Benefits to veterans of hostilities for utilities: list, procedure for registration

In the article, we will talk about the benefits of war veterans for utilities. The defenders of the state have a special privilege, because in the event of a global danger they will come to the aid first. Sometimes fate does not leave a choice. So, people who were not trained in this are forced to defend their homeland and people. In connection with this situation, war veterans and military personnel have certain benefits for utility bills.

privilege for payment of housing and communal services veteran of military operations

List and law

So, what are the benefits of war veterans on utility services today? This issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 5. The entire standard on this issue can be divided into three parts: the disabled war veterans, participants in the Second World War and such a category of citizens as war veterans.

The first subgroup is given a discount of up to fifty percent of the occupied space and the same amount for utility expendable services, including gas, heating and electricity. The calculation is based on the consumption standard. Residents of private houses without central heating are reimbursed for the price of fuel for heating the premises and its delivery. What else does the law on benefits to war veterans tell us?

The second group includes participants in defensive operations, intelligence, employees of enterprises not directly related to military service, and so on. All these categories get a discount on the payment of premises in the amount of at least fifty percent.

The third category, which is given the opportunity of this state support, is the veterans of other military operations and modern ones, including in the country and abroad. They are given a fifty percent discount on housing.

All privileges of war veterans for utilities, which are provided for by law, apply, including to family members. Subsidies are valid regardless of whether the premises belong to any housing stock.

Conditions for obtaining

Regarding poor families, it should be noted that the general income for all members of the family plays a large role in providing exemptions under the law to war veterans. In each region, such a norm is calculated by its own standards, but still there are general provisions. The bottom line is that the family does not have to pay utility bills, the amount of which is more than twenty-two percent of total income. But in this case, pay attention to the number of relatives and the size of the apartment or house.

Veterans Act

In this regard, it is important that there is no more than eighteen square meters per person. If a citizen lives in a large apartment alone, then the state can compensate him only part of the money covered by the subsidy. The rest you need to pay extra on your own. When it comes to war veterans, they have the right to a discount on utility bills and a rent of fifty percent.

As for the disabled

The same applies to people with disabilities. In addition, they can, among other things, rely on the payment of fuel in the event that their house is heated in an appropriate way. All family members of combatants living with them can also expect to receive such discounts, as this rule applies to them as well.

How to apply benefits to war veterans for utilities?

Consider the basic design procedure. To receive this state support for payment of housing and utilities is quite simple. The procedure, as a rule, assumes the presence of only three documents:

  • Passports of a resident of Russia.
  • Papers that confirm the right to possess the relevant benefits.
  • Evidence (that is, certificates) of the non-receipt of this subsidy earlier.

With this set of documents, you must contact the Housing Office or some other office serving the premises and providing housing and communal services.

housing benefits

Veterans in Chechnya and providing them with housing and communal services benefits

The established legislation is constantly changing. In different regions, the exact amount of discounts is set by the local government. Occupied floor space in housing is currently paid at fifty percent. For example, only half of the amount can be paid for gas to war veterans in Chechnya who live in Moscow and other areas.

State assistance in Moscow in 2019

There are regional and federal programs to support this category of citizens. Housing and communal services benefits provided at the federal level are implemented through the state budget. They are provided regardless of the place of residence of the applicant. The amount of assistance in this case, as a rule, depends on the nature of participation in hostilities. True, considering the benefits of housing and communal services to war veterans in Moscow, it is necessary to consider:

  • Priority in the distribution of trips to medical preventive institutions.
  • The presence of an advantage over other applicants for joining a cooperative community of various kinds (garage, garden, and so on).
  • The right to receive paid annual leave at any convenient time.
Chechen war veteran

The size and types of regional assistance in favor of war veterans are determined by local legislation of the constituent entities of the Federation, whose permanent resident is the applicant. In Moscow, privileges for paying housing and communal services to war veterans in 2019 are regulated by legislative documents No. 70 of 2004 and No. 755 of 2009, according to which citizens have the right to:

