4 month baby development

Every month, your baby gains more and more new skills. Consider the main areas characterizing its growth rate at four months of age.

Physical development of the child at 4 months

Kids in this period tend to make the most of all their opportunities. They take great pleasure in kicking various objects with their feet and hands. Parents can attach hanging toys to their crib that will swing, ring and spin from impact, and place the baby next to them so that he reaches the rattles with his arms and legs.

The physical development of the child at 4 months should be directed to strengthening the abdominal muscles, this will allow him to learn to crawl faster in the future. To this end, you can use the following exercise: put the crumbs on a hard surface with the stomach down. Stand behind him and put your feet on the babyโ€™s feet. Based on your hands, the child will try to crawl, thereby training the muscles.

In this age period, babies begin to roll on their own, first from the abdomen to the back, and then vice versa. The task of parents is to help the peanut develop new skills. You can put a hand under the shoulders of the baby and begin to gently rock it from side to side. At that moment, when the child is on his side, continuing to swing, gently push him, let him try to roll over himself.

The physical development of the baby already allows him to skillfully use his own hands. He takes with interest, feels, throws objects and tries to reach the toy lying nearby. Kids get great pleasure by hitting hanging toys and watching the result of their actions. This process causes them a lot of positive emotions and great delight. From this moment, the child begins to behave more consciously and performs purposeful actions.

Tiny likes to play with himself, touch his face, nose, hair, mouth, play with his own hands.

Emotional development of a child at 4 months

A feature of kids of this age is the active development of the emotional sphere. Seeing mother, the baby immediately expresses joy, he smiles and can even laugh. Peanut is trying more and more to communicate with people around him with the help of gestures, various actions and facial expressions.

Mental and mental development of the child at 4 months

By the end of four months of age, the babyโ€™s speech can already distinguish between consonants and vowels.

Kroha is interested in communication with adults, now he does not want to be alone. From this moment, while walking around the apartment, try to take it with you constantly. The child seeks to interact with the outside world, exploring it. Now he does not wait when they begin to talk with him, he looks for his parents with a look, smiles at them, babbles, forcing him to give a smile in return.

Toddlers need to be taught to fall asleep on their own in their crib as early as possible, especially if they are children up to a year old.

The development of the child is already cognitive. Now he is able to independently study any subject, holding it in his hands, grab things of interest to him and bring them to his mouth.

The baby begins to predict the events repeating in his life. For example, having noticed mother's breast or a bottle with milk, he instantly subsides. After all, the chest is not only a visual image, it is something that can satisfy hunger, once in the mouth.

Babies of four months react to sound. Hearing it, they try to find the source of noise. Favorite games for kids are musical toys, children's tunes, radio and the sound of a metronome.

Parents are encouraged to talk with the baby as often as possible. Tell him something, changing intonation, volume, talking faster, then slower, now laughing, then reassuring the baby. Call him by name, read him nursery rhymes and hum songs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9061/

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