The main varieties of potatoes for central Russia

It is difficult to find a more widespread culture, which is grown both on rural and on summer cottages than ordinary potatoes. And in fact, passing by the gardens in the spring and summer, almost all owners of summer cottages can see the green shoots of young potatoes that are in a hurry to grow and please their owner with tasty and healthy root crops. However, everyone understands that in order to get a good harvest, it is important to know the potato varieties for the middle zone (if a person lives in this climatic zone), since in this case the chances of getting a good harvest increase significantly.

Today in large cities you can find on sale a variety of potato varieties that have not only their taste characteristics, but also their own special shape and color scheme. Due to its excellent taste, potatoes are firmly included in the diet of our diet and remain in second place after consumption after bakery products. That is why every family seeks to provide itself with a sufficient amount of this nutritious root crop for the winter, since in winter you can eat potatoes almost every day.

Potato varieties for the middle strip have their own characteristics, thanks to which, using various agricultural cultivation techniques, you can achieve a good harvest. This crop is one of the most laborious in cultivation, since it takes a lot of time both when planting germinated tubers and subsequent weeding, hilling and harvesting. In addition, we should not forget about the constant proximity to the potato of its main enemy - the Colorado potato beetle, which every summer resident spends a lot of time fighting. Fortunately, today there are quite a lot of means for combating this uninvited guest on our lands, ranging from pesticides to biological additives based on extracts and essences of such plants that adversely affect pests and reduce their spread.

The main varieties of potatoes for the middle strip include varieties such as Artemis, Competitor, Cleopatra, Asterix, Yarla, Desiree and Ukama. However, this potato belongs to the category of elite and their value in the market is residually high. That is why for most of our gardeners, the following varieties of potatoes for the middle strip are more acceptable for growing:

- Ufimets is a fairly widespread variety with excellent taste and medium ripening time. White and round tubers are quite resistant to various diseases, which is why this variety is very common among the people;

- Nevskaya is a very reliable variety in terms of preserving the crop in the autumn-winter period, however, to obtain a high yield, it requires an increased dose of various fertilizers. Good taste allowed this potato to gain a strong position among lovers of various potato dishes;

- Pioneer - white and large round tubers of this type of potato immediately allow you to distinguish it from other varieties, and the great advantage of this variety is not only good disease resistance when grown, but also a non-darkening white pulp. This is especially important when using and preparing it in various canteens and places of public catering.

In addition, such varieties as Adretta, Lyubimets, Smena, Domodedovo, Vyatka and Vorotinsky early are very common in the middle lane.

As for the northwestern regions of Russia, potatoes are traditionally grown here, which have increased resistance to frost and sudden changes in temperature. The main varieties of potatoes for the northwest include Dutch Amorosa, Dutch Impala and Laton, as well as German Karatop. In addition to this, you can also include such varieties as Nida, Pomegranate, Romano, Aurora and Folva.

If you live in the area of ​​our capital, then the main varieties of potatoes suitable for Moscow will be suitable for you, which should include Early Rose, Falensky, Provento, Lyubimets, Ostaro, Lorch, Peredovik and Priekulsky early. It should be borne in mind that the entire area of ​​the Moscow Region is considered to be a zone of risky farming, however, with the correct agrotenics of growing crops, you can achieve high and stable crops.


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