What is accident certificate? Date of issue and sample

When a traffic accident occurs, they call the traffic police inspector, who records what happened and fills out the relevant documents. They also include a certificate of accident, which we will consider in detail in today's article.

road accident certificate

Accident happened ...

Unfortunately, road accidents have become commonplace today. Along with the increase in the number of cars appearing on the roads, the number of road accidents is also growing . Any accident for the culprit, and sometimes for the victim, leads to costs when even the simplest repairs are expensive.

But some of the problems, or all at once, can be taken by insurance companies. Of course, provided that the cars are insured under CTP and CASCO. And in order for insurance companies to have all the reliable information about what happened, drivers must provide them with a package of documents that are drawn up by an inspector who arrived at the scene.

However, if the accident had serious consequences and there are wounded and dead, then in addition to the traffic police inspector, police officers will come. On the other hand, with minor damage to cars, as well as in the absence of victims, you can draw up paper yourself. Each of the cases has its own peculiarities both in terms of responsibility and the volume of documents drawn up for further actions.


If the traffic police did not call during the accident, then a notice must be issued. His forms are usually issued to drivers at insurance companies and are taken with them in the car.

certificate of road accident form 154

You should be aware that inspectors can not be called only if there are no casualties, two (no more) cars collided, and the amount of damage is not more than fifty thousand rubles (or four hundred thousand for Moscow and St. Petersburg). Of course, in this case a certificate of an accident cannot be issued, because the inspector was not called to the scene.

Traffic accident participants fill out the notice by mutual agreement and if they have insurance for compulsory motor liability insurance or Green Card.


This document is compiled on the basis of other primary papers, which include a scheme, explanations of the participants in the incident, a certificate of accident. The protocol describes an administrative offense, the Code of Administrative Offenses, which was violated, determines the culprit of the accident and indicates the size of the fine.

The document is handed over to the person found guilty of an offense. However, if a person does not agree with the decision made, he may not sign the protocol or on the flip side describe the reasons for his refusal. Then the column “signature of the violator” should be corrected for “signature of the driver”. The document is not handed to another participant in an accident.

If the act is qualified as a criminal offense, then the protocol on the administrative offense is not drawn up. Under Russian law, a person cannot be held administratively and criminally liable for the same act.

The inquiry about road accident 154

In addition to other documents, this accident certificate is also needed. It is issued by the traffic police officer along with primary papers or they come to the traffic police department for it.

The certificate of accident 154 should contain the following information:

  • date and time of the accident;
  • FULL NAME. each of the participants in the incident and their driver’s license number;
  • license plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident;
  • insurance companies to which they relate, as well as insurance pole numbers;
  • in the presence of victims - information about them;
  • A description of all damage resulting from the accident.

All data in this document is extremely important, as inaccuracies or errors can lead to problems in obtaining insurance. It indicates all visible damage, and if later it becomes clear that there are hidden defects, it will be extremely difficult to get compensation for them.

accident certificate

Previously, a certificate of accident for an insurance company was to be presented along with a certificate of form F-12. This need later disappeared. There is a new help. Accident (the form of the document under consideration has undergone changes) is extremely important to describe correctly.

New Help

For the first time, the form of sample No. 154 began to be applied in 2012. Until that time , CTP payments were made in the form of No. 748.

The new certificate of an accident (form 154) has significant differences from the one that existed before it.

For example, in the new form you need to fill in the coordinates of the scene. This information is delivered from GLONASS and GPS systems. Now each patrol car should be equipped with a similar system. Also, the traffic police will be able to record in the electronic map the places where most accidents occur.

In the new form, it is necessary to indicate the points and numbers of vehicles of ambulance crews called to the scene.

About the wounded and dead in traffic accidents, all information is provided in a separate application, which indicates the surname, name and patronymic of who the person is (driver, passenger or pedestrian).

certificate of accident for insurance

There was also an additional category in the section of modes of transport - “other”. There should be recorded data on a scooter, bicycle or horse-drawn vehicles, if any, became participants in an accident.

Information about the imposition of an administrative fine was removed. An item was added about a medical examination for intoxication with an indication of the results. While the old certificate simply recorded information on the direction to conduct this examination.

