosa, dentition, kidney disease, digestive tract and circulatory system. Vacationers have the opportunity to undergo a number of procedures, including underwater massage and bubble baths. For children there is a small zoo, a pond with swans, a greenhouse and a games room with a professional teacher.

boarding house Planet

In general, there are a lot of positive reviews and ratings of 4 or 5 about this place. Reviews on the top three describe what procedures and additional portions in the dining room have to pay extra.

Each guesthouse provides guided tours of the area to familiarize tourists with local attractions. If there is no idea where to go to Crimea with children in May or later (or even in the off-season), try choosing one of the Evpatoria boarding houses. Do not like establishments of the times of the USSR? It offers private holiday homes and pensions. It is more expensive here, but service and comfort are top notch. And over, no one canceled the private sector.


In the resort there is a Tangier boarding house, which has an average rating of 7.2 travelers. Located twenty minutes from Evpatoria. Medical specialization is aimed at getting rid of diseases of the skin, digestive tract, as well as the peripheral nervous system. Mud therapy is successfully combined here with pearl, coniferous and brine baths. There is a shell beach equipped with everything you need: sunbeds, awnings, a volleyball court, a banana ride and slides.

sanatorium Tangier

Surprisingly, there are no negative reviews about this institution. Therefore, many people come here with the hope to relax normally and inexpensively. Where to go with children in Crimea yet? About it further.


The Golden Health Center (formerly called the Golden Ear) opens its doors to adults with children from 1 year and more. Many say that this is the best option if you are considering where to go to the Crimea with a baby. Qualified personnel conducts initial diagnostics, taking into account the peculiarities of development. The treatment of diseases of the skin, nervous and endocrine systems, respiratory system and musculoskeletal system.

The boarding house also offers an entertainment program: on the territory there is a children's pool, a club, rooms with teachers and even a cinema. The resort organizes daily events, including: discos for the smallest, animation shows and excursions to the sights of Crimea. The administration is ready to organize a birthday celebration for an additional fee.

health resort Golden

There are a lot of positive reviews about this place. Some vacationers, however, are disappointed with the rooms: someone does not like the sun shining through the window in the morning (when you still want to sleep), somewhere they write that there is no sound insulation (and it is impossible to sleep because of discos). But overall the comments are positive. If you go somewhere to the Crimea with children, then to Alushta. You will find where to stay.

Crimean Dawns

A feature of the boarding house is the Cheburashka children's park with many attractions. The rooms for vacationers are distinguished by a stylish modern design, which is why Dawns are very popular. For young children there is a special menu, as well as a range of wellness treatments: a pool, therapeutic baths and oxygen cocktails.

More serious therapeutic measures aimed at treating the nervous, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are represented by the following methods: aromatherapy, herbal medicine, enotherapy (treatment using local wine), and ampelotherapy (treatment with grapes).

Crimean Dawns

Negative reviews equally with positive. Someone is embarrassed by poor-quality heating in the cold season, and someone notes such as acceptable. The staff is positive. But periodic equipment breakdowns (air conditioners, refrigerators, elevators) upset vacationers. But in general, many are satisfied and note that it is here that it is better to go to relax with the child. In Crimea, where many are striving, prices are high, but here the ratio of price and quality, in comparison with many other health resorts, is optimal.


Sanatorium "Crimea"

Besides the fact that dolphin therapy is practiced here, this corner of the Crimean peninsula is famous for its chic park with rich vegetation. If the question arises: “Where to go to Crimea in September with a child?”, Pay attention to this sanatorium, because therapy with dolphins is carried out from September to May. Accordingly, specialization is wider than that of other boarding houses: work with diseases such as cerebral palsy, autism, neurosis, chronic fatigue. The climate is very favorable, and for working with children there are about fourteen medical units, among which are hydrotherapy, halotherapy and acupuncture.

park in Partenit

The resort's entertainment complex includes a mirror labyrinth, a children's rope park and a cinema. In addition, theatrical performances and various performances are often held here. The Museum of Miracles of Nature and Antiquities also attracts the attention of vacationers. Very interesting, informative, obviously not bored. There are a lot of positive emotions.

