Ranunculus, or Asiatic buttercup: cultivation and care

Asian buttercups are the favorite flowering plants of many gardeners, florists and landscape designers. All this thanks to the amazing appearance and pleasant aroma. Ranunculus flowers remotely resemble miniature peonies. And numerous color variations make it possible to widely use this plant to decorate almost any garden site. In this article, we will tell you all about growing Asian buttercup, the care of which is simple and brings a lot of pleasure.


Asian buttercup, or ranunculus, as it is also called, is a world famous flowering plant, which can be either annual or perennial. Low-growing flower varieties reach 20 centimeters in height, higher - 80 centimeters. The flowering period begins in late spring or in the first days of summer and continues throughout the summer.

Ranunculus flowers are either fully or half double, as well as simple. A variety of colors include almost all shades, except for blue and blue. The flowers are in the form of poppies, peonies or roses, depending on the species and variety.

Ranunculus belongs to the Lyutikov family, and its stems, leaves and root system are identical to dahlias. Despite the stunning appearance of these flowers, it is worth remembering that the juice of the plant is very toxic, and therefore it should not be allowed to get into open wounds and mucous membranes.

The natural habitat of the Asian buttercup is Africa, Asia Minor and the southeastern part of Europe. This flower culture began to be grown already in the 16th century, and to this day the plant is incredibly popular around the world.

Description of Ranunculus

Species and varieties

The main types of ranunculus can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Persian - tall varieties with simple or semi-double flowers;
  • turbans - differ in large leaves and double flowers;
  • French buttercups - characterized by semi-double flowers;
  • peony buttercups - varieties characterized by very large double flowers.

In this section we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties, which, by the way, are often sold in a mixture:

  • Buttercup Asian Aviv. Large double flowers of this variety reach a diameter of about 8 centimeters. At the bud stage, the flowers resemble a rose; when blossomed, they become similar to terry poppies. Colors of the buttercup of Asian Aviv: yellow, white, red, pink. Also on sale, you can easily find a mixture of all four colors at the same time.
  • Asian buttercup (ranunculus) Mix - a mixture of 10 lush flowers of different colors, with a terry structure. The mixture consists of snow-white, orange, ruby, pink and other pure shades. The height of the bush does not exceed 45 centimeters.
  • Ranunculus Double Pink Buttercup attracts attention with its terry flowers of special splendor. A similar variety prefers well-drained soil and sunny areas. The height of the bush reaches almost half a meter. On sale there are also mixtures from various colors of this variety.
  • Asian Buttercup Purple Picotee. The main difference between this variety and others is the presence of the original color of the tips of the petals - bright purple accents give the flower a special sophistication and originality. The main color of the petals is snow-white.
    Asian buttercup bouquet

Tuber propagation: planting and care features

Asian buttercup is preferably grown in a tuberous way. This is due to the better survival rate of planting material and accelerated flowering time, in comparison with seed propagation. As the practice of experienced gardeners has shown, for 10 purchased tubers no more than seven have the ability to successfully germinate, and only half of the specimens can fully develop and bloom.

The main problem is the accelerated loss of moisture and the weakened state of the tubers in the first two weeks after planting. Therefore, it is important to consider the main features of planting and plant care, which we will share in the following sections.

Time and place of landing

When planting tubers in a greenhouse, the planting process begins in March. Having decided to plant ranunculus immediately in the open ground, give preference to warm May days. Both tubers and seedlings prepared in advance are transferred to the open ground only after the onset of constantly favorable weather, without the threat of sudden night frosts.

It is advisable to choose a slightly shaded place for landing of the Asian buttercup, although the plant perceives sunlight quite normally. However, if there is a small shadow, it gives larger and brighter flowers that last for a longer time. It is also important to find a site that will be protected from wind and draft.

Tuber preparation

Preparation of planting material begins with a selection of tubers. It is worth giving preference to the largest specimens having a dense and solid texture. Each tuber must have at least four generative kidneys.

Presowing preparation consists in saturating the tuber with moisture. To do this, it is placed in a humid environment, for example, in moistened sawdust and a sponge saturated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also permissible to add a growth stimulant to the moisturizing medium. Experienced gardeners use the Epin preparation, which moistens the rag and wraps the tuber. Such a procedure should last at least six hours. During this period, the tubers are sufficiently saturated with moisture, without collecting excess fluid, leading to their decay.

Ranunculus tubers

Soil preparation

When choosing a soil, preference should be given to light and fertile, with neutral acidity. The best combination is black earth with sand or a mixture of garden soil, peat and a small amount of chalk. Only loam does not tolerate ranunculus, since moisture is retained in it.

The main quality of the soil should be easy penetration, but not moisture retention. Enrich the soil by adding a small amount of humus to it. An unfavorable factor for the landing of the Asian buttercup is considered to be too close to the groundwater. The optimal distance is from one and a half meters or more.

