Dosimeters-radiometers: reviews. Principle of operation of dosimeters and radiometers

Dosimeters-radiometers are multifunctional devices that are designed to determine gamma radiation. In this case, the device determines the equivalent dose. Some models are capable of measuring neutron radiation. Dosimeters are used primarily in the nuclear industry. However, there are many household modifications on the market.

More dosimeters are used to control the quality of raw materials and food. In medicine, they are also used. Additionally, for the determination of x-ray radiation, they are found in the metallurgical industry. In order to become more familiar with dosimeters, you should first consider the model device.

dosimeter radiometer reviews

Simple model device

The main element of any dosimeter is considered to be a counter. The specified component works thanks to a blocking generator. The devices also use a voltage multiplier. In some cases, it is set to a two-pin type. Capacitors are most often used precisely separation. Single-vibrators in devices use low-frequency ones.

The control units themselves are quite different in parameters. The functional part of the device depends on the manufacturer. Also, a converter is used in the devices. Batteries are most often installed with a small capacity. Dosimeters also have a resonator and a modulator, which are located near a compact microcontroller.

The principle of operation of the device

The principle of operation of dosimeters and radiometers is based on the distortion of the limiting frequency of gamma radiation. Directly x-ray particles are captured by the counter. Next, the signal is transmitted to a blocking generator. In order for the resonator to activate, a converter is required. The one-shot in this case provides high sensitivity of the device.

The resonator, in turn, is responsible for the signal transmission rate. Gamma radiation data is transmitted to the microcontroller through a modulator. Then they are immediately displayed. Direct voltage to the microcontroller is supplied through the battery.

Reviews on "SOEKS-01M"

These dosimeters-radiometers are characterized by increased sensitivity. If we talk about their design features, it is important to note that there is only one counter installed in the models. The power equivalent of the presented device is as much as 0.1 microns per hour. If you believe customer reviews, then the beta radiation flux density specified model determines pretty quickly. The blocking generator in the device is used with an output winding. The energy dependence of the presented model is negligible. Special attention is paid to the quality of the voltage multiplier. In this case, the operating mode is set in only 5 seconds.

principle of operation of dosimeters and radiometers

Customer opinion on the model "SOEKS Defender"

The indicated dosimeters-radiometers are more in demand in the metallurgical industry. If you believe the feedback from consumers, then the blocking generator for the models is installed quite powerful. The ambient dose parameter in this case is 0.1 microns.

Beta flux density is determined quickly. There is only one detector camera in this model. It is also important to note the compact size of the device. In this case, the backlight is provided. The case is quite durable. This device can be used even at a temperature of -20 degrees.

Reviews about ISS-05

This compact dosimeter-radiometer reviews from consumers deserves mostly positive. However, the device still has drawbacks. First of all, a low ambient dose rate of 0.3 microns per hour should be noted. Also, the device suffers from reduced sensitivity. However, the advantages should include a quality counter.

This model also uses two blocking generators. If you believe customer reviews, then the display system is provided for it is quite high quality. The operating mode is turned on in the device for 4 seconds. The dosimeter-radiometer MKS-05 has an automatic restart function.

According to the product documentation, the capacitors of the model are used of the separation type. Given this fact, the device is capable of boasting a high signal transmission speed. Directly the board is installed with backlight. Indication of the degree of battery charge in this case is provided. If necessary, the dosimeter can be connected to a personal computer.

Features of the MKS-01SA1M model

Using the dosimeter-radiometer MKS-01CA1M is quite simple. In this case, the manufacturer provides for the illumination of the scoreboard. If you believe the opinion of consumers, then the flow of beta radiation is determined quickly. The ambient dose rate itself is 0.1 microns per hour. The blocking generator in the presented model uses only one.

The sensitivity of the meter is quite high, so the error indicated by the device gives a small. Special attention should be paid to the high parameter of flux density at the level of 20 ah. If you believe customer reviews, the operating mode in the presented model is activated after 6 seconds. Indication of units in this case is available. The MKS-01CA1M dosimeter-radiometer also has a continuous operation function.

dosimeter radiometer drbp 03

Model "ISS Aquantum"

The dosimeter radiometer "MKS Aquantum" is quite in demand in nuclear energy. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the power of beta radiation flux presented by the model determines with high accuracy. Her case is compact, and the device is quite simple to use.