Negative reviews are present, but, apparently, are caused either by personal hostility towards specific medical workers (alas, this happens when people could not find a common language), or by a lack of understanding of a number of nuances of the institution.

Also, many complain about long lines, someone is indignant because of the lack of free places, but there are still a lot of positive reviews.

Ai-Danil complex

It is considered the best sanatorium of the entire peninsula. The first thing that catches your eye is its unique geographical location: not far from Gurzuf, surrounded by a mountain range. Many famous people often come here for treatment. Residential buildings are located at a distance of just a few tens of meters from the sea and are ready to accept adults with children from 4 years of age and provide a wide range of medical and diagnostic services.

It is believed that Ay-Danil has the best doctors in the Crimea who specialize in diseases such as nervous disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, weakened immunity and the cardiovascular system, as well as respiratory organs. The methods used are as follows: needle therapy and massage, therapeutic mud and bath, reflex, halo and nebulizer therapy.

Ay Danil in Crimea

Residential complexes include one- and two-room rooms with all amenities: air conditioning, refrigerator, TV and a bathroom. Loggias with a gorgeous view of the sea contribute to a comfortable stay, and the developed entertainment infrastructure of the boarding house provides a variety of pastimes. For children there are playgrounds, pools, games rooms and sports equipment. Adults can spend free time on the golf course, tennis court, soccer or basketball court, as well as in the gym, cinema or library. Evening can be spent in cafe or restaurant.

It is noteworthy that all the transitions from one complex to another are carried out through specially glazed tunnels, which eliminates the need to go outside in bad weather. If there is a desire to go somewhere to the Crimea to have a rest with a child, it is better to choose this particular boarding house.

The sanatorium has its own beach with all the necessary amenities: sun loungers, cabins, sunbeds and umbrellas are always at the disposal of tourists. In addition, Ay-Danil has even its own tour desk, through which you can go to the water park or dolphinarium.

According to numerous positive reviews, the service corresponds to the declared quality. Management carefully monitors reviews and even reacts negatively immediately. As for the latter, little things were noted in the domestic plan. But they have already been eliminated after the overhaul of the rooms and the dining room.


Summarizing, we note that when choosing a direction, you do not need to blindly trust the brochures and promises of travel agencies. You should pay attention to the reviews. Where to go to Crimea with children? The question is good, but difficult, especially when you consider that every year everything can change for the better, as well as for the worse. For this reason, people increasingly trust just the comments of experienced travelers who are able to reflect the quality of the services provided and the degree to which expectations of vacationers are justified.

Resort Evpatoria

Crimea is a place where they go not only to relax and sunbathe on the beach, but also to heal in a sanatorium or boarding house. At the present time, it is unprofitable to get sick, therefore it is important by any means to maintain your moral, spiritual and physical health at the proper level and use the available methods for healing. And there are many of them, as well as resorts in this sunny land.

Therefore, you should not postpone the trip. Due to its geographical location, the peninsula is able to receive tourists all year round. If the question arose: “Where is it better to go to Crimea with children?”, You just need to choose the right place to relax with an acceptable climate and go on an unforgettable trip. And then to each his own: someone mountains (and then you go to Gurzuf), someone loves the sea (Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Evpatoria). And someone, maybe, went to the Crimea on an excursion. For children (where and where, but you should definitely bring them with you to the peninsula!), The wonderful Viking movie park, the largest in Europe, works in Perevalnoye. In the animated Vorg Borg (city) of the VIII-XI centuries, guests will find a lot of interactive entertainment, as well as martial and craft workshops. Ticket price - 450 rubles. for a child, 650 - for an adult. Information of interest can be found on the official website.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9025/

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