Mandatory is the presence of a drainage layer, which is used as sand or small expanded clay. It is the drainage that will not allow excess moisture to linger near the roots of the plant.

Soil selection

Landing pattern

Despite the general unpretentiousness of the plant, it is worth noting its weakening after transplantation. To avoid plant transfer, immediately select a permanent place to grow it.

To plant tubers, dig holes with a depth of 5 to 8 centimeters, which are located at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from each other. When planting, it is important to pay attention to the kidneys, which should be located strictly upright in relation to the soil. Fulfillment of this condition will not at all complicate even a novice grower, since the kidneys are quite noticeable in size.

The tuber itself is placed with the fingers down. After planting, the tuber is sprinkled with a layer of sand or loose soil. With the likelihood of cooling, it is better to cover the ranunculus with straw or fresh grass. The first watering is carried out carefully, trying not to overdo it with the amount of water. The first peduncles appear two months after planting the tubers in the open ground.

Watering and feeding

Asian buttercups prefer regular and moderate watering. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of tubers and a halt to the development of the plant. You can determine the stagnation of water in the soil by dropping buds and the appearance of mold on the surface of the soil and on the leaves. The fight against increased soil moisture is done by reducing irrigation and more frequent loosening with the aim of enhanced ventilation.

Buttercups are fed every two weeks, but not more often. Since an excess of fertilizer leads to a weakening of the plant and even to its death. For abundant and lush flowering, potassium preparations in the amount of about 40 grams per square meter are applied to the soil. To enrich the soil with other nutrients, ash, potassium salt and superphosphate preparations are added alternately. Once a month, Asian buttercups are fed with mullein or humus. The use of complex drugs is also quite acceptable.

Watering and feeding

Weeding and cultivation

In general, care for Asian buttercups is not very different from the process of growing other decorative perennials. In addition to regular watering, fertilizing and removing faded inflorescences, it is important to constantly loosen the soil and mulch the area around the bushes. Such procedures saturate the root system with oxygen, facilitate the ingress of moisture and nutrients, and eliminate weeds.


It is very important to timely remove faded, wilted inflorescences that not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also interfere with the development of fresh flowers. Pruning of Asian buttercup (ranunculus) is mandatory, since this plant is characterized by dense and abundant flowering. Fresh cut flowers can stand in a vase with water for two weeks. In addition, they can be used to create various bouquets.

Care for buttercup

Digging and storing tubers

Despite the fact that this plant is considered perennial, at too low soil temperature (below -7 ° C), the tubers simply die. That is why you should dig them up and move them to the basement or cellar for the winter.

After flowering and a little drying out, dig the tubers of the garden buttercup, the planting and care of which will continue in the next season. Flowering of this plant lasts throughout the summer, however, tubers should be dug up regardless of the calendar month, only after the leaves have completely dried.

The stems and leaves of the plant are removed, and the tubers are dug up very carefully. After that, they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate or foundationazol for half an hour, dried for 3 days and prepared for storage. To do this, the tubers are wrapped with paper or dry moss and laid out in ventilated boxes. In warm winters, it is enough to simply transplant the plant into a shaded place and cover it with spruce branches or dry leaves. You can plant the Asian buttercup in a pot, where he will outlive the cold and will not require special care.

Seed propagation

Another way to grow Asian buttercups is by sowing seeds. A similar method is used by gardeners quite rarely, since the germination of seeds is too small. However, if you decide to propagate the plant in this particular way, then you need to collect seeds from the first faded buds. To preserve planting material, buds are wrapped in gauze, carefully removed from the bush and sent for storage. In the process of ripening the seeds do not require special care.

The landing of the Asian buttercup is carried out in late winter or early March. Seeds are sown on prepared soil, which are then covered with a thin layer of soil, well watered and covered with a film or glass. In this form, the future seedlings are sent to a well-lit place, with an air temperature in the room of at least 15 ° C.

2-3 weeks after planting, the first sprouts begin to appear. At this point, it is necessary to remove the film and continue care until full leaflets appear. After that, shoots are picked, followed by transplantation into open ground (after favorable weather). Seed propagation allows the plant to bloom the next year after planting.

Asian buttercup

Pest and Disease Control

In addition to proper planting and care, the Asian buttercup needs protection from various diseases and harmful insects. Most often, the plant is affected by fungal infections - powdery mildew and late blight. It is quite simple to detect them: when a plant is infected with powdery mildew, a white coating appears on the leaves, and with late blight, the leaves become covered with brown spots. The main reason for the development of fungal infections is increased soil moisture due to heavy watering or prolonged rainfall. The most affected plants are destroyed, and the rest are treated with fungicidal agents.

Of the harmful insects that infect the root system, a nematode can be noted. But leaves, stems and flowers are most threatened by butterfly cabbage, ticks, aphids and thrips. Their appearance gives out spots of white or silver color on the leaves and stems. They should be fought with insecticidal drugs. Preventive spraying with a weak solution of mercaptophos is carried out every two weeks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9037/

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