Diseases in dogs: symptoms and treatment, photo

Today, almost everyone has their own pet. And someone even has several. The dog quickly becomes a member of the family, and everyone perceives its disease very close to his heart. In order to notice the approaching danger in time, you need to be able to distinguish the most common diseases and know their symptoms. Dog diseases are lungs, and there are also very serious ones, leading to disability and death. The sooner you realize that the situation requires medical attention, the more effective the treatment will be.

dog disease symptoms photo

Helminths and fleas

These are very common ailments, so let's start with them. Studying the symptoms of disease in dogs, many overlook the possibility of helminthic invasion. But the presence of parasites in the body reduces immunity, promotes the development of intoxication, and in severe cases leads to the death of the animal. Worms are dangerous not only for puppies, but also for adult animals. Here are the signs that you need to carry out deworming procedures:

  • The dog’s belly is round, pouting.
  • She begins to eat less, losing weight.
  • Usually reduced activity.

If you notice such symptoms, then you need to buy the most gentle products in the pharmacy and give the pet the necessary dose. In no case do not overestimate it, because the body may not be able to cope with the loading dose. Treatment is carried out individually, under the supervision of a veterinarian. Be sure to carry out preventive measures 2-4 times a year.

Often there are fleas in dogs. Symptoms of the disease are quite obvious. The animal begins to bite itself behind the skin, catching insects, scratching its paws and expressing concern. To treat this ailment, sprays and drops are used, which in a large assortment will be offered to you at any veterinary pharmacy.

What are the diseases in dogs?

Even today, owners often believe that animals cannot get sick and do not feel pain. And if the pet refuses to eat, it needs to be drunk with vodka, and the ailment will recede. Any veterinarian will say that this is not so. Symptoms of dog diseases are very diverse, and the owner should at least understand a little what is the norm, and in which cases, run to the doctor. And of course, you can’t give animals alcohol.

In many cases, you can immediately understand that something is wrong with the dog. She does not eat and drinks a lot, often lies. Usually a cheerful pet stops playing, longing appears in the eyes. The coat grows dull and begins to fall off. The animal’s stool also changes, often diarrhea appears, and sometimes with blood. All this indicates the presence of symptoms of the disease in the dog. Treatment (the photo does not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, therefore consultations on the Internet are ineffective) should be prescribed only by the attending veterinarian.

The most common diseases can be divided into several categories:

  • Infectious.
  • Internal non-contagious.
  • Surgical
  • Parasitic

Let us now dwell in more detail on each of the categories.

dog disease ears symptoms

Parasitic diseases

Potentially dangerous for the entire environment of the pet, as they are caused by parasites. But in practice, it turns out that infection occurs with unicellular organisms and is not transmitted from dog to dog. For a person, these ailments are not dangerous at all. But it’s extremely important to know the symptoms of the disease in dogs. Treatment (a photo sent to the vet will not replace a visit to him) is most often successful only in the initial stage. In advanced cases, the pet is waiting for death. This category includes one of the most common diseases.


A deadly ailment that affects a huge number of animals with the beginning of spring. The pathogen is transmitted by ixodid ticks. Currently, the disease is widespread throughout Russia. How does this disease occur in dogs?

Symptoms (a photo of a sick animal shows that already in the first hours after infection a deterioration occurs) develop rapidly. The causative agent enters the bloodstream with tick saliva and begins to destroy red blood cells. As a result, internal organs cannot cope with such a load. The spleen, liver and kidneys suffer, oxygen starvation sets in. Symptoms are:

  • High temperature (up to 42 degrees).
  • Yellowing of the proteins of the eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Urine acquires an admixture of blood.
  • Apathy, refusal of food.

Therapy involves intramuscular injection of a toxic substance that will cause the death of parasites. And then a recovery course for the dog itself.

dog diseases symptoms and treatment photos

Infectious diseases

There are also a lot of them, but today most dogs receive vaccinations that can control the frequency of outbreaks. Let's take a brief look at the diseases, symptoms and treatment:

  1. Rabies. A fatal ailment for both an animal and a person. The virus enters the brain and causes inflammation. The animal begins to experience panic, it craves for the owner, hides from the light, refuses to eat. As symptoms develop, aggression appears. The dog rushes at all and violently nibbles its paws or tail. At the initial stage, treatment is possible by introducing serum, later you can only euthanize the animal.
  2. The next popular dog disease is the plague. Her symptoms are very bright, but the difficulty lies in the fact that there is a pulmonary form of the plague, there is a gastrointestinal, and there is a nervous one. And each of them manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, the owner should know the general symptoms: fever, anorexia and vomiting, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes. This should be an occasion to immediately contact a veterinarian. The treatment is symptomatic.
  3. Hepatitis. Infectious liver damage. As a result, general intoxication develops, the temperature rises, the sclera of the mucous membranes turn yellow. It is necessary to remove intoxication, further symptomatic treatment.

