K. G. Paustovsky "Adventure of the rhinoceros beetle": a summary of the story

Paustovsky’s story “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle” became one of the best works devoted to wartime. It not only touches the soul of every reader, but also makes you think about the relationship between man and nature. Touching work is actively read today.

About the work of Konstantin Paustovsky

The story "Adventures of the rhinoceros beetle" by K. G. Paustovsky is dedicated to the war. Everyone knows that war times are the worst days of our past.

paustovsky rhino beetle adventures

Despite this, Paustovsky managed to convey many events with humor in the story “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”. Such a presentation of the seemingly most terrible events makes every reader smile. In the work “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle,” Paustovsky managed to show everyone that even in the darkest times, you can find something bright. In addition, the author was able to show how much each person is connected with nature, how her creations are able to save people's lives.

About the summary of “Adventures of the rhinoceros beetle” by Paustovsky

I must say that the work itself is small. If reading Paustovsky's The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle in brief takes only a few minutes, then reading the work in its original form will take no more than ten minutes.

to r paustovsky rhino beetle adventures

The most interesting fact is that all the narration in the work is conducted on behalf of a beetle, which perceives itself as something big and important in this world.

Story-tale teaches every reader to treat their loved ones with respect, kindness. It teaches to support family people even in the most difficult situations, giving them their love and not leaving them in the most difficult times.

Son's gift

The main character is a mature man who is forced to leave his family and go to the front. Heavily experiencing separation from his family, he spends the last day with his beloved people. His little son comes up to him and presents a gift: a small matchbox in which a beautiful rhinoceros beetle sat. The son decided to make such a gift so that his father would not be alone at the front, so that he always had a friend nearby.

Stay at the front

Paustovsky’s story “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle” continues with very touching events.

austovsky adventures of rhino beetle short

Arriving at the front, all the soldiers surrounding the main character became interested in a unique gift. They listened with great interest to the story of the newcomer, moved by the love of his son to his father.

Carefully storing a children's gift, the main character woke up one morning and noticed the box was missing. He was very upset, began to look for a gift, but could not find. Only a little later he remembered that the box fell out of his pocket. At this time, the rhinoceros beetle heard the voice of the protagonist and flew to him, sitting on his shirt sleeve.

New level of trust

Since the beetle returned to the main character, he decided that he would no longer keep him in the matchbox: he settled his faithful friend in his bag.

Realizing that the bug behaves very reasonably, the man was not afraid to let him go. Then the bug crawled somewhere nearby and chewed grass and leaves.

Once a bug heard somewhere in the distance rockets rustled. He imagined that he was just as powerful and strong that he could fly just as fast, breaking the air. He decided that on the first occasion he would fly to help his fellow soldiers win the war.

Battle rescue

Once a beetle was sleeping peacefully in a bag. But he had to wake up from a strong shaking. He listened and heard several people screaming. The beetle got out of the bag and saw that the owner was running along the wheat field with his comrades shouting "Hurray!" Then the bug decided to fly out and fly next to the main character.

In one of these fights, the man turned away from the enemy. The beetle saw that some unknown person was aiming at the owner. He decides to save his friend and flies right at the enemy. He lands directly in the eye of the arrow, which knocks down the enemy’s sight. The main character was still wounded, but the bullet only slightly hit his leg. So the bug saved the protagonist.

End of war days

After the wound, the protagonist is put in the infirmary. As soon as he returns to his comrades, he is again sent to the front. Very soon, the beetle hears the cry of "Victory!"

paustovsky adventures of rhino beetle summary

The main character is sent home. A happy man is looking forward to meeting with his family. The beetle feels the excitement of its master, which is transmitted to him.


Returning to his homeland, the beetle looked around for a very long time and was afraid to leave his friend. Soon he managed to remember and recognize his native land. The protagonist opened his palm, in which a loyal and clever bug was sitting, raised it up. The beetle looked at the man for the last time and flew. The son who made this gift to his father began to cry. The boy ran for a bug, he waved his hand goodbye.

The main character reassured his son, saying that the beetle just flew to his friends to tell about an unprecedented adventure. Then the family sat at the table, and the wife of the protagonist put the samovar. He started buzzing in the same way that a bug was buzzing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9033/

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