If we talk about design features, it is important to note that there are two blocking generators in the device. Directly one-shot is applied low-frequency type. The control unit, in turn, uses a two-channel. According to customer reviews, the model has a continuous measurement function . This device also has the option of automatic restart.

Features "Ecotest"

These household dosimeters-radiometers have recently been in great demand. There is only one blocking generator in the model. Directly the voltage multiplier is applied single-contact. Thus, the battery in the device does not drain quickly. If you believe customer reviews, the operating mode in the presented configuration is activated in 5 seconds.

If we talk about the main parameters, then the first thing that deserves attention is a high rate of dose rate at 22 AX. The range of gamma radiation detected by the device is quite wide. The model has only one counter. The resonator itself is set to high sensitivity. The beta radiation flux density presented by the model is able to determine. It is also important to mention that her scoreboard is highlighted.

dosimeters radiometers

Model DKS-96

The dosimeter-radiometer DKS-96 is characterized by large limits of relative error in measurements. If you believe the reviews of experts, the blocking generator in the model is used quite high quality. In this case, the signal is transmitted very quickly. The direct beta flux parameter is 0.5 microns. The continuous measurement function of the model is installed. The device also has a detection camera. The dose rate in the model is 21 AX.

The operating mode is switched on in 4 seconds. The voltage multiplier is a single-contact type and the battery does not discharge quickly. The device control unit is designed for two channels. To determine the flow of gamma radiation, the device can be used. An automatic restart function is provided in the device. An indication of the degree of battery charge in the model is available. According to many consumers, the case is very compact at the dosimeter, but the readings on the display are clearly visible.

Reviews about the model RM-1208M

The indicated dosimeter is distinguished by a high-quality blocking generator. In this case, the manufacturer provides two counters. Thus, the determination of gamma radiation flux occurs rather quickly. The microcontroller is used with a pulse converter. Directly rechargeable battery capacity indicator has 2000 mAh.

If we talk about functional features, the beta radiation flux can be determined using this device. The board for this model is used quite compact, but the battery indication on it is provided. There is an automatic restart function in the device. The power of the ambient dose in the presented instance is at the level of 0.2 microns per hour. Directly high sensitivity is ensured by a high-quality resonator. The control unit in this model has two channels. At sub-zero temperatures, the presented sample can be used. The backlight in this case is available.

dosimeter radiometer

DRBP-04 device

The DRBP-04 dosimeter-radiometer has rather wide limits of relative error. According to the documentation for the device, the maximum power flow parameter reaches 23 AX. The beta density itself is at 12 microns per hour. The continuous measurement function of the model is used.

In the metallurgical industry, this model is in demand. She uses a detection camera alone. The battery is installed at 2100 mAh. The microcontroller of the device is equipped with a single-frequency low-frequency type. The voltage multiplier is used two-contact, so the battery has to be charged quite often. The operating mode of the model is turned on in just 3 seconds.

dosimeter radiometer MKS 01sa1m

Model DRBP-03

The DRBP-03 dosimeter-radiometer is capable of boasting a high rate of ambient dose rate of 0.4 microns per hour. The flux density of the presented sample is more than 3 ΞV. According to customer reviews, the DRBP-03 dosimeter-radiometer is suitable for controlling the quality of raw materials. The operating mode is set in this case for about 5 seconds. The model has no continuous measurement function. Also disadvantages include a blocking generator. This model has only one. According to customer reviews, it discharges the battery quite quickly.

dosimeter radiometer drbp

DKG-1603 device

Reviews about this dosimeter go the most diverse. If we talk about the benefits, it should be noted the high quality of the counter. It can be used to measure the flow of beta particles. The model also boasts a high flux density parameter of 22 AX. The resonator sensitivity in this case is low.

There is only one blocking generator in the model. According to many experts, the indication of static error in this device works very accurately. Direct illumination of the board is provided by the manufacturer. It should also be noted that this model has a control unit for two channels. There is an automatic restart function in the device.


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