Fire-resistant drywall: characteristics, fire resistance class

The use of drywall in repair and construction works has long been the norm. This material can be used in different situations, even when there is a need to provide the walls with the quality of fire resistance. Conventional drywall is not suitable for such purposes, but you can find a heat-resistant variety of this material on sale.

It consists of a drywall layer, which is treated with special substances. Due to its properties, the sheet is able to withstand exposure to open fire. In this case, the spread of smoke and combustion is prevented. You can distinguish fire-resistant drywall from other varieties of this material by marking and color. Canvases are painted pink.


drywall drywall

Refractory drywall has a density in the range of 850 kg / m 3 , this figure is higher than that of standard drywall. In the case of the latter, the density is 800 kg / m 3 . It is important to pay attention also to thermal conductivity, it is 0.22 W / Mk, which is 0.13 higher compared to a conventional sheet.

The fire resistance class of a material is determined by the fire resistance limit. This parameter is 45 minutes. If we consider the wall variety in more detail, then the fire resistance limit for it is 20 minutes. This time will be spent on the complete destruction of the sheet when exposed to flame.

Cardboard is impregnated with special substances during production, gypsum contains reinforcing additives, crystallized water is present in the core, which occupies a fifth of the mass of material. When ignited, water prevents the spread of fire. If you decide to purchase fire-resistant drywall, you need to make sure that it is such. For this, the seller should require a fire safety certificate.

Combustibility class

refractory drywall

After reviewing the documentation, you can find out that fire-resistant drywall corresponds to the G1 combustibility class . With regard to toxicity, this parameter is referred to as T1. According to flammability, refractory drywall corresponds to class B3. Smoke generation is also important, the described material in this regard corresponds to class D1.

Before you purchase fire-resistant drywall, you should pay attention to the fact that the sheet must comply with the standard thickness, which is equal to the limit of 12.5 to 15 mm. As for the other sizes, in fire-resistant drywall they remain the same as in a conventional sheet.

Fire reaction

drywall partition

Refractory drywall will behave normally when exposed to high temperatures, problems only occur when exposed to open flame. The longer the material will resist the flame, the better. But the cardboard shell will still burn, while the gypsum core will crack. This is much slower compared to wall drywall.

Fire resistance may be 50 minutes. Different manufacturers vary this parameter, which affects the price of the material. After this period, the leaf is destroyed, but everything will depend on the intensity of the fire. For the reason that the material corresponds to the combustibility class mentioned above, it can be attributed to non-combustible materials that do not spread fire and do not support combustion. In 45 minutes, the material will retain its bearing capacity and integrity, eliminating the passage of fire in the opposite direction. This is true for the case when drywall was used for the construction of the partition.

Area of ​​use

drywall fire knauf

Fire-resistant drywall is usually not used for leveling walls in ordinary rooms. It is not used for the arrangement of the ceiling. However, there are situations where fire protection is very out of place. This should include:

  • facing of fireplaces;
  • wall cladding in the bath and sauna;
  • wall decoration in a boiler room, industrial premises, boiler rooms;
  • decoration of wooden houses;
  • creation of domestic air ducts.

Refractory drywall is also used for the construction of partitions, in the inner space of which it is planned to lay power cables.

Description of fire-resistant drywall from the manufacturer "Knauf"

drywall fireproof Price

Drywall β€œKnauf” is popular among modern consumers. With its help, the exterior and interior walls of the building are finished, which are subject to fire safety requirements. GKLO found its application in the construction of houses that were built of combustible materials.

The characteristics of fire-resistant drywall allow it to withstand high temperatures for a long time. The canvases can undergo a flame for up to 60 minutes, while burning and smoke will not spread. If we compare with moisture-resistant drywall, then the material described in the article also consists of reinforced fiberglass, as well as gypsum, which improves performance. The properties of resistance to combustion are provided by clay, which is able to withstand the effects of high temperatures.

Extra features

drywall ceiling

Refractory drywall from the manufacturer "Knauf" has many advantages, among them it should be highlighted:

  • the possibility of using in premises for various purposes;
  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • the ability to reduce its temperature when exposed to strong fire;
  • the presence of a clay layer, which is characterized by high thermal insulation features;
  • durability.

It is important to note that Knauf drywall is ready to last 5 years longer compared to peers. For any finishing coating, weight is a very important characteristic. The described material has a small mass, so it can be installed not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. In the first case, we are talking about a material of more impressive thickness, by default this parameter is 12.5 mm.

The edge of this type of drywall is semicircular. On sale you can find sheets with the following dimensions: 2500x1200x12.5 mm. As for the thickness, it varies from 6.5 to 9.5 mm. An intermediate value is 8 mm. Fire-resistant drywall, the characteristics of which are mentioned in the article, has a mass equal to 30 kg. This is true for one sheet. The canvas is able to withstand temperatures up to +600 Β° C.

Mounting Features

drywall fire performance

If you are installing a drywall made of drywall, then you should know that the characteristics of the material affect the progress of the work. For the reason that additional fibers are present in the gypsum, the core of the sheet acquires the ability of increased resistance to fire. That is why it is much more difficult to screw self-tapping screws into such material, as well as cutting it, this greatly slows down the work.

In order to ensure higher stability in the event of a fire, it is necessary to lay the material in two layers, making the distance between the profiles less. If you decide to equip a drywall with gypsum plasterboard, you must remember that the sheets should not be installed on a wooden crate. This will improve the quality of the fire resistance of the structure. It is better to use metal profiles for this, otherwise the technology is no different from that where conventional drywall is used.


Fire-resistant drywall, the price of which is 350 rubles / sheet, is a finishing material for the installation of suspended ceilings and partitions in rooms that have special fire safety requirements. This material is used to form flame retardant coatings, as well as structures.

Cloths differ in the increased resistance to influence of a flame. After completion of the fire resistance stage, the destruction of the material begins. These qualities are ensured by production technology, which involves the use of gypsum and organic substances, among the latter clay should be distinguished. The material is additionally reinforced with filament glass fiber.


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