Summary - "Hadji Murad" by Leo Tolstoy

Summary of Haji Murat
“Hadji Murad” is the story of Leo Tolstoy, which was published only after the death of the author in 1912. An interesting nuance of the work, for which the story is appreciated by historians, is the reality of the protagonist, the Avar Hadji Murad. He sided with the Russians in 1851, and a year later died in an attempt to escape.

Here is a short summary of "Haji Murat", which cannot replace the story itself. From it you can only get an idea of ​​the plot and feel the atmosphere of those times.

L. Tolstoy, “Hadji Murad”, summary

fat haji murat summary

The story begins with the storyteller's recollection of Hadji Murad. At some point, he caught sight of a burdock on the road, broken by wheels, but continuing to grow. The main character of the story is Hadji Murad, who became famous in the battles against the Russians, the brave Avatar and naib Shamil. He left Shamil and hid in a mountain village, in the house of the Chechen Sado. When locals found out about this, Haji Murat runs away, fearing Shamil. Knowing that there is no way to hide forever, he goes over to the side of the Russians. With Hadji Murad, his nukers (Avars and Chechens) come to the Russians. Hadji Murad needs the help of the Russians, since without them he cannot defeat Shamil and free his own family from hostages. The defector is warmly received by Mikhail Vorontsov, commander in chief of local troops. He is generally respected by all the military, since Haji is a good warrior. But he was an enemy, so there can be no trust, and his position is not too different from captivity. On the fifth day, Adjutant Vorontsova writes on the instructions of the chief the story of Hadji Murad, which also allows readers to learn about the problems of the defector. Vorontsov sent a messenger to the Minister of War to describe the state of affairs. The minister, Vorontsov’s longtime enemy, is trying to incorrectly disclose the situation in a report to the Tsar.

Hadji Murat by Tolstoy, summary

Haji Murat Tolstoy Summary

At this point, the author makes a digression and reveals to the reader the personality of the Russian Tsar. Nicholas I - cruel, narcissistic, imperious. Then Haji Murat learns about Shamil’s plans. The enemy is about to dishonor his mother and wife, and then kill or blind his son. Moreover, the Russians are not going to release them in the near future. Avar is trying to escape with his nukers. The chase overtook them, in a short battle the fugitives are killed. One of the soldiers brought the head of Haji Murat to the fortress.

How the story was created

As you can see, the summary of “Hadji Murad” conveyed the plot, but much has been lost: the author’s empathy, his sympathy and antipathy. Using the original, you can feel the inner world of Leo Tolstoy and stay in its place. After all, Tolstoy himself took part in this war. He came to those lands at the age of 23, and in letters and diaries he often wrote about the history of Hadji Murad. The idea of ​​the story was born when he saw a burdock, continuing to cling to life. This reminded him of an Avar who, until the last, was trying to deal with circumstances. From 1896 to 1898, five draft versions of the novel were written. Only in 1904, judging by the final revisions in the drafts, the story was ready.

Summary of "Hadji Murad" will help to make a general idea of ​​the work. Of course, retelling cannot convey Tolstoy's emotions. Paper is not the best assistant in this business. Nevertheless, if you take the original in the library or buy it for yourself in the bookstore, there is a chance to feel the personality of the creator of War and Peace. If such a desire arises in you, then this summary of the “Haji Murat” does not exist in vain.


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