  • A reduction in utility tariffs for paying an apartment by fifty percent.
  • Free use of all types of public transport, in addition to taxis and minibuses.
  • One hundred percent discount on transport tax in respect of one car, the power of which does not exceed two hundred horsepower. In this case, the main condition is Moscow registration. If a veteran owns more than one car, all others are taxed on a common basis.
  • Free dental and denture treatment if cermet or precious metals are not used in the manufacture of implants.
  • Compensation of expenses associated with the payment of landline telephony, as well as the installation of a landline telephone, which is possible without waiting in line.
  • The provision of free spa and preventive treatment, as well as compensation for the fare to the area of โ€‹โ€‹treatment.

In addition, war veterans who have a Moscow registration have the right to free service in medical institutions. Such citizens can receive medical assistance out of turn.

How can I apply for benefits?

It should be remembered that the basis for assigning benefits to war veterans in 2018 was the availability of paper confirming the status of a war veteran in a person, that is, an appropriate certificate was needed, however, as in 2019. So, first of all, you need to get such a document. A request for an appropriate certificate should be sent:

benefits to war veterans in 2018
  • At the address of the central commission (for persons who have served or worked in the structure of the central office).
  • To the commission - to persons who have served or worked in governing bodies and districts.
  • To the regional division of personnel and pension services.

Package of documents

A package of documents that confirm participation in hostilities is attached to the application. According to the law, the agency takes thirty days to consider the submitted application. If the certificate is issued, you can contact the PF department or social services with a request for the provision of any other type of state assistance. Now let's talk about discounts on electricity.


Consider the benefits of war veterans to pay for electricity. The current legislation of our country leaves a solution to the issue of providing discounts on the payment of electric energy to regional authorities. In this regard, each region has its own rules for their accrual. For example, in the capital, more than ten categories of citizens can count on obtaining privileges, which include:

what benefits are given to war veterans
  • Persons who are veterans of labor and have appropriate awards.
  • Former prisoners of concentration camps.
  • Veterans of military service. But in order to receive discounts, they must provide an identity card.
  • Participants in the armed conflict in Chechnya, Yugoslavia and other states. In the legislation currently in force, veterans of the Great Patriotic War are no longer mentioned, however, they are provided with preferential terms by default.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who received radiation sickness in the process of performing any work related to the elimination of technological disasters (as a rule, this concept means an explosion in Chernobyl).
  • People with disabilities (regardless of the category of disability assigned to them).
  • Families with three or more children. Moreover, they must have a special issued certificate.

What privileges are set for war veterans, it is important to find out in advance.

Features of preferential appropriation

After a person collects all the necessary documents, he needs to contact the organization of his city or district, which deals with this issue. For consideration, as a rule, takes no more than ten days. After that, the citizen receives a response. If it turns out to be negative, then this does not matter: it often happens when something is missing in the documents, so you need to double-check everything and try again. In extreme cases, you can go to court.

housing benefits for war veterans in Moscow

When the decision turns out to be positive, the corresponding amount will begin to be paid to the veteran every month on a bank account or on a card, which he will be able to spend at his discretion, that is, not only for utilities. The main thing is that the citizen does not have any debt, otherwise the payments will be suspended until the debt is paid off.

Another important fact is the moment that benefits with subsidies last about six months (even for participants in military and military operations). After that, you need to collect documents and submit the request again. This is relevant for combatants exactly as well as for veterans of military service. And people with disabilities should, in addition, update the certificate of their health status.

Legal assistance

Such a decision will help financially if a person wants it and if he belongs to the category of citizens who have the right to do so. If a citizen doubts or does not know how to implement everything, it is worth remembering that there are lawyers and ZhEK employees who will always tell you about the process in detail and will certainly help with paperwork. Therefore, do not delay. It is necessary to receive those benefits for which a person can apply by law. We examined what privileges are given to war veterans.


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