There are no more seals and prints from the certificate after the accident. The only thing left is a corner stamp. It should not contain entries like “possible hidden damage”. True, this often leads to the fact that insurers, referring to this particular point, underestimate the cost of compensation.

It turns out that the new certificate of an accident, which aims to improve the form, has created a number of problems for motorists. Let's consider them in more detail.

New Help Issues

Whatever the legislators' intentions, in a new form, we have to deal with various kinds of inconsistencies. First of all, car owners, of course, were alarmed that the traffic police certificate no longer contained the phrase "hidden damage is possible." Insurers claim that this does not affect compensation payments in any way. However, in reality, everything is not quite so. And in any case, the existing note added confidence to the drivers, and they would prefer it to stay.

There are problems with the coordinates that must be specified. The cost of the GLONASS system is not so low. But in different regions the economic situation is different. Therefore, there are situations where software and hardware may be incompatible. They promise to solve this problem.

help accident to the culprit

The main drawback received by the accident certificate is that the form is not sealed. Because of this, there are difficulties when victims turn to an insurance company. It was believed that the absence of seals would simplify the interaction between the parties, since there would no longer be a need to go to the traffic police and stand in line for it. However, this led to the fact that at first insurance companies refused to accept such certificates, suspecting that they could be faked.

The situation was further complicated by the fact that inspectors arriving at the scene of the incident ceased to certify with seals and other documents. They argued their actions by the fact that no laws spelled out the need to affix impressions on copies of documents that are issued to the participants after an accident.

What you need to know about documents after an accident

Traffic police really do not have to certify a certificate, a copy of the protocol or decision with a seal, because each document is numbered. This means that the original with a unique number is available in the traffic police, and there is no need to confirm this with an additional seal.

But if a photocopy of the document is made or if there are corrections in the original, they must be certified by both the seal and the signature of the employee.

Consequently, if insurance companies have any doubts about the authenticity of the document, they can request information from the traffic police department whose inspector recorded the data on the accident.

The main thing that must be provided by traffic police officers who do not want to affix stamps are documents on numbered forms that do not have corrections. If the inspector refuses to put the signature and stamp on photocopies or the original with the correction, you should contact the head of the unit to which the employee belongs. Then there will be no difficulties with submitting documents to the UK and receiving payments.

Accident certificate: terms of issue

You should be aware that the traffic police officer must fill out and issue the document described at the scene of the accident on the day when it occurred. This is regulated by the information letter of the traffic police department of Russia under the number 45-1468.

certificate of an accident

All documents are issued quickly, including the accident report. Damage to cars is minor, and the accident cost no casualties? Then everything goes as smoothly as possible. But there are situations when it is immediately difficult to issue such a paper. Then the certificate is received at the traffic police unit or at the traffic police post, and the maximum waiting period is 24 hours from the moment of the accident.

If people were injured in an accident, a certificate is issued only after the hospital determines the degree of damage.

If the traffic police inspector does not issue a certificate (an accident is documented), saying that it is not available, you should be aware that such actions are unlawful. Therefore, accident participants may well complain to the head of this employee or send documents to the prosecutor.

We receive payments

After the accident certificate is issued to the culprit and the victim, it, along with other documents, is submitted to the insurance company within five days. A note is put in the office that the package of papers has been accepted. If the outcome is favorable, payments will be credited to the account twenty days after contacting the company. Until this time, the machine cannot be repaired.


Let's find out what the accident certificate looks like. The sample below will help you get an idea of ​​its content.

help accident needed

The form must be filled in by the traffic police officer who arrived at the scene of the incident. But to know how it looks, any driver will be useful.

The owner of the car must carefully check the item “Damage”. It is best to photograph the damage in person. Then there will be no disputes with insurance agents about the origin of any dents.


It is very important to arm yourself with knowledge about how to behave if an accident occurs. What should the inspector who arrives at the scene of the incident do? What documents and how to fill out? What to give to the hands of the accident participants and in what time frame? Knowing the answers to these questions, you will have a much greater chance of receiving compensation from the insurance company on time and in full.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E903/

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