Diseases of the internal organs

Like a person, a carnivorous dog may experience disturbances in the digestive tract. Moreover, it is digestion that suffers most often. This happens for one reason - improper feeding. Animals are given products from their table, as well as soups, borscht and liquid stews. This cannot be done, the dog should eat, not lap, and 60% of the meat should be in its diet.

Diseases of the digestive tract can be very different, but they appear approximately the same. The dog refuses food, becomes more selective. She develops diarrhea or constipation. If this continues day after day, then it is imperative to undergo an examination. In parallel, review the diet, sometimes this is enough to improve the condition.

dog kidney disease symptoms

Dog liver disease

Symptoms will depend on the cause of the lesion, which will have to be clarified at a veterinarian appointment. The liver is a natural filter, it suffers from all diseases, with any toxic effects. And the moment comes when she is no longer able to cope with the load. The main symptoms of hepatopathy are:

  • dyspeptic syndrome: lethargy, depression, anorexia, vomiting, defecation disorders;
  • jaundice: bradycardia, brown staining of urine, light gray clay feces, icteric staining of mucous membranes, skin itching;
  • hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes, anemia, an increase in bleeding time;
  • an increase in the abdomen in the epigastrium;
  • enlargement of the liver, simultaneous enlargement of the spleen.

After finding out the reason, the veterinarian will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. It must include hepatoprotectors and sorbents.

liver disease in dogs symptoms

Kidney disease

This is also not uncommon. Veterinarians note that every second dog that is taken in has symptoms of kidney disease. In dogs, this is most often diagnosed over the age of 6 years. Improper nutrition, infections, allergies, cooling, and mechanical injuries are affected. The kidneys are adapted to break down and excrete large amounts of animal protein. If the animal receives mainly porridge and other plant foods, then this is a direct path to the development of urolithiasis in dogs. Symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain syndrome. It is the desire to sit or lie in one place. If you try to lift the animal, it bends its back in an arc. The dog often asks outside, with painful urination.
  • Swelling.
  • Cramps.
  • Apathy, anorexia, and vomiting.

During the diagnosis, the doctor determines what was the cause, and based on this builds a treatment regimen. Urolithiasis in dogs, the symptoms of which will intensify without proper treatment, is corrected primarily by diet. Against this background, a course of antibiotics is required. The remaining drugs are at the discretion of the doctor.

urolithiasis in dogs symptoms and treatment

Surgical diseases

This is the last, large group of ailments. These include diseases of the eyes and ears, teeth and muscles, various injuries. At first glance, the symptoms are obvious. But in practice, everything is not so simple. For example, explicit limping on the forepaw may indicate pathology of the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal, and possibly the nervous system. Therefore, a competent consultation cannot be dispensed with again.

Ear diseases

Symptoms of ear diseases in dogs are pronounced. There are lesions of the inner (otitis media) and outer ear (hematoma). Most of all the troubles are caused by inflammatory processes in the inner ear. The animal shakes its head, while fluid or pus drips from the ear. It is swollen, there is redness. In this case, it is necessary to pass a scraping for the presence of an ear tick in the animal. This microscopic creation often causes otitis.


Symptoms of ear disease in dogs are too obvious to be ignored. The animal may have a fever, it whines and presses a sick ear to the floor. In this case, the treatment is not too complicated and costly. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe anti-inflammatory drops, tell you how to clean your ear. If the inflammation is severely started, you may need a course of antibiotics. Special attention should be paid to otitis media, which arose against the background of an allergic reaction. Correction of the diet is required. Chicken, buckwheat is excluded, the diet is analyzed.

dog ear diseases symptoms and treatment

Eye disease

In dogs, they are quite common. Fortunately, they are easy to diagnose and quite successfully treatable. Veterinarians note several cases with which pet owners most often turn to them:

  • Inversion and inversion of the eyelids. The causes may be trauma and inflammation. Usually it is enough to remove the inflammation, and the eye returns to normal. But sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention.
  • Conjunctivitis. One of the common diseases in dogs. The reasons may be trauma, foreign bodies. This is one of the most common symptoms of an infectious disease such as distemper. In any case, you need to establish the cause and eliminate it. After that, you can tackle the symptoms themselves, that is, discharge from the eyes. For this, decoctions of medicinal plants are used, as well as special preparations like drops of chloramphenicol.
  • Corneal inflammation. In this case, the animal can’t practically open its eyes, as it experiences pain. Do not pull with a doctor. He will prescribe an antibiotic in drops, which will quickly bring the state of the organs of vision in order.

Instead of a conclusion

To consider all the diseases of dogs and how to treat them, ten articles are not enough. But we did not pursue the goal of creating an encyclopedia. The article indicates the most important thing that a loving owner should know. If your pet has strange symptoms, but he is cheerful and cheerful, eats his portion and plays, then you can just watch. If the dog lies, refuses food and water, then do not expect a miracle. An urgent need to see a doctor.

Today, veterinarians have dozens of ways to treat the most complex diseases. Nevertheless, many animals continue to die due to the fact that their owners are just too late to seek help.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9047/

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