How to polish plexiglass at home: step by step instructions and reviews

Plexiglas is widely used in various industries. Partitions, viewing windows, display cases, telescopes, accessories for vehicles, microscopes, lamps, as well as construction and medical equipment are made from this material. Plexiglass has many advantages. However, the material must be well looked after. Only in this case, the product will last a long time. So, how to polish plexiglass at home?

how to polish plexiglass

What is it for?

Plexiglas is considered a strong and reliable material. However, over time, small scratches, chips and cuts appear on it. This occurs due to mechanical stress on the product during its use. To return plexiglass attractive appearance, it is necessary to polish it.

It should be noted that the procedure itself is simple. But at the same time, it is a meticulous and lengthy activity that requires patience and endurance. In addition, strong, aggressive substances cannot be used to treat plexiglass. According to reviews, after the use of such funds, the material can become dull and cloudy.

What is needed?

So, how to polish plexiglass and what is required for this? Many people ask a similar question. Material processing is a simple process. The result after manual polishing is much better than after applying special equipment that is able to heat the material and melt its surface. Before processing, all necessary materials and tools should be prepared. This will require:

  1. A sharp scalpel or knife blade.
  2. Soft sponge or cloth.
  3. Emery paper with marking 2000 and 800.
  4. Polishing paste.
  5. Paper.
  6. Paper-based masking tape .
    how to polish plexiglass at home

Preparing plexiglass for polishing

Since it is impossible to polish plexiglass without removing it from the product, it is worth carefully removing it. After that it is necessary to glue the edges with tape. This will protect them from chips and other damage.

It is necessary to stick adhesive tape with an overlap: from 1 to 2 millimeters. If plexiglass cannot be removed from the product, you will have to work with extreme caution. In this case, with tape you need to glue all the parts located next to the surface to be treated.

Polishing process

How to polish plexiglass so that it becomes as good as new? First, the surface must be treated with sandpaper with the marking 800. In this case, it is worth adding a little water. Plexiglass should be treated evenly. In conclusion, the material must be wiped, and you can evaluate the result. The result should be a frosted plexiglass. It `s naturally. If the surface is unevenly matte, then continue processing. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that potholes do not form.

When the surface becomes completely matte, you can proceed to the next step. Since it is necessary to polish plexiglass to its full transparency, it is necessary to use sandpaper with the marking 2000. The material should be processed over the entire area. Plexiglas should become more transparent. At the same time, there should be no scratches on its surface. If you find a defect, then it is worth sanding it with sandpaper marked 800.

how to polish plexiglass with your own hands

The final stage of polishing

How to polish plexiglass at home? In such cases, it is better to use a special paste. It is necessary to apply a small amount of polishing compound to a piece of soft tissue, and then process plexiglass, making measured, gentle movements. After some time, the material will begin to acquire shine.

In conclusion, it is worth considering carefully the treated surface. If a scratch is found on it, then the product should be sanded and polished again. If the result completely satisfies you, then you can carefully remove the tape. After that, you should carefully polish the edges of the part. As the reviews show, such processing allows you to return an attractive look to plexiglass products. The material becomes transparent and without scratches.

how to polish plexiglass at home

Polishing with GOI paste

How to polish plexiglass with your own hands using GOI paste? To work, you need felt. If such material is not available, then it can be replaced with a woolen insole, a piece of felt boots or cotton pads.

The polishing process is quite simple. It is necessary to apply a little GOI paste on a piece of material and carefully treat the surface. You need to polish plexiglass until you get the desired result.

If the material is very old, then it should be sanded before processing with GOI paste. To do this, you can use sandpaper. In this case, the skin should be very shallow. The surface of plexiglas before grinding should be moistened with a spray bottle. It must be ensured that the material does not dry out during processing. Otherwise, scratches will form on the surface. Only after polishing can you start polishing plexiglass with GOI paste.

how to polish plexiglass from scratches

In conclusion

Now you know how to polish plexiglass from scratches, chips and other mechanical damage. According to reviews, work with the material should be careful. After all, any awkward movement can leave a mark on its surface.

For polishing plexiglass, you can use a polish designed for processing vehicles. It is enough to apply the product on the surface of the material, and then rub it with a piece of felt. However, before the procedure, experts recommend testing the polish in a small area. Finally, rub the surface with liquid